Unknown weapon get information call of Pripyat. Walkthrough stalker call of pripyat - pripyat

21.07.2023 Errors

After the Brain Burner was disabled and the passage to the center of the Zone was open, the Ukrainian government decides to conduct a large-scale military operation, codenamed “Fairway”. The goal of the operation is to take the Chernobyl nuclear power plant under military control. The first group of military personnel was sent to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the territory and draw up detailed plans for the location of the anomalous fields. This should have allowed the main groups of military personnel to subsequently advance along safe routes.

However, the plan fails - five reconnaissance helicopters are destroyed. In order to find out the reason for this fiasco, the Security Service of Ukraine sends its operative, Major Alexander Degtyarev, to the center of the Zone. Degtyarev's primary task is to search for five missing helicopters, each of which contains a piece of some important information.

After the Brain Burner was turned off, groups of stalkers began to approach the center of the Zone en masse. In an area called “Zaton” and in the vicinity of the “Jupiter” plant, detachments of free stalkers and bandits began to form. The most desperate and courageous members of the “Duty” and “Freedom” groups also set off to conquer the center of the zone. Wars between factions continue.

Action game

Each helicopter was destroyed in a different way. Two cars were hit by electrical discharges. On one of the helicopters, notes were found indicating that there were three military evacuation points. The major decides to check them all. The first point pointed to the ship "Skadovsk" - a camp of free stalkers who were not very kind to the military. The second point (the Volkhov air defense system in the vicinity of Jupiter) was swarming with zombies, the third was in Pripyat. No one knew how to get to Pripyat, but there were legends about a certain underground overpass that leads from the Jupiter plant to Pripyat. The major went to check the legend and came across the entrance to this tunnel. This is the mothballed Pripyat-1 overpass, which was used to deliver a certain “Product No. 62”. However, judging by the records, the overpass is de-energized, the pressure doors are closed and it is filled with poisonous gas. After consulting with Azot (a technician from the stalker camp at the Yanov station), it was decided to assemble a detachment for a trip to Pripyat, since the tunnel, apparently, was filled with mutants. Degtyarev finds volunteers for the expedition to Pripyat: the former Zulu soldier, the cheerful and gullible stalker Vano, the commander of a detachment of former Monoliths, Tramp, as well as the miraculously surviving co-pilot of one of the helicopters, Lieutenant Sokolov. Everyone needed suits with a closed breathing system. The major solved these problems.

After the squad exited the tunnel, they immediately came across a military patrol. The major, having decided that supporting the stalker legend no longer makes sense, presents the agent’s documents to the patrol. Not everyone in his squad was pleased with this news. Zulu, who was walking with the major, says that he has nothing to do with the military and the SBU, and leaves the detachment. Later, after completing a mission to capture the Monolith's secret weapon, he can be found near the collapsed school site in Pripyat and saved from the snorks. Next, the patrol escorted the major and the stalkers to a fortified point where the remnants of the military from the Skat group were held. The military commander, Colonel Kovalsky, described the sad situation: Operation Fairway failed, there is no connection with the Center, personnel suffer losses every day in clashes with mutants, anomalies and fanatics of the Monolith group. Urgent evacuation is necessary, however, as Major Degtyarev said in turn, there will be no evacuation until he establishes for certain the reasons for the helicopter crashes. The only available version: the helicopters were shot down from an unknown weapon with enormous penetrating power. Colonel Kovalsky reported that his scouts had tracked down a group of Monoliths, whose commander-preacher owned a weapon matching the description. Soldiers Kovalsky and Degtyarev ambushed the Monoliths. The weapon was captured, but was seriously damaged during the battle. Colonel Kovalsky asked Degtyarev to tighten connections among free stalkers and find a technician who could repair the weapon. This technician turned out to be Cardan from Zaton. The unknown weapon turned out to be a gauss cannon. The cause of the crash of some of the helicopters has been established. However, even a super-accelerated bullet could not burn out the electronics of the remaining helicopters. Also, in the process of investigating the origin of an unknown weapon, Degtyarev came into possession of a key card to a secret laboratory in Pripyat - X8. The major went to the laboratory and collected all the information and documents that he found. From them it turned out that the development of the “Brain Burner” was carried out in the laboratory. It was also revealed from the documents that the development of the emitter was carried out by the founders of the Clear Sky group.

Having got out of the X8 laboratory, the major received a message from Colonel Kovalsky - the military radio operator had found the reason for the lack of communication with the Center. It turned out to be barrage radio interference from an unknown emitter. Having destroyed the emitter - one of the altars with the psi-antenna of the Monolith group - the