Connecting and setting up the Dendy game console. Connecting Hami, Dandy and Sega to the TV, instructions How to connect an old Dandy set-top box

31.01.2023 Browsers

Dendy (Dandy) is a legendary console, which, in fact, was a hardware clone of the Famicom console from Nintendo, assembled in Taiwan from Chinese components. Naturally, 20 years ago no one was interested in these details: the very fact of owning a console with several cartridges was considered the greatest happiness. Dandy has become a household name, the dream of children and adults.

Today, other consoles are popular, but sometimes there is a desire to return to those years when Super Mario was the main character of the games, and Mortal Kombat was not yet so colorful and realistic, but was already drawing young gamers into the web of deadly battles. To return these sensations, you just need to figure out how to connect Dandy to the TV.


As standard, an RF cable is supplied with the set-top box, which is connected to the antenna connector on the TV.

Remember that you can connect and disconnect the antenna only when the device is turned off!

The connection itself is made as follows:

After this, the game with which you installed the cartridge into the console should appear on the screen.

AV cable

If you want the best picture quality, use an AV (low frequency) cable instead of a standard RF cord. With its help, the set-top box is connected to the TV not using the antenna connector, but through the video input.
In this case, no additional equipment setup is required: you just need to connect the two devices using a cable, and then switch to AV mode on the TV.

If your TV does not have an AV output, but has a SCART connector, use a special adapter.

Everything has its time

Remember that Dandy is over 20 years old, so your favorite game may look very unattractive on a high-resolution screen. Therefore, it is better to buy and connect a PS3 to your TV, and run Dendy games on your computer by downloading an emulator.
Of course, you won’t be able to achieve a complete feeling of immersion in the past, but if, for example, you connect a gamepad to your computer, you can spend an unforgettable evening in the company of your favorite childhood games.

In this article I will not only tell you how connect the joystick from dandy to the computer, but I will also offer you to download games for Dendy, Nintendo, Sega consoles. So even if you are not going to connect a joystick, you can simply download games and play on a regular keyboard.

The design is very simple. But, before you test the interface you made, make sure that all the wires are soldered correctly and that no exposed wires are touching anything. I highly recommend using an enclosure for these interfaces to reduce the risk of short circuits.

Let's start with the joystick for Dendy (NES). If you have a gamepad, and it has buttons A, B, Turbo A, Turbo B, Select and Begin (the last two may not be there, I strongly recommend not to take them) and communicates through 5 wires, then it is either an NES or an analogue NES will work if you do everything correctly.

However, it's time to get down to business. All you need is an LPT port connector (aka parallel, it’s from the printer), a soldering iron, five absolutely any diodes, and, in fact, the joystick itself. Let's get started.

Here is the joystick connector itself (does it look like COM?)

Everything is soldered according to the diagram, if you want to connect two joysticks, then all the wires are also soldered except for pins 8 and 7 on the NES, they must be soldered to pins 11 and 12 on the LPT.

And if you have a joystick with a different connector, then see below:

To solder the wires according to the diagram, you need to open the connector, but I suggest making everything much simpler. You can simply make a kind of extension adapter. In addition to LPT, we also need a COM connector (male)

Another very important detail. There are markings on the diodes; they should be soldered with the strip facing up. Just solder the wiring according to the diagram to the LPT and that’s it.

It turns out very well. But design is not as important as work!

And now the software matters.

We have to:

1) Install the driver and configure it.

2) Launch the console emulator and use it to open the game that interests you.

Let's start with installing and configuring the driver.

According to the manual, it is suitable for OS: Win9x/Me/NT/XP/2k. Unzip it to any convenient place and run it Setup.exe . The following window appears on the screen which you need to click on:

The installation process consists of clicking the “Next” button and should not cause any difficulties, so I see no point in considering it in detail.

After installation, the “Parallel Port Joystick” folder will appear in the Start menu, and there are several shortcuts in it. We are interested in “Configure Joysticks” - we launch it. The joystick configuration utility window appears on the screen. In it, click the “Add” button.

We see the window for configuring the new joystick. We set the values ​​in it as shown in the figure. Do not be confused in choosing the interface type; in our case, this has nothing to do with the Linux OS.

