Translation of songs. Laboratory "Amalgam" - what is it? Brief instructions “How to translate songs yourself”

04.07.2023 Browsers

Our modest project has repeatedly delighted fans of complex puzzles and cool racing games on Android. But not so much attention was paid to fans of quality music. And this needs to be corrected.

For everyone who sincerely loves, say, English rock or American rap, and wants to understand the meaning of a song that has sunk into their soul, we offer the amalgama-lab song translation program. As you can already understand, this application is designed to search and read lyrics and translations of songs. But the way the developers approached this difficult task deserves only praise and warm words.

The interface of this program for translating songs is very functional and convenient. It has three main tabs

  • Song selection
  • Favorites
  • Settings

In general, the linguo-laboratory “Amalgam” should be known to everyone who tried to find the lyrics and translation of their favorite song, because this resource contains a huge database of such goodness. Our application, by the way, is the brainchild of this project. And, of course, all texts in the program will appear from Amalgam. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that you won’t be able to find many songs – there are a huge number of them here.

Just in case, I’ll make a reservation that this program works provided the Internet is turned on. If you don’t store a database of all the songs on your smartphone, there won’t be enough memory for even a tenth of them.

How to start searching for a translation? We see a simple program menu, select the first letter of the artist and look for a favorite group or artist in a huge list, and then the song itself according to the same principle.

This list is very wide, there are groups for all tastes: rock, rap, pop, Russian, English, Australian. In general, all the musicians who deserve mention, which is good news.

Unlike the website, the application for translating a song test on Android does not provide two texts at the same time: foreign and Russian. Here you can follow one of them. But at any time, with one click on the text, the language will change. Of course, it’s not as convenient as on the website, but for an Android application it’s very decent.

And further! This program can please you with a photo of your favorite band. A small thing, but nice!

With favorites, everything is clear - any song or translation you like can be added to favorites and not have to search for it every time. It is very convenient and will save time and Internet traffic, since the lyrics of the song and its translation will be saved on your device and will be available in the future without connecting to the network.

An excellent program with translations and lyrics of songs from a wide variety of groups, styles and countries. For true music lovers, the application will bring a lot of pleasure.

Many fans of foreign performers often have no idea what the lyrics of the song are about. Many justify their ignorance by saying that it is not always easy to find a translation of the work of this or that singer or group on the Internet. This problem is easily solved by a project called the Linguistic Laboratory "Amalgam" - a site that blurs the boundaries between languages.

Surely many have heard this name more than once from their friends. But what is “Amalgam”? A place to conduct experiments on the texts of your favorite artists?

And really, what?

Linguistic laboratory "Amalgama", or Amalgama-lab, is a project that appeared in 2005 under the leadership of two philologists and one programmer and was initially conceived as a translation agency and a place where people could teach each other foreign languages ​​remotely. Gradually, the specialization of this site narrowed to a collection of song lyrics translated from English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and other languages.

The website of the linguistic project "Amalgam" contains a variety of performers of all times and peoples. Here you can find both rap compositions and lyrical ballads - the masters who work on the texts will understand any complex expression. If you answer the question of what it is, “Amalgam” can be safely called a good help for any music lover, because their motto - “We erase the boundaries between languages” - are not empty words, confirmed by hundreds of different translations.

Laboratory advantages

The main advantage of the Amalgam laboratory is the collection of many songs from a wide variety of artists. Another great advantage of the site is easy navigation. You can search by track title, by artist, by alphabet (this option will first display a list of artists, and then all available translations of their songs). In addition, there are some other amenities:

  • You can customize the page with the lyrics of the song. The translation will be shown line by line, in parallel with the original or alternately - first, for example, English, and then Russian.
  • Some songs have several transcription options. Often you can even find poetic translations, which is very convenient for musicians recording covers (fan performances of original songs) in Russian.

  • It is not necessary to copy the lyrics of the translated song; the Amalgam laboratory has a special automatic printing function.

Disadvantages of the resource

The main disadvantage of the laboratory is the insufficiently convenient sorting - some site users believe that it would be nice to introduce a distinction between songs by albums and years of release. But there are other opponents of this resource. They believe that Amalgam is a place that should not be trusted. Many have repeatedly found errors in the lyrics of songs, but here a very important point appears. Every user can upload their translation to the resource, and here no one is immune from mistakes, even the most experienced master of his craft.

How to upload your translation to the site?

First of all, the translations that appear on the site are performed by experienced translators, but, as mentioned above, an ordinary user without a linguistic background can also participate in filling out the resource. Moreover, after publication, the author automatically becomes a participant in monthly competitions with guaranteed prizes - various gadgets, such as smart watches or headphones.

