Gta 5 escaped criminals. Maude (Special connections)

17.07.2023 Errors

Tasks to search for suspects hiding from investigation (Bail Bonds) will become available to Trevor after a visit to his employer - Maud Eccles - in the mission "". The first email targeting the “client” will arrive on Trevor’s smartphone shortly after their meeting. Once the order is completed, a new case will arrive in a short time, there are four in total.

Maude's letter usually does not indicate the exact location of the accused, only an aerial photograph of the area where he was last seen. If you don't know your way around the rural part of San Andreas, you may have problems identifying the right area. Our section will help with this.

The reward is always the same - $10,000 per fugitive if you deliver him alive. Murder is not forbidden, but the customer will show dissatisfaction with such a result, and you will receive only half of the specified amount for your work. It’s interesting that the data on the criminals that Maud sends you includes a $15,000 reward. Apparently, the difference of 5 thousand is her commission.

Capturing any of the fugitives alive also earns a "Wanted: Alive Or Alive" rating.

What's interesting about the resources GTA V There are portraits and photographs of the area for six more tasks, but for some reason these materials remained unclaimed. There was speculation that they could be added to the updated version of the game on PS4, Xbox One and PC, but this did not happen.

Unused portraits and photographs of the sites where the six fugitives were captured

Ralph Ostrowski / Ralph Ostrowski

The profile of the first criminal will arrive a few hours after Maude. Ralph Ostrowski is a money launderer. He's hiding at the quarry, not far from the start site of one of the.

In order not to bother yourself with the chase, shoot out the wheels of his Landstalker with a sniper rifle ahead of time. Then bring the man who is trying to escape to his senses with a shot from a stun gun and you can take the obedient prisoner to Maud. On the way back, he almost puts Trevor to sleep with a boring lecture about medical insurance fraud in shell companies.

Larry Tupper / Larry Tupper

Maud will send the second orientation approximately 6 hours after completing the first order. This time we are looking for Larry Tapper, an old acquaintance of Trevor who once bought drugs from him. Over time, the “smart guy” decided that it was more profitable to produce the goods himself. Which is what I got caught with.

Larry and his friends are hiding on the old farm southwest of the Grand Senora Desert. His friends are well armed and will start a shootout as soon as they see Trevor. Larry will try to escape on his own two feet. If you can sneak up from behind a house and quickly fire a Taser charge into it, the group will scatter and offer no resistance. But it’s easier, to be honest, to shoot them all and put a bullet in the back of the fleeing Larry. He still won’t die from one, but it will reduce his desire to rush somewhere. Just don't hit the head.

Glenn Scoville / Glen Scoville

6 hours after delivery to Larry, a new letter will appear. The next target is Glen Scovil, a banker and extreme sports enthusiast. And also a friend of the same one with whom Franklin happened to hang out.

Glen is one of the vice presidents of the investment company Schlongberg Sachs. Came under suspicion in an investigation into illegal income obtained with the help of insider information during the crisis. The accused did not appear at the court hearing, which is why he came to Maude’s attention.

Meanwhile, Glen and his cameraman are carefree filming another extreme video. on top of Mount Chiliad. As soon as you appear nearby, he will rush down headlong. If Trevor doesn't have a parachute with him, grab one lying nearby on the ground and jump after it. The descent will be long. Try to land close to the base jumper to cool his ardor with the stun gun. Otherwise, a single shot in the leg or back from a less lethal weapon will end this chase.

By the way, if you got to the top of the mountain in a helicopter like we did, you can descend directly on it after the parachutist. At the same time, you won’t have to look for transport to travel to Maude.

Curtis Weaver / Curtis Weaver

The fourth and final fugitive is Kurtis Weaver. Opponent of capitalism, hates the government and its puppets. Was among the protesters in the Algonquin financial district in Liberty City (a parody of the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York).

Deciding to reject capitalist society, Curtis settled in a homeless camp in San Andreas. The place is called Dignity Village and is located in the shadow of Mount Chiliad, on its northern side. However, the tentacles of state dictatorship have reached here too: during a demonstration, an activist beat a policeman with a fire extinguisher, for which he now must answer before the law.

Kurtis is no stranger and will try to shoot back, so we showed the easiest way to catch him in the video: gently push the insolent guy with your car, after which he will come to his senses and stop resisting. If you fail to knock the hippie down, several homeless people will come to his defense, and Kurtis himself will rush into the forest. It's better not to let things get to that point.

Today we will talk about where to find Ralph Ostrowski (GTA 5). We will also try to find other fugitives, but first we will understand the origins of this mission. Let's find out where it all began.

