Yandex browser where passwords are stored. Where does Yandex browser save passwords?

23.07.2023 Computer

Modern browsers save passwords. This article will help users understand how passwords are saved in the Yandex browser.

Thanks to this feature, you can easily visit web pages that remember personal data.

Since when you log in again, you will no longer need to enter the password again. Yandex browser performs all actions automatically. Accordingly, every user can save their precious time and get to a specific website in just a matter of seconds. It is almost impossible to remember all the data.

Professionals advise users not to create common logins and passwords. This must be taken into account for your safety. After all, scammers can easily sneak into personal data and take advantage of important information.

This way, you can protect access to all accounts when hacked by intruders. But it’s really impossible to remember a huge number of passwords in your head. But using the functions of the Yandex browser is very convenient and simple.

It should be noted that each of your saved passwords is stored directly in a special file, which is presented in encrypted form. If they want, attackers will not be able to sneak up on your information and use your personal data.

Decryption of the recorded information is carried out only with the help of the Yandex browser. To gain access to your passwords, you will have to complete the following steps.

First of all, you need to launch the Yandex browser and enter the control panel. To do this, you will need a service button at the top of the window, which will allow you to go to this section.

After which the settings item will be displayed in the drop-down list. By selecting the “Show advanced” option, you will have to move to the “Passwords and Autofill” section. Clicking “Manage Passwords” will display a list of web pages that have saved key information. On the contrary, the login and passwords that the Yandex browser records will be indicated.

General safety rules

Today, there are many ways to protect your computer from malicious sites. After all, scammers are using all sorts of methods to create new dubious portals in order to lure users and steal important information.

Externally similar dubious portals can mislead any user. Therefore, the Yandex browser has a function that recognizes malicious web pages.

The special service does its job perfectly. Programs remember passwords and logins that users use when filling out their data. When you try to enter data on other portals, the Yandex browser sends a message in the form of a warning.

Now you know how you can view your passwords and logins that are saved in the browser. Unique software will allow you to manage your personal data without worrying about security.

If you have any additional questions, you can contact support. All your questions will be answered in the shortest possible time. More detailed information can be found in another section. This article with photographs will allow you to complete all the steps.

Over the years of use, hundreds and thousands of user passwords from different servers accumulate on the computer. How to organize their storage and how to get rid of unnecessary ones? A question of no small importance that worries every active Internet user.

Where are passwords entered in any Internet browser stored?

A password is also data entered by a person. It doesn't matter whether they are encrypted or not - they must be stored somewhere on the user's computer.

As a rule, all passwords are recorded in service history files created in the folder where the browser itself was installed. It also doesn’t matter whether it’s a regular version of the browser or a portable one (launched without installation). For example, for Mozilla Firefox this is the folder C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ - not only passwords are recorded in one of the subfolders of the Mozilla Firefox folder itself, but also their logins, and the history of the sites on which these passwords were entered. In the case of the portable version, this may be another location on the computer disk, or removable media (not necessarily the system partition of the hard drive) where you copied Firefox - for example, the G:\MyPrograms\FirefoxPortable\ folder.

Everything is clear with disk storage. Passwords are stored there in encrypted form, making it more difficult for viruses to read them and send them to the attacker’s server. Passwords are displayed in their normal form directly from the browser itself - as you entered them, that is how they remain. If the portable version of your browser, located not on the “system” drive, but on another drive, has not been changed, then passwords can be stored indefinitely - at least 10, at least 15 years, as long as your PC is in good working order. To get to your passwords, each browser - Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera or Yandex.Browser - has a corresponding control called “Privacy” (or “Data Protection”).

If passwords are not saved

Reasons for not saving passwords:

  • auto-filling of logins and passwords in the browser settings by the user is disabled;
  • Browser and Windows system settings were changed using Trojans;
  • programs are used to “automatically rollback” the Windows system every time it starts (for example, Reboot Restore);
  • Service files are damaged or accidentally deleted from the browser folder and Windows recovery point databases.

How computer viruses can change passwords

Managing passwords from different browsers

Let's consider actions with passwords in popular browsers.

Managing Passwords with Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch Mozilla Firefox and give the command “Tools” - “Settings”.
  2. On the left, select “Protection.”
  3. Click on “Saved Logins” (previously called “Saved Passwords”) - a list of sites and passwords that you have previously entered will be displayed.
  4. To delete all passwords, press the “Delete All” button. The list will be cleared completely.
  5. Removing passwords is impossible without confirming the request - there are many cases where the deletion of such information was automatic and people lost important data. Mozilla developers took this into account in their earliest versions of Firefox.
  6. To view passwords, click on “Show passwords”.
  7. The function is useful if you access the same site from another device and have forgotten the password. Please confirm this message prompting you to display passwords: Firefox displays this message for user safety if you accidentally click it.
  8. To import logins and passwords from another browser, Mozilla Firefox allows you to transfer them from Internet Explorer, which is discussed below.
  9. This will launch Firefox's built-in data importer.
  10. Select what you want to transfer to Firefox.
  11. The Internet Settings option will allow you to transfer all your data to Firefox.
  12. To copy a password - when accessing the same site from another browser in which you did not enter this password - click on the “Copy password” item in the Firefox password settings.
  13. To search for login and password by site name, enter this site in the search bar. The required passwords are also searched by login.
  14. To transfer passwords to another computer, tablet or smartphone, you must have the Mozilla Firefox browser installed on the latter. This function also serves to save backups in the Mozilla cloud. You need a registered account on the server.

