“HR Control” is a solution from MegaFon. Service for monitoring personnel and transport

05.08.2023 Services

Many companies use the services of traveling employees in their work: couriers, sales managers and others. Are you sure that they are doing work and are where they should be, that couriers actually go to addresses and do not carry out random orders using your car and the fuel in it, or maybe you need to rationally lay out a route for them and reassign tasks. If at least one of these problems is present, then you should pay attention to the “HR Control” service. We will talk about it below.

Any corporate client can connect to HR Control. To do this, you need to leave a request on the operator’s website, in the corporate customer support service at 0555, or send a completed application by email. After connecting, you will be given a login and temporary password for the WEB interface, through which monitoring and control will take place. The first time you log in, you will need to change your password to a permanent one. The essence of the service is quite simple: on the map, which is located in the program interface, you can track added subscribers, compile reports on their movements and send SMS. They can be subscribers of this company or third-party users. The only difference is that the former are added without confirmation, and employees will not even know that they are being watched, while the latter are added only after their consent in the form of a response SMS. For MTS clients there is a limit on the number of numbers added. There should not be more than 10.

The location is determined using base stations, so there will be an error of 100 meters within the city limits and 1 km outside the city. This will depend on the setup of the towers, the frequency of their installation and the characteristics of the landscape and development.

The service has another feature that is less often used – transport monitoring. Here, positioning is carried out using GPS, and therefore the accuracy will be higher. Additionally, you can monitor fuel consumption and the technical condition of the car. Additional hardware is required for this feature to work.

Service functions

“HR Control” allows you to do more than just track the location of employees on a map. Its possibilities are much wider. Let's talk about each one separately.

  1. Adding an unlimited number of subscribers. If the number you are adding belongs to an organization, then you can simply add it to your contact list; no additional actions are required. If it is a third-party number, you will need to obtain permission to track it. He can do this in a reply SMS. Requests are sent at intervals of 5 minutes. If the same person rejects or ignores a message 5 times, further tracking requests will be blocked. For your convenience, you can assign photos to contacts, set the contact type and combine them into groups. If you remove a person from the list, you will have to submit a tracking request again when adding them again.
  2. Contacts can be combined into groups to carry out operations with several numbers at the same time. For convenience, you can assign a different color to each association. Employees will be marked with it on the map. The same person can be a member of several groups at the same time. The color will be assigned to it according to the last group. MTS is an exception here too. They cannot be combined into groups. Operations you can perform with groups:
  • Sending a message;
  • Determining your current location;
  • Hide or show icons;
  • Track construction;
  • Delete.

Actions can also be assigned to several groups at the same time. Moreover, if the number is in each of them, then charging for it will take place only once.

  1. Location request. Each request will be saved in the “Statistics” section. You can successfully determine the location of an employee only if he is within the coverage area of ​​the Megafon network and his phone is turned on. If a subscriber is outside the network coverage area for more than 3 days, then he will not appear on the map at all. If less than 3 days, the last location will be shown. When requesting for a group, you will be charged per contact. First, free requests included in the base price are charged, then requests from the package, and then a fee is charged. And there were some exceptions for MTS. For them, the number of requests is limited to 200 per month.
  2. Sending SMS from the program interface. This can be done for one person or for a group.
  3. Constructing tracks on the map. This function makes it possible to view the entire employee journey for a selected period. The track will be built only if the location for this subscriber has been determined. The path is built using statistical data. It will look like a line with control points on the map. The checkpoint contains information about the time and date the information was received. By clicking on it, you can also find out the address and duration of the employee’s stay in this place. To make it easier to view your route, use the Track Guidance function. This will allow you to scroll all the way through. Constructed routes can be exported to a PDF file. This function is not available for MTS users.
  4. Creating objects. To track the location of employees in relation to objects owned by the company, put the addresses you are interested in on the map in the “Objects” section. Set the name, type (House, office building, industrial facility), add a description, create groups if necessary. After putting the address on the map, look for the subscribers closest to this point. To do this, click the “Who’s nearby?” button. The program will automatically determine the location and calculate the distance to the selected object. The maximum number of contacts displayed is 40. If desired, messages can be sent from the list of found employees. This service is paid separately. Its cost is equal to the sum of requests to determine the location of each found subscriber according to the tariff plan.
  5. Creation and management of zones. On the map you can mark not only addresses, but also entire zones. It can be defined by a circle or a polygon. Its minimum size is 500 meters. Separately adjust the color, add a description, combine into groups. Similar to the previous function, you can search for subscribers closest to the zone. In addition, look for employees inside the zone. Separately, notifications about subscribers entering and leaving a given zone are configured.
  6. Automatic location determination on the map. The user himself assigns a schedule according to which the location of a subscriber or group of subscribers will be determined. The data will be stored in the “Statistics” section. The function has 3 types:
  • Tracking by specified time;
  • Monitoring with a given frequency;
  • Tracking objects and zones.