Where to find Ralph Ostrowski (GTA 5): introduction

After completing the mission "Mr. Phillips", an orange mark will appear near Trevor's home. Going to her, the hero will meet an outstanding lady named Maud. She whiles away her days in the countryside, immersed in the World Wide Web. The lady found an unusual way to earn extra money from her laptop. Trevor will be asked to become a hunter: look for criminals who were released on bail and then went on the run. The hero will receive $10,000 for each “lamb” brought whole. If the fugitive dies, the reward will be halved.


Let's move on to solving the question of where to find Ralph Ostrowski (GTA 5). After talking with Maude we leave. She will send a letter. In it we will find the name of the criminal, a photograph of rather poor quality, as well as a photograph of the place where he was last seen. The one we're interested in, Ralph Ostrowski, is first on the list. The fugitive is hiding in a quarry. We get to the place until a special blue-red mark lights up on the radar. To find the quarry itself, it is enough to study the game map well.

Character traits

If you are wondering where to find Ralph Ostrowski GTA 5, you should keep in mind that he is quite shy. Therefore, it is enough to shoot at his car or point a weapon, and he will immediately surrender, after which he will raise his hands up. We get into the car. Ralph will follow us even on a long journey. The fugitive will tell you a lot of interesting things about himself along the way. According to Trevor, this is one of the most boring criminals in the world. Now we know who Ralph Ostrowski is (GTA 5), where to find the quarry and how to apprehend this man. There is also an interesting surprise here: by delivering the prisoner to Maud, the hero will receive a special achievement.

Missions to search and capture fugitives from justice will become available to Trevor immediately after the side quest “Special Bonds”: after completing the story mission, an orange question mark will appear on the map between Sandy Shores and Grapeseed.

When Trevor arrives at the marked location, a short cutscene will play. Maud Eccles, Trevor's old acquaintance, with whom he has friendly relations, based, however, more on mutually beneficial cooperation than on anything else, will offer him a job searching and capturing fugitive criminals.

Trevor will receive his first task in the form of an email targeting the fugitive some time after his first meeting with Maude. A few hours after the order is completed, Maud will send information on the next “client”. There will be four such tasks in total, and their completion is mandatory to obtain 100 percent in the game completion statistics.

As a rule, in Maud's letters the exact location of the fugitive who is to be found and captured is not indicated, but there is an aerial photograph of the area where the fugitive was last seen. Unfortunately, the photos are of poor quality, and unless you know Blaine County like the back of your hand, identifying the right location from an aerial photo will likely be difficult.

The reward for each fugitive suspect is $10,000 if delivered alive. Capturing any of the fugitives alive will earn you the Wanted: Alive Or Alive achievement.

Of course, you can kill the fugitive, this is not forbidden, but Maud will remain dissatisfied, so Trevor will receive only half of the fee. It is noteworthy that the guidelines sent by Maud indicated a reward of 15 thousand dollars. Apparently, Maude takes five thousand for herself as a commission.

By the way, fans found in GTA V resources portraits of criminals and photographs of the area (interestingly, the pictures were not taken from the air) for six more such tasks, which for some reason were not included in the final version of the game. For a long time, it was believed that these tasks would be added to the updated version of the game for the new generation platforms (Xbox One, PS4 and PC), however, this never happened. However, we can hope that missions will be added in a future story expansion.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Ralph Ostrowski

Ralph Ostrowski is the first fugitive whom Trevor has to track down and catch. Information about him will come a few hours after Maud’s first visit. Ralph is an expert in laundering dirty money and a fan of fraud with health insurance in shell companies. He is hiding at the very bottom of a quarry near the San Shan Mountains, not far from the starting point of one of the.

Of course, you can chase him throughout the Davis career, but it will take a long time, so the easiest way is to immediately shoot out the wheels on the Landstalker SUV, in which the suspect will try to escape, and then put a charge from a stun gun into Ralph who is trying to escape - this will immediately cool his ardor. After this, Mr. Ostrowski will become quiet and obedient, and he can be taken to Maud.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Larry Tupper

The second fugitive is Larry Tupper. Mod will send the information to Trevor six hours after the first criminal is caught. Larry is an old acquaintance of Trevor's who bought drugs from him. Trevor has a personal interest in this matter - Tupper decided that it would be more profitable to start producing the potion on his own, which is what he got caught doing. Of course, the Trevor Philips Industries company, to which it is dedicated, has no need for competition.

Larry is hiding out on an old farm located southwest of the Grand Senora Desert with several accomplices. Tupper's friends are well armed, and as soon as Trevor appears on the horizon, they will start shooting at him.