Having set all the values ​​correctly, click on the “Add” button. We go to the previous window. If we have only one joystick, we can safely press the “Done” button. If we need to configure the second joystick, then click “Add” again, a familiar dialog appears, although our choice is already somewhat limited, but the values ​​​​will need to be set in the same way as in the picture above. The only exception is in the penultimate line, i.e. The controller number is now indicated not 1, but 2 or more, depending on which joystick we connect.

Well, half the work is done, all that remains is to check the functionality of the joystick.

Go to the "Control Panel" and launch the "Game Devices" shortcut. Select the joystick we are interested in and click on the “Properties” button. The properties window appears. In the "Test" tab we can check whether our joystick works. At the moment when no one touches the joystick and none of its buttons are pressed, the cross of the axes will be in the center of the white area, and the button images will all be the same dark red.

You bought a new Dandy or Sega console in the store, or found an old one in the attic (in a barn, at a friend’s house - it doesn’t matter). There should be no problems with the new set-top box, since a self-respecting manufacturer will ALWAYS include an instruction manual in the box with the set-top box. But there may be problems with the old one, because neither the box nor the instructions might have been preserved. What to do? The main thing is not to panic. Read our instructions and you can easily connect your game console to your TV.

1 . Make sure that you have a complete set - a game console, a network adapter, an audio/video cable for connecting the console to the TV, one or two joysticks and a game cartridge if the console does not have built-in games.

2. Connect the network adapter to the power input (AC), located on the back panel of the game console, and to a 220V electrical network. The POWER button (optionally POWER) on the set-top box should be in “off” mode.

3. Connect the audio/video cable plugs on one side to the TV, and on the other to the corresponding connector on the back of the console. Here are the possible options:

  • The DANDY game console (and its numerous modifications) comes with a regular mono audio/video cable with identical “tulip” connectors on both ends - 2 pcs.. It doesn’t matter which ones you connect to the TV and which ones to the console, the main thing is that yellow "tulips" must be connected to video connectors, and white ones - to audio connectors.
  • If the SEGA set-top box comes with the same cable as described above (there are also such set-top boxes), then the connection algorithm is similar to that described above.
  • For the classic SEGA set-top box, the audio/video cable on one side has 2 “tulip” connectors - you connect them to the TV (and again yellow to video, and white to audio), and on the other side there is a special plug that must be very carefully connected to the intended this game console socket. IMPORTANT- there is an arrow-shaped mark on the plug and when connecting it must be on top, otherwise there is a chance of bending the three thin contacts inside the plug.

4. Switch your TV to Video mode.

5 . Connect the joysticks to the corresponding sockets on the front panel of the console. Please note that the main joystick will ALWAYS be the one connected to the left socket. In most cases, the game kit comes with two identical joysticks - whichever one you connect to the left connector on the console will be the main one and it is from it that you can select a game, change game settings, etc. An additional joystick is used for playing with two people and is connected to the right slot.
In some Dandy consoles, the additional joystick does not have the “Start” and “Select” buttons. Do not try to use this joystick as your main joystick, as you will not be able to use it to access the game menu and start playing.

6. Turn on the console and enjoy the game.

If you have connected everything correctly, tuned the TV to the desired channel, but the game does not play, then some element of the kit is not working. If you live in Yekaterinburg, then you can safely go to our store "New Game Ural", where we will diagnose your Dandy or Sega kit completely free of charge.*

* It will determine what works and what doesn't in your kit. Repairing a faulty item is not included in the diagnosis.

If you have difficulty connecting a set-top box to a modern TV, then read this.

Connecting a game console to a TV can be done in several ways. The ease of use of the device, as well as the image quality, depend on which one is chosen.