Storing and transferring passwords in Google Chrome

There are far fewer options for managing passwords in Google Chrome than in Firefox.

  1. Launch Google Chrome and go to Settings.
  2. Go to your personal settings and select “Manage saved passwords.”
  3. Unlike Firefox, Google Chrome does not display all passwords at once. This was done for security reasons by Google developers. In order to view the password for a specific site, you need to click on it and click the “Show” button that appears. Just like in Firefox, it works here to search for the required password by login and site name.
  4. Passwords can be exported to backups. Their import by other browsers is supported. To start synchronization, you need a registered Google account. After logging into Google, the password export wizard built into Chrome will launch - the file will be encrypted, and you can only open it in Google Chrome. Passwords can be used when auto-filling logins on sites you have previously visited.
  5. Passwords that are outdated and no longer needed can be deleted.

Managing passwords with Opera

  1. Launch the Opera browser and give the command “Menu” - “Settings”.
  2. Open Security Settings and find the “Manage Saved Passwords” button.
  3. To display saved passwords, select the desired login and click on “Show”.
  4. To find a password by login or site name, enter the keyword in the search bar.
  5. Saved passwords can be deleted one by one. Unfortunately, there is no button to delete all passwords at once in Opera, as in Google Chrome.
  6. To transfer and copy the database of your account passwords, history, bookmarks, etc., use the synchronization panel. Backup will be available only to authorized users.

Working with passwords in Yandex.Browser

  1. Launch the Yandex.Browser program and go to the Browser Settings menu.
  2. Scroll down to the advanced settings key.
  3. Scroll further to the login key to the Yandex Browser password master.
  4. The password management panel will open. If you used passwords to register on sites, all your accounts will be displayed here. You can either export them to a backup copy or clear out unnecessary passwords.
  5. Yandex.Browser records passwords in a backup copy - like all modern browsers. To do this, you need an account on the Yandex portal. Scroll down to Sync on the Settings page and click Show Options.
  6. Check your password export settings. After authorization in Yandex.Browser, password synchronization will be enabled automatically.

Working with passwords in Internet Explorer

Unlike its competitors, Microsoft Internet Explorer encrypted passwords in all its versions, including 9.0. The IE PassView utility was required to extract passwords.

It was an indispensable tool for those who did not want to use the above-mentioned third-party browsers. But starting with version 10.0, Internet Explorer shows passwords correctly.

  1. Launch Internet Explorer and go to browser settings.
  2. Go to the “Content” settings tab and click on the “Options” button.
  3. Set up recording of logins and passwords. Saving passwords should work. Go to the password management menu.
  4. Passwords can be saved separately. Unnecessary - clear. Like website accounts, they can be protected by local authorization on the PC.
  5. New releases of Windows (8, 10) may require backup using an account on a Microsoft server.

Is it possible to find out what passwords were entered in the browser?

There are different methods to see what passwords a person used on his computer:

  • online synchronization and backup. Each browser has its own official service where a person creates an account. In the privacy, security or Web content settings, the browser immediately prompts you to create an account and make a backup copy. So, for Google Chrome, Google itself rules this - using a Google Mail address like, you can immediately access everything. Yandex and Rambler have a similar system. Firefox also suggests creating an account on the server. Other browsers, such as Opera, as well as Amigo from Mail.Ru, also follow the beaten path. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to know the main password for your account;
  • through the settings of the browser itself. The developers of Opera and Firefox have advanced the furthest in this direction, as software products that have proven themselves over the course of a number of years. Go to the security and privacy settings and use the above-described function of showing passwords;
  • The “pirate” method is keyloggers. These are interceptors of everything that the owner of the computer or his guests typed from the keyboard - be it the text of an article, a message in a chat, or a password on a website. The disadvantage is to configure the antivirus so that it does not erase the keylogger program from the PC, because it is regarded by antivirus applications as a kind of “Trojan”.

Summing up

Copying and transferring passwords is a useful feature. Often, when reinstalling Windows, people lose passwords from their previous accounts and cannot recover them later. Backup, which in years past was a long and painful task, has now been simplified to the limit. It is only important to promptly remove passwords from sites that no longer exist - or from those to which the user was denied access for one reason or another.

Video: how to extract saved passwords from browser history

Now you know how and where to manage your passwords, collected over many years of Internet surfing. All that’s left to do is organize their secure storage and timely cleanse of the password database from outdated entries. It's simple. You will get over it very quickly.

Today, any Internet user is registered on at least 10-20 sites: social networks, forums, blogs. There are also mailboxes, online games, various services, etc.