Larry himself will try to escape. You can shoot all his friends and then catch up with the fugitive, or you can sneak up unnoticed and put a Taser charge into Tupper - in this case, the accomplices will not offer resistance and will simply run away.

However, the likelihood that you will be able to approach unnoticed is small, so it’s easier to shoot all of Larry’s friends at once, and shoot the fugitive himself once in the back. He still won’t die from one bullet, but he will stop running away. The main thing is not to hit him in the head, so as not to lose half of the fee.

After this, Larry needs to be taken to Maud. Along the way he will press for pity, but, of course, nothing will come of it.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Glenn Scoville

After six hours from the moment Larry Tapper is delivered, Maud will receive an orientation to the next fugitive - Glenn Scoville, Dom's friend who taught Franklin extreme tricks.

Scovil is a major financier, one of the vice presidents of the Schlongberg Sachs investment fund. Having come under suspicion during an investigation into illegal income obtained through insider information during the economic crisis, Glenn did not appear at the court hearing. Well, in vain. Now Trevor will take care of it.

Scovil does not yet suspect what awaits him, and serenely films a new extreme video dedicated to base jumping with a cameraman on Mount Chilliad. However, as soon as Trevor is nearby, Glenn will immediately realize that nothing good can be expected from such a meeting, and will immediately jump off the cliff.

Of course, Trevor will have to jump after. If you don't have a parachute in your inventory, you can find one nearby. The descent will be long, and during the flight you need to get as close to Scovil as possible in order to land next to him and not chase the fugitive on the ground, but immediately use a stun gun. However, even if you can’t land in close proximity to Glenn, you can always shoot the fleeing banker in the leg with a pistol or other light weapon, after which he will become much calmer and agree to proceed to Maude “voluntarily”.

However, there is a much simpler option - you can go after Scovil by helicopter, and use it to descend after the parachutist - it will be faster than jumping after him with a parachute. In addition, in this case, the fugitive can be easily transported to Maude by air, which is again much faster and more convenient.

Capturing fugitives in GTA 5: Curtis Weaver

Kurtis Weaver, whose orientation Maude will send Trevor six hours after he delivers Scovil, is the fourth and final fugitive. A fierce opponent of the capitalist system, he hates the American government and its “puppets”, that is, representatives of the law, financiers and many others. At one time he took part in mass protests in the financial district of Algonquin in Liberty City. During the demonstration, Weaver beat a police officer with a fire extinguisher, for which he must now answer before the law.

Ultimately, deciding to abandon life in a rotten capitalist society, Weaver settles in a small camp of homeless and other marginalized people, Dignity Village, in Blaine County, located in the north at the foot of Mount Chilliad. However, Kurtis will not be able to escape from the state dictatorship here either: Trevor is already on his way to pick him up.

As soon as Trevor catches the eye of Weaver, he will immediately start firing at him with a pistol. It is best to hit the fugitive criminal without leaving the car, but not too hard, so that he does not die, and thereby deprive Trevor of half of his fee. The difficulty is that Kurtis can hide behind a box, and then pushing him with a car will not work. In this case, several local residents will come to Weaver's defense, and the fugitive will try to hide in the forest. Of course, you can use a stun gun, or shoot him in the back or leg, and then take him to Maude.

This concludes the task of capturing fugitives in GTA V.

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An orange marker will appear in Grapeseed, near Trevor's first home. ? . Having approached her, Trevor will meet a very distinguished lady, Maude. She whiles away her days in the rural wilderness with the help of the World Wide Web. And it was from her laptop that she learned a way to earn extra money. Trevor is asked to become a bounty hunter: look for criminals who have been released on bail and gone on the run. For each “sheep” he brings safe and sound, he will receive 10 thousand dollars. And if it was not possible to drag the fugitive alive, the amount is cut in half.

After talking with Maude, leave. Some time later she will send you the first letter. It contains the name of the criminal, a photograph of poor quality and a photo of the place where he was last seen.

All the places we need are on the map. The map is clickable; when expanded, it is enlarged with the mouse wheel.

Catching runaways is a quarry. Ralph Ostrowski

The configuration of the roads in the picture is very characteristic, and it is enough to look carefully at the game map to determine that our slider is hiding in a quarry. We get to the place until the blue-red mark on the radar lights up.

This fugitive is very timid, so it is enough to shoot at his car, wound him, hit him in the jaw, or even just point a weapon at him, and he will surrender and raise his paws. Get into the car - Ralph will follow you, even if you have to walk far.

And here’s a nice bonus of being captured alive: along the way, the fugitives tell a lot of interesting things about themselves. Sometimes. Ralph, according to Trevor, is "the world's most boring criminal."