  • If your TV is equipped only with a high-frequency input, then choose a set-top box that has a corresponding output. Unlike VCRs, which are most often equipped with UHF modulators, set-top boxes are usually equipped with VHF modulators. Therefore, it is necessary to connect a set-top box to a TV that has separate inputs for these ranges instead of an MV antenna. Remember that you must connect and disconnect a collective or other grounded antenna when the device is turned off. The same applies to the set-top box if its power supply is switching.
  • After connecting the set-top box, turn on its power, and then tune the TV to the channel on which its modulator operates. The method for performing this operation varies depending on the TV. The criterion for fine tuning is a compromise between image clarity and the invisibility of crackling from frame sync pulses.
  • Frequent switching of cables from the antenna and set-top box leads to rapid wear of the TV socket. Some set-top boxes include special antenna switches. In this case, with the equipment de-energized (the switch body is metal!), connect an antenna and a set-top box to the switch inputs, and connect the switch output to the TV.
  • A number of set-top boxes do not contain a built-in modulator, but have a special socket for connecting it. In addition to image and sound signals, the supply voltage is output to this socket. Connect the modulator to the socket, and connect its output to the TV using one of the methods indicated above.
  • The best image quality and date are achieved when connecting the set-top box via a low-frequency channel. To do this, first make sure that your TV is equipped with the appropriate inputs. Then purchase or assemble a cable to connect the set-top box to the DIN-6, RCA or SCART connectors available on the TV, depending on the type of device. Once connected, select the AV input on your TV. If your TV has several such inputs, try them all until an image appears. There is no need to configure the device.
  • If the set-top box does not have a modulator, and the TV does not have a low-frequency input, use a VCR as a modulator. But remember that you will have to look for the output signal in the UHF range. Almost all VCRs contain switching power supplies and require de-energization when connected.
  • There is little to surprise today's youth in the field of computer games. They no longer bother with the question of how to connect “Dandy” to the TV, but play on super-powerful computers. The most realistic graphics, believable characters, incredible music - all this is quite familiar to a modern gamer. But just a couple of decades ago, all this did not exist, but there was something that won the hearts of millions of people - one of the first consoles - the Dandy console.

    A little from the history of “Dandy”: the game of our childhood

    Those born before the nineties probably remember the hype around the incredibly “cool” console with the baby elephant logo on the panel, which appeared in the early 90s. At that time, the game cost incredible money for a Soviet citizen, but this did not stop the developers from earning millions in this market.

    In fact, “Dandy” is the first on the domestic market, but not the first in production. Nintendo had previously released dozens of other versions of consoles, but only “Dandy” was able to win the hearts of domestic gamers. At that time, there were 4 dealers from the Stapler company in Russia who supplied them. Unfortunately, this company curtailed its activities by 1994.

    Of course, even now you can find the long-forgotten “Dandy” on the shelves of some stores and on specialized websites, but all of them are far from the original and are nothing more than a fake from China.

    Cartridges and the most popular games on "Dandy"

    The console and joysticks themselves were of no interest without special cartridges; they were the carriers of basic information. One such cartridge could contain either one game or 999! But those that had from 3 to 10 different games were considered the most valuable. Young people were constantly changing, buying and selling cartridges to each other. Even in our time, you can meet people who still have entire collections of original and rare games.

    It is thanks to the huge range of high-quality and interesting games that were released for the Nes operating system that this console has become so in demand among Russian game lovers. Such immortal creations as “Mortal Kombat”, “Pac-Man”, “Super Mario”, “Tanks”, “Island of Adventure” and many others will forever remain in the memory of people who survived the cult of the nineties.

    How to connect "Dandy" to a TV?

    This was the question asked by many happy buyers of the console at that time. In fact, there was nothing complicated about it, all you had to do was connect the a/v plugs of the set-top box and TV, and then start searching for a channel - it’s simple!

    But the fact is that in those days, TVs were simple, that is, they had the appropriate connectors, but how to connect the “Dandy” to a modern TV model that supports HDMI?

    If you don't find an audio/video output on your TV, you may find a SCART output, which is essentially the same as A/V. In this case, you will have to buy an adapter or the SCART cable itself; it has a wide connector on one side and “tulips” on the other. Thanks to this cable, you can solve the problem of how to connect “Dandy” to your TV.

    How to connect the Dandy set-top box to the latest generation TV?

    Unfortunately, recently manufacturers have increasingly begun to produce televisions that do not have connectors for component connections, due to the fact that modern receivers have a high-definition interface.

    Let's say you decide to plunge into the past and play retro games. A set-top box was purchased for this purpose, but later it turned out that your TV does not have A/V and SCART outputs. What to do? How to connect “Dandy” to a Samsung TV that does not have the necessary connectors (however, this applies to any brand).

    Getting out of this situation is not easy, but it is possible. You will have to purchase a special device - an A/V to HDMI converter. Such converters are sold in online stores and on popular Chinese sites.

    So, before connecting “Dandy” to your LG TV, make sure that the set-top box is turned off and disconnected from the power supply. Next, use a cable with “tulips” to connect the set-top box to the converter. On the other hand, the converter connects to the TV using an HDMI cable. All that remains is to insert the cartridge with your favorite game into the console, connect it to the network and turn on the game. You may need to search for channels to reach the required wavelength.