The exception is MTS numbers. This function is closed for them. A fee is charged for each location determination of each subscriber. If one number is included in several groups, then you will have to pay for it several times.

When setting the request frequency, you will be asked to select: once every 60 minutes, once every 30 minutes, once every 15 minutes, or “Online”. With the latter, data will be recorded at least every 5 minutes. This will depend on the subscriber’s activity and the characteristics of his registration on the network. The subscription fee will be calculated automatically when setting up the schedule.

When monitoring zone objects, you receive a notification by phone or email when a specified border is crossed. Schedules and contact traces are configured separately.

  1. Receiving reports. This feature can be accessed in the Statistics section. All requests made manually and automatically will be visible here. Data is stored for 6 months. Upon request to technical support, you can obtain data for the last 12 months. The statistics of visits to objects and zones displays information about which employees crossed a given border and at what time. These reports are uploaded to a PDF file. You can set up automatic sending of data by email.
  2. SMS reports from employees. A separate option configures the receipt of messages through the program interface. In this case, the subscriber's location will be determined automatically. The cost will be equal to sending one request.
  3. SMS chats. Possibility of correspondence with several employees at once. The maximum number of subscribers with whom you can correspond is 30.
  4. Service management through the program interface. In the “Service Packages” tab, you can independently disable the current package and connect a new one. Here you can see the approximate cost of services.

As you can see, the functionality of the service is very broad and makes it possible to fully manage traveling employees. There are similar services for individuals: “Radar” and “Navigator”. For a corporate client, they will be inconvenient, since a limited number of subscribers are added, there is no possibility of creating reports or searching for contacts regarding objects and zones.

Service cost

It is better to calculate the cost when connecting. This way the information will be more accurate. We will provide an approximate price list current for February 2018 for Moscow.

A trial period of 5 days is provided for new subscribers.

At the base price, the service has a subscription fee of 2 rubles/day. This includes 2 free location requests. After this, the fee will depend on the number of requests:

  • From 1 to 150 – 3 rubles;
  • From 151 to 600 – 2.50 rubles;
  • From 601 to 1500 – 2.25 rubles;
  • More than 1500 – 2 rub.

For the location option with a given frequency, prices are in the table below:

Additional services:

  • Notification about entering or leaving a specified zone - 25 rubles / day;
  • Message from the program interface – 0.50 rubles/piece.

To summarize, we can say that the service deserves attention. True, the cost is quite high.

We are corporate clients of Megafon. They offered us the “HR Control” service so that we could see all the employees on the map. We agreed and connected. They provide 5 days free trial. We went in and looked, and it turned out that the “HR Control” service is not suitable for us, because... There is too much error on the map. Up to 1 kilometer. And our city is small, so we don’t need such a service. They looked and forgot about it. Until we receive another bill...

As it turned out from the invoice and details, we actively used this service, every day for a month. And Megafon counted us about 5,000 rubles for it! Needless to say, no one even entered their personal account, much less sent any location requests.

They started to figure it out. It turns out that Megafon itself included in the list of definitions of all subscribers of the corporate tariff, and every day it determined the location of these subscribers! And he charged 2 rubles a day for each number! And there are about 100 rooms.

When we asked the service department, they, as expected, kicked us off, saying that everything was charged correctly, they wrote that the services were provided correctly, as written in the User Manual.... Excuse me, dear Megafon, when did our services begin to be provided not on based on the Rules or Agreement, but on the basis of some kind of User Guide?

Service- the ability to determine the Location of a Subscriber Device with a SIM card belonging to a Corporate Client or other Subscribers (subject to the Corporate Client obtaining the latter’s consent to determine the Location).
The fact of provision of the Service is the implementation by the User of any Tariffed action in the WEB Interface in accordance with the current Tariff parameters posted on the website www.megafon.ru in the section containing a description of this Service
Chargeable action- action of the Service User in the WEB Interface of the Service, the result of which is the debiting of funds from the Corporate Client’s account for using the Service.