And one more bonus: by delivering the prisoner to Maude’s farm, we get “Deliver Alive or Alive.”

Catching runaways is a farm. Larry Tupper

The next target, as it turns out, is an old acquaintance of Trevor. It will be more difficult with him, since he is not hiding in this dilapidated barn alone.

We leave the car some distance from the building and take a sniper rifle. Larry himself stands at the barn gate and chats with a friend. Three more are sitting in the car. It is enough to shoot or just appear in front of them for all four to start shooting back, and at this time the fugitive runs away. So you’ll have to try your best to shoot the three guys in the car as quickly as possible while they get out. The grenade launcher is no good, it will send Larry and his company to the next world.

Our target is running as fast as he can. Stop him with a shot from a stunner (if by this time he has already been brought to Ammu-Nation) or simply catch up with him and hit him in the jaw.

Before you leave, look nearby and.

Catching runaways is a mountain. Glenn Scoville

Our next target is very adventurous, and in the photograph sent, it is easy to identify the northern part of the island, Mount Chiliad. We go up there by cable car or an unnecessary car. From the funicular station we go forward until we come across a dirt road, and turn right along it. You can grab a motorcycle near the station, but it's not that far to go.

As we approach, we will see our victim on the edge of the cliff. His friend stands nearby with a camera. As soon as Trevor screams, Glenn will jump down. We quickly run through the parachute lying next to the operator and jump after him: yes, that’s how it was intended, we will be able to detain the criminal only after landing.

We try not to move too far away from the target in the air, otherwise the mission will fail. Glenn will fly all the way to the Alamo Sea, land on the sandy shore and immediately start running. Using the precision landing mode, we fly closer. If you managed to land right on his head, then the mission is almost completed, otherwise you will have to run a little. Knocked down and convinced by an argument in the form of a blow to the ribs, the fugitive will agree to end the matter peacefully. However, a shot from a stun gun will be no less convincing.

On the way to Maud, it turns out that our parachutist knows Dominic. Franklin also gets to meet him.

Catching the runaways is a tramp. Curtis Weaver

Our last target is a fighter against the system and an expert on conspiracy theories, in general, practically a political criminal. He is hiding in a hobo camp. As soon as we get close enough to him, he will start shooting. Fortunately, the rest of the tramps will simply run away. We stun him with a paralyzer. As an option, we turn on Trevor’s special skill and knock him down.

If it was not possible to capture him immediately, Curtis will run away into the mountains. We catch up and do as expected. Then we go down to the highway: it’s easy to get a car there.

After you deliver Maude's final victim, she will tell you that she is retiring. She doesn't like the criminal world; she wants a quiet life.

Missions with fugitives in GTA 5 open quite early, practically with gaining control over the main character Trevor, after completing the mission "". Tasks are given to you by a woman named Maud (“”), with whom Trevor has a warm and friendly relationship.

You play the role of a bounty hunter, the tasks are based on catching fugitives. There are 4 of them in total. You can kill them, but a greater reward is given for living fugitives.

10 000$ alive
5 000$ for the dead
Each mission to search and capture a fugitive begins with an email - it contains a description of the person, his photograph and a photo of his last place of stay.

But you are not given a mark on the map, so you need to hunt for the fugitive using these clues or you can use.

1. Ralph Ostrovsky.
This is your first goal. You can find it in the Davis-Quartz quarry, at the very “bottom”. He's alone. His marker flashes red and blue, which means you can either kill him or capture him.

You can:
- Wait until Ralph gets into his car. Then chase him and shoot at the car, but don't get too carried away so as not to kill him. It's better to riddled its wheels. In the end, he will stop with the wording “Okay, okay, you win” and all you have to do is deliver him to Mod.
- Shoot him with a stun gun before that as he gets into his Landstalker.

2. Larry Tapper.
Unlike the previous fugitive, Larry is no longer alone, but accompanied by friends. He's hiding out on an old farm south of Sandy Shores. First, get rid of his friends (3 pieces) as quickly as possible, and then neutralize Tapper with a stun gun while he runs away from you.

During Larry's delivery to Maude, he and Trevor will have an interesting conversation. Apparently, they have known each other for a long time, but money is money.

3. Glen Scovil.
This fugitive is not a fugitive, but some kind of flyer! You'll find him on top of Mount Chiliad, with a parachute on his back and one friend filming him. To capture the fugitive alive, you will have to wait for the moment when Glen jumps down, and then jump yourself.

Chase him through the air and just before landing, you will find that you can jump on top of Scovil, thereby capturing him.

If you miss this moment, then simply chop off Glen with a stun gun.

4. Kurtis Weaver. More