Uploading your translation is very simple, you don’t even have to register. To publish, you just need to fill out a special form directly on the site. The work itself must meet basic requirements: uniqueness and correct design. That is, even the most beautiful poetic transcription will be rejected if there are spelling or punctuation errors in it, or if it has already been published somewhere. All received texts are strictly checked for compliance with the rules, so translation work must be taken very carefully and seriously.

Analogues of "Amalgam"

There are many different resources on the Internet with similar topics, where translations of varying quality are published, but there are no analogues of this kind yet. In addition to the usual collection of song lyrics, this is also a whole linguistic “Amalgam” community that not only works together on content, but also actively helps each other. For example, on the forum you can easily find experienced specialists who are ready to offer their help in learning a foreign language; you can ask users about this or that problem point and together find a solution. The project is developing very quickly and will soon displace all other RuNet resources in this area.

So what is it, "Amalgam"? This is a huge archive of song translations into Russian. And although not every artist has all of his texts translated, administrators and users of the project are actively working on these gaps. Well-motivated translators are constantly ready to work on any songs, which is why you can always find the current version of the translation here.

Good day, my dear and respected readers. Once, while listening to one of the foreign songs and completely not understanding its meaning, I thought about whether it was good to hear a song and not know what it was about. And then I decided to translate it, of course, using the Internet.

After a short search from several sites, I chose the linguo-laboratory "Amalgam", I chose it by chance and I have no complaints.

The site was very easy to use; you can use the search bar or find the artist manually from the alphabetical row.

There is a large collection of translations here; for each song you can find several translation versions. I also liked the fact that those who know how to translate themselves can send their translations to the site, which will automatically participate in competitions and you can receive some kind of prize. The site also evokes positive emotions with its design, which is very colorful, but at the same time not too contrasting, which is pleasing to the eye. There is a forum on the site, I think its purpose does not need to be explained. There is also a contacts section, which indicates the seriousness of the site. In general, a good site for connoisseurs of foreign songs and high-quality translations. That's all. Thank you for your attention.

Video review

Linguistic laboratory Amalgam

It's hard to imagine a life without music. You've probably encountered a similar situation - you're delighted with a song in a foreign language and would like to know what it's about. There are 2 options: find a translation on the Internet, a book, a magazine, or translate it yourself.

How to translate a song from English into Russian

You can talk about translating an English song yourself, if only you have sufficient command of the language. Otherwise, use the following recommendations.

  • Simple option– use an online translator. To do this, you need to find the lyrics of the song in electronic format, copy it and paste it into a field on the site. But you definitely won’t like the result. Online services are able to translate each word separately, but do not know how to connect them into sentences stylistically and grammatically. In this case, common meanings of words are automatically selected. In addition, English songs contain a certain number of phraseological, slang expressions and phrases. The online translator is not yet able to recognize them.
  • A more complicated option– spend time and find a ready-made translation of a specific song in a relatively literary form. They are contained on thematic sites. There are often 2-3 translations for the same work. All you have to do is choose the option you like.
    If the song you're interested in is popular, pay attention to print magazines. Many of them contain a special section dedicated to music. If you're lucky, you'll find the song you need there.

I know people who like to translate musical works themselves. They say it's a great way to learn English: memorize new words while picking up grammar along the way. In a word - you combine business with pleasure.

Brief instructions “How to translate songs yourself”

  1. Find the lyrics of the song in the original - in a foreign language. You can use the electronic version, but in printed form it is 2 times faster and more convenient to translate. Read the text several times, simultaneously dividing the words of the song into verses and choruses. The chorus needs a one-time translation; usually it is repeated without changes. Listen to it again. Now you can get to work.
  2. Get yourself a dictionary and a pencil (or pen). Skim the text and look for the most difficult words or phrases that you don't know. Write the translation on top of them.
  3. Decide if you need a detailed translation. Perhaps the essence of the work is already clear from the main words, and the rest can be guessed from the context. Do not forget that a song is a work of art, it must contain synonyms, metaphors and other techniques. Engage your creative skills and imagination.
  4. If you need a complete and high-quality translation, do not hesitate to seek help on specialized forums, websites and blogs. Or consult a friend who speaks a foreign language. A fresh look will help you correct mistakes or understand unclear points.

Ways to translate song lyrics

Exists two main ways which translators resort to:
Amateur– implies a literal translation preserving the main meaning of the original;
Equimetric– a translation that takes into account the presence of rhyme, tempo, number of syllables, and stress. You can add an original melody to the resulting poems and sing them.
The choice of translation method depends on the final goal and desire. To find out what your favorite performer is singing about, the amateur method is suitable. If you are a creative person and dream of performing your favorite song in your native language, do not give up the equimetric method.