Those. Based on the Terms, in order to receive the Service, you need to perform certain actions in the WEB Interface and then the money will be debited and the Service will be considered provided.

No action was taken! Megaphone myself I've done everything - myself entered all the numbers into the definition list and myself began to determine their location for 2 rubles per day for each number!

And they refer you to the User Manual... They say it’s written there. Needless to say, this Guide has no legal force?

So be careful, dear future users of Megafon's Personnel Control service - don't get caught like us!

Well, we will fight to get all the funds returned to us, because... We did not perform any actions to order the Service from the WEB Interface and, according to their own Terms, we did not order the Service.

The activities of a small company or a large enterprise equally depend on the employees who work there. The effectiveness of their work has a direct impact on the economic activity of the organization, on its success and promotion.

Basic moments

The main task of every manager is the ability to unite the work team and organize comfortable working conditions. With such a favorable internal microclimate, the labor productivity of each employee will increase several times.

Without control, the successful functioning of an enterprise is impossible. Many managers support the use of all types of control over subordinates, while other managers strongly reject constant supervision of employees. But everyone agrees on one thing: the activities of employees need to be monitored, but methods and means should be chosen that are more loyal.

First of all, the company's employees who are undergoing a probationary period are under control. Their activities are constantly supervised by a mentor. If necessary, he will always help in solving certain problems and provide the necessary information to an inexperienced employee.

After success, the employee begins to work on a general basis, but this does not mean that control over his activities ceases, since one should not be guided only by the results of primary supervision.

Many employees know that at first they will be “under the gun,” so they behave with restraint and caution. After the end of the probationary period, his behavior may change.

Personnel supervision includes the following points:

  • control of core activities and work productivity;
  • supervision of employee compliance with labor discipline rules and internal regulations;
  • identifying the percentage of defects (or other inconsistencies) during the work process.

Not only newcomers, but also more experienced employees are tested, since during their work their personal qualities may change for the worse. All members of the team should fall under the supervision of the manager; seniority and experience should not play any role in this matter. First of all, the boss should pay attention to those employees who have comments on their work or do not comply with labor discipline. As a rule, these violations are not one-time, but systematic.

Personnel control in the organization

Although monitoring the activities of personnel is an integral part of the labor process, it should not occupy the manager’s entire working time. There are a number of more serious and important issues to which the attention of management should be directed.

Checks carried out in the company may be:

  1. Regular. They are carried out according to a schedule and with a certain frequency (once a month, quarter, six months, year).
  2. Urgent. Conducted outside the established schedule and unexpectedly for the working personnel. Carried out in case of detection of any violations on the part of employees.
  3. Unscheduled. They are carried out spontaneously and are aimed at identifying the reasons for the sharp deterioration in the functioning of the organization. Both the activity as a whole and several objects can be checked selectively.

Inspections can be carried out openly or secretly. An open personnel check involves monitoring knowledge of technical documentation and instructions, storage regimes for reporting sheets, and also consists of hearing constructive suggestions from company employees and their immediate supervisors.

Secret inspections are carried out by company security personnel or a third party. This allows you to get a more effective result, since the employees being checked are not aware of control, and therefore behave naturally and freely.

In addition to inspections, the control service must regularly carry out the following activities:

  1. Observation. Security officers must monitor employee activities both on and off the job. The employee’s movements for official needs are controlled. If necessary, monitoring is also carried out outside of work hours in order to identify negative contacts of the employee.
  2. Collection of information. Produced in open or secret form. Representatives of the immediate environment, relatives, colleagues, etc. can provide. Such information is highly valuable and reliable.
  3. Provocative actions. They are aimed at monitoring the employee’s activities in emergency, negative situations. They are more effective and clearly show the essence of a particular employee, since in extreme situations a person cannot control himself and shows himself without embellishment.

All these actions and techniques are aimed at identifying the personal qualities of employees and monitoring their activities both in the workplace and outside it.

Inspection control

Not only the main activities of the company, the correctness of maintaining reporting documentation and accounting of existing facilities, but also the workforce are subject to such verification. The organization’s personnel may be subject to voluntary certification, and some categories of employees must obtain permission to perform a certain type of work.

In addition, inspection control is carried out to establish the suitability of a specialist for the position held and his fulfillment of all requirements that arise in the work process. This test can objectively assess the capabilities and potential of all employees of the enterprise and give an adequate assessment of their production efficiency.