Of course, you can’t keep all the data in your head. But here smart browsers come to the rescue, saving all logins and automatically entering them when visiting sites. Simple and convenient.

But on the other hand, this plays a cruel joke on us. After all, over time we forget this data. Luckily, you can always view your saved passwords in your browser. In any - Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Yandex. And below we will look at how to do this.

Most often, data has to be recalled, for example, after you have decided. After all, after this procedure you need to manually enter them on all sites.

Let's start with the popular browser - Google Chrome. After all, today it is used by 40% of PC users and 47% of mobile device owners. Viewing passwords in Chrome is very easy. To do this, do the following:

Yandex browser

The second most popular browser is Yandex. It is used by 17.6% of PC and laptop owners. The statistics among mobile device owners are also quite good – 4% and 4th place.

Viewing passwords in Yandex Browser is very simple. After all, this is done in approximately the same way as in Chrome.

Here you can also delete passwords in Yandex Browser if you no longer need them. To do this, click on the cross in the right corner.

Mozilla Firefox

The third most popular browser is “fiery fox”. It is used by 12.9% of PC and laptop owners. Passwords in Firefox are stored in a slightly different place. But the essence is approximately the same.

Opera 40.0

And the last browser is Opera. Almost 10% of Internet users and a well-deserved 4th place.

What to do if there is no saved data in the browser

Sometimes your browser settings may not contain data for a particular site. Refused to save them (when the pop-up window appeared) or accidentally deleted them…. What to do in this case?

The easiest option is to use the password recovery form. Now it is on all sites. New data (or instructions for restoring it) will be sent to you by email.

Internet Explorer

Browser, Web browser (from English Web browser). Where can these same browsers store user passwords? Let's figure it out...

Let's start with perhaps the most popular and widely known browser - Internet Explorer (IE) from Microsoft Corporation. He stores his passwords, encrypted of course, in the Windows Registry, along with a hash of the website URL:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2

Opera - web browser

The fastest and most popular browser, Opera, uses its own storage format to store passwords. The file containing the passwords is called Wand.dat, it is located in the user profile:

for Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Opera\Opera\wand.dat


Google Chrome browser

Google Chrome - the most secure browser stores user passwords in a sqlite database, the file is called “Login Data” and is located in the user profile:

for Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

for Windows 7; Windows Vista

C:\users\Admin\AppdData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Mozilla Firefox

And of course, the Mozilla Firefox browser is the most extensible and highly customizable. Like Google Chrome, it uses a Sqlite database for storage. Passwords are encrypted using Triple-DES and BASE64 encoded. The file in which passwords are stored is also located in the user profile, the name is chosen randomly - “random_name.default”

for Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\"rendom_name".default

for Windows 7; Windows Vista


The following programs will help you extract passwords for all these browsers:

FirePasswordViewer, ChromePasswordDecryptor, FirePasswordViewer, OperaPasswordDecryptor, IEPasswordDecryptor are all easily found through search engines. But don’t forget that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. In any archive, these programs may also contain “malware”

where do browsers store their passwords?

* All paths in this material are shown for the “Admin” user

Yandex browser, like any other Internet browser, allows you to save passwords in your memory. With this function, you don't have to remember them all for different services. He will substitute the required set of characters himself. All we have to do is click on the “Login” button.

How to save your password

We go to the page for which you need to remember the data. As soon as we enter them and click “Login”, a Yandex proposal “Save the password for this site” appears in the upper right corner, click on the “Save” button:

All entered data is added to the database. We are also asked whether to enable phishing protection, it is better to enable it. If you don’t know what it is, I’ll explain throughout the article:

How to view saved passwords

So, you have saved more than one or two of them and want to know where they are stored in the Yandex browser. Click on the menu button and select “Settings” from the drop-down list:

Scroll down the settings page and click on the “Show additional settings” item:

At the next stage, look for the line “Passwords and forms”. Check the box next to “Enable phishing protection” (by the way, you need to enable phishing protection immediately after you start using the function of saving such data).

Click on the “Manage Passwords” button:

A control window opens. First, we see all those that the browser has remembered for various sites. In order to view any of them, select the site with the mouse and click on the “Show” button.

In order to delete any of the saved ones, just click on the cross next to the site we need.

Below is a list of pages for which data is not saved. If you need to save it for any of this list, then remove it from there by clicking on the cross on the right. Then go to the site and save your password (you already know how to do this).

Phishing protection

We have already discussed how to enable protection against phishing in this article, now we will look at what it is and how to disable it on certain sites with stored data.

Phishing sites are sites that are created by attackers in order to steal entered data.

For example, a bad person makes a website that is exactly like some kind of social network. Only the domain will be different. You don’t pay attention to this and enter your login and password into the fields, thus sending it all to the attacker’s database. So, Yandex browser has some protection against phishing. To enable or disable it on a specific site, go to the site, right-click on an empty space on the page and select “View page information” from the drop-down menu:

We open the information, and next to the line “Password protection against phishing”, we can turn it on and off:

Saved browser passwords on Android on your phone or tablet

Launch the browser, click on the settings button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the drop-down list.