How to set Yandex browser as the default browser. How to set Yandex browser as default browser What is to set Yandex browser as default

07.03.2023 Browsers

It is necessary to make Yandex the default browser, or the main browser, on your computer if you want to open links in it that are placed in text documents, scanned copies, programs, as well as files with the HTML extension.

This guide will tell you how to make Yandex your default browser in different ways.

Method No. 1: during the installation process

Before installing Yandex, in its installer window you need to check the box next to the “Make... as default” option.

Once the installation is complete, the web browser will automatically use the assigned priority, that is, the Yandex browser will be the default.

Note. If the setting is not installed in the installer, it can be activated later in the main menu.

Method number 2: in the settings

1. Click the “menu” icon (top right).

2. Select Settings.

3. In the “... by default” line, click the “... use...” button.

After the status value has been set, the message “Now...” will appear. This means that the browser is the main one in the system.

Note. To disable priority, launch the web browser that you want to make the main one and set the necessary settings in it.

Method number 3: in the request window

If the main browser is already installed in the system, in order to remove its status, or rather transfer “authorities”, then you need to perform the following steps:

1. Launch Yandex.

2. In the window with the request “set... as default?” Click “Install”.

Note. To prevent such a window from being displayed again, check the “Don’t show again...” option.

How to make Yandex the main one on Android?

  1. Tap the “Settings” icon.
  2. Go to the Applications category.
  3. Tap your finger on the gear icon.
  4. Open "Default Applications".
  5. In the "Browser" submenu, select the name of the web browser.

You can enable Yandex priority in Windows at any time. Use any of the above methods depending on the situation. Remember that if you set the status to "Home" in all other web browsers, this add-on will automatically reset.

Good afternoon, dear readers! In today's article, I will explain how to make Yandex the default browser on a computer running the Windows 7, 8, 10 operating system.

Almost every computer user has several different browsers installed. Since each browser has a certain advantage over other browsers, and from time to time we use one or another browser to achieve various goals.

But only one browser is the default browser, and it performs all the necessary functions when surfing the Internet. Each of them strives to become the main browser; as soon as we open any browser, it immediately offers to become the main one.

Also, changing the default browser can happen with the installation of any programs, a dirty method. If for some reason your settings have changed and you want to make Yandex your default browser, follow the instructions I described below.

How to make Yandex the default browser on Windows 7, 8, 10

2. Find the “Default Browser” item in the settings, then click on the “Make Yandex the default browser” button. After this, Yandex will become the main browser.

3. If Windows 8, 10 is installed on your computer, then the following window will open: “How do you want to open links of this type,” click on the Yandex browser icon, after which Yandex will become the main browser.

4. Now open the settings again and make sure that Yandex has become the default browser.

As I said, everything is very simple, read also about how to change the language in the Yandex browser. That's all for me, I wish you success.

Yandex.Browser was created relatively recently, but today it is one of the most popular browsers in the RuNet - at the time of writing, it ranks consistently in second place.

Yandex.Browser is a fast and convenient Internet browser, and therefore it is not surprising that many users decide to make it their default browser. But how to do this?

Believe me, everything is extremely simple and will take no more than a couple of minutes of time.

Open Yandex Browser and click on the button in the form of three stripes. A menu will open. There you need to click on “Settings”.

The settings page opens. Scroll down until you see the “Default Browser” subsection. You must click on the “Make Yandex the default browser” button.

After this, you will see that the procedure was successful.

Attention! If you are using the Windows 8 operating system, then the system after the above procedure may ask you how you want to open files of this type (https)? A window will appear asking you to select a browser. In it, select Yandex.Browser. In Windows 7 you don't need to select anything.

By the way, if Yandex is not designated as the default browser, it will periodically ask you if you want to make it the default browser. If you press the button, you will not need the above diagram.

As you know, the default browser will open those links contained in emails, as well as documents saved in html format and other similar extensions.

If you have several web browsers installed, then depending on the settings, one of them is selected as the main one. But what if you are used to using the Yandex browser, and all links are automatically opened through Mozilla Firefox? Let's figure out how to change everything.

Yandex itself should offer a similar assignment every time it is launched. If this does not happen, then read further the article.

In order to assign the Yandex browser as the default Internet browser, you just need to follow a few simple steps.

We do everything using the internal program settings

Launch it, click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the drop-down list:

Our settings page opens. Scroll down and look for the line “Default browser”. Right next to it there is a button “Make Yandex...”. Click on it and that’s it, our problem is solved.

Instead of a button, we have an inscription that we have chosen it as the main one.

Set the default browser using Windows tools

If we take the Windows 7 operating system as an example, then this is done as follows. Click on the “Start” button and select “Default Programs” from the drop-down list:

I am glad to welcome you to the site! Before we start figuring out how to make Yandex the default browser, I would like to talk about the browser itself. And I will tell you that there is something to talk about here. In the very short period of time since which it has existed, the Yandex browser has gained very great popularity in Russia, namely, it ranks second. It is made on the same engine as Google Chrome, which means there is no doubt about its performance. But the main feature of this great browser is that it is integrated with some Yandex services, such as Mail, Search, Yandex.Disk. In general, this browser has something to brag about.

The blog also has articles about other popular browsers. Here they are:

How to make Yandex the default browser when you first launch it

If you launch the browser for the first time, a notification will appear at the top right of the browser window stating that the Yandex browser is not currently the default browser and will offer to make it so. Click on the button " Set as default" and everything is ready.

How to make Yandex the default browser through the browser menu

Open the browser, click on the main menu icon in the upper right corner of the browser window. In this menu we are looking for the item Settings and click on it with the left mouse button.

Scroll all the way down the settings page that opens and look for the section Default browser and click on the button “ Do Yandex is the default browser."

After these manipulations, the button should disappear and a message will appear stating that Yandex is now the default browser.

This blog also contains information on how to set the default browser using Windows.

Now it’s clear to you how to make Yandex the default browser - this turned out to be a very trivial task. If something is not clear, ask in the comments. Happy to help! Good luck!

Best regards, Evgeniy Kuzmenko.