In order for a company to fully develop and be competitive, it is necessary to competently and correctly train personnel.

In this case, the organization will be in demand and will be able to ensure the quality of its products or services provided. The company must constantly evolve to meet the growing needs of consumers.

Inspection controls should be specified in the standard or charter of the organization. The official document should contain not only the procedure for conducting the audit, but also the categories of personnel that are subject to audit. It must necessarily include testing the knowledge and skills of personnel by checking working documentation or passing a qualification exam.

Control of frames from a megaphone

Currently, programs designed to control the movement of employees are becoming increasingly popular. They help not only track the locations of employees, but also allow you to remotely coordinate their work. This allows for significant optimization of production processes.

The Megafon company provides its clients with the opportunity to use the Personnel Control service. It allows you to track the location of not only working personnel, but also vehicles. Using the company's base towers, the coordinates of the object of interest are determined. The accuracy of the location calculation depends on the power of the GSM receiver.

With the help of a special navigation system, the location of not only people, but also vehicles is determined. The satellite receives information not only about the coordinates of the vehicle, but also about fuel consumption. The system is capable of determining a large number of parameters of interest. Control is carried out using special software or through the official portal of the system.

In addition to monitoring and determining the location of an employee, the service makes it possible to exchange messages through the system server. All messages after sending are stored in history and can be easily read if necessary.


In order for an enterprise to develop successfully and be competitive in its industry, it must perform its functions efficiently and competently. This can only be achieved thanks to qualified employees who work every day for the benefit of their company.

In a number of cases, the activities of the organization’s personnel need to be verified. The manager himself can exercise control over the work of the team. It is also possible to attract outside specialists. They will help conduct an audit and identify employees who are dishonest or not fully performing their job duties.

In contact with

The Russian cellular operator Megafon offers its customers a wide variety of services: for both individuals and legal entities. The “Personnel Control” service deserves special attention.

What is “personnel control” on Megafon

The Personnel Control service is an option that allows you to track the location of employees online, as well as their actions. The ability to monitor becomes available thanks to Megafon networks. To carry out the service, it is necessary to use special equipment that will be installed on the observed objects.

Description of service

A number of areas of human activity require enhanced control, which increases work efficiency. It is for control that the HR Control service was created.

The principle of operation of the service is the following “chain”:

  1. The signal from the employee's mobile phone arrives at the station.
  2. From there, the information is transferred to a specially dedicated server.
  3. Next, the client, through a special, freely installed application on his computer, can see the location of his employee, as well as find out data about the employee’s movements.

The client has the “work zone” option. To do this, you can create a zone on the map where the employee should be during his working hours. If he leaves the zone, the client will receive a notification.

Who is the service suitable for?

The option will become a real “assistant” for managers of logistics, transport, and construction companies. In addition, the service will significantly increase the efficiency of activities in the areas of services and services, service companies, and administrative personnel. Organization and establishment of production also cannot do without the “HR Control” service.

Interestingly, the “personnel control” service will allow you to monitor employees who are MTS subscribers (up to 10 numbers at a time).

Capabilities of the “Frame Control” option

The capabilities of the service include the ability to monitor employees, location, and employee actions that he performs during working hours. This is largely facilitated by the new “Transport Monitoring” function.

“Personnel control” allows you to monitor the work activities of employees, their compliance with the work schedule, and indicate to employees the optimal route for faster completion of the task.

Case studies

For example, a courier who doesn’t know the city well chose the longest route. The manager has the opportunity to adjust the courier’s route, and thereby increase the speed of delivery.

Or, after receiving an urgent order, it turns out that the store or warehouse does not have the required product. In this case, the map manager, through the application interface, determines the courier closest to the required warehouse and instructs him to deliver the missing goods.

Selecting subscribers from the list.

"Frame Control" allows you to:

  • Monitor the location of workers online;
  • Receive notifications via SMS or email;
  • Ability to create groups of observed objects;
  • Sending a message to monitored subscribers, either to the entire group or individually.

How to connect “frame control”

Connecting the service for new subscribers and experienced users is somewhat different. So, for legal entities, company directors, or notarized persons, the connection process is carried out by writing an application in the office for working with corporate clients. In this case, it is necessary to provide a complete documentation package that will allow you to activate the “personnel control” service.

For those who are long-time Megafon subscribers, it is possible to connect to the service via the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the corporate website of the cellular operator, log in there (receive a password and login), and independently connect to the service on the website kk.megafon.ru. It is worth noting that this type of connection is available in Moscow, the Moscow Region, the Urals and the Caucasus.

To disable the option, you must also go to the portal and leave a request to waive “personnel control”. It is also possible to refuse the service by writing a statement at the office of the mobile operator.

Service management

In order to manage “personnel control”, you need to install a special application on your computer and (or) smartphone. Log in using the username and password you received during registration. The capabilities of the service allow you to monitor employees, control their actions, view the history of their actions, adjust the employee’s route, and monitor the employee’s current location.

In urban areas, the tracking accuracy is 100 m from the observed object. Outside the city – up to 1 km. This is due to the fact that in a suburban area, the signal may be unstable.

After connecting, there is a 5-day trial period, during which no subscription fee is charged. Afterwards, as a rule, clients sign up for a paid service and pay in accordance with the tariffs from the Megafon company.

Training webinar

New function Transport monitoring

Recently, the “personnel control” service was supplemented with another option “transport monitoring”. The essence of the new function is the ability to control not only the employee, but also the process of using transport or equipment. Controlled parameters include:

  • Refueling and unloading of fuel;
  • Operation of the power unit, both at idle and at maximum load;
  • Location of the vehicle, its mileage;
  • Current fuel level;
  • Efficiency.

Thanks to the capabilities of the “transport monitoring” option, the client can independently monitor labor costs. In addition, the function allows you to increase efficiency and productivity.

Necessary equipment

In order to use the service, virtually no additional equipment is required: the process of monitoring employees is carried out thanks to the employees’ mobile phones. However, for the “transport monitoring” option to function, it is necessary to install additional equipment on the company’s or company’s transport. The following equipment is subject to installation:

  • Built-in fuel level sensor.
  • On/off sensor.
  • Alarm button.
  • GPS and Glonass unit.
  • Actuator sensor.
  • CAN adapter.

Price list for the cost of equipment -.


As for the cost, for each connected subscriber, a fee of 2 rubles per day is charged. In addition, there are a number of paid requests; it is interesting that the more requests, the lower the final cost. Installation of peripheral equipment on transport is also paid; tariffs are available to customers on the website of the mobile operator Megafon.

Questions from subscribers

Of course, employees who find themselves subject to constant control by their manager will look for ways to “hide” from surveillance. Therefore, many subscribers have a question about how to bypass the “HR Control” service.

One obvious solution is to turn off your cell phone, or leave it in a certain place. However, this method has many disadvantages, including such as the impossibility of using it for couriers and the lack of communication with the manager. The “vehicle monitoring” function is almost impossible to bypass, provided that a number of sensors are installed on the equipment, regulating everything: from the current fuel level to mileage and route.

How to log into your personal service account?

In order to enter your account, you must specify the login and password received when registering on the website kk.megafon.ru.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the HR Control service from Megafon will increase business efficiency and prevent downtime due to the absence of an employee from the workplace. The service is quite effective and has virtually no loopholes to get around it.

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“HR Control” offers customers of the mobile operator Megafon the following opportunities:

  • Determining the location of employees online;
  • Determining the location of corporate clients and ordinary subscribers;
  • Possibility of group work;
  • Receiving information via SMS about those clients and subscribers who are located near the desired territory;
  • Regular receipt of user notifications by email or SMS;
  • Ability to send SMS to one or more subscribers.

1. Which companies and enterprises will benefit from the HR Control service?

  • Service organizations that purposefully send their employees to a specific facility and want to constantly be in touch with them;
  • Trade enterprises that have forwarders, promoters, merchandisers, and sales representatives on their staff;
  • Office organizations that want to control what time employees leave their desks.

One of the main advantages of the Personnel Control service is the possibility of free testing for five days. Testing is carried out free of charge and is provided to those organizations that have not previously used this service of the mobile operator Megafon. The operator provides various types of service tariffs. The client selects a tariff that corresponds to the size of his enterprise and the number of employees.

2. How can I enable and disable Frame Control?

Directors of companies can contact the mobile operator’s office for working with corporate clients. To activate the service, you must provide the office staff with the required package of documents. If a production organization has been cooperating with the mobile operator Megafon for a long time, then to connect to the service you can go to the operator’s Internet portal, go through authorization there and complete the connection procedure yourself. This connection option is currently available only to residents of Moscow and the region, subscribers in the Urals and the Caucasus. You can disable Frame Control using the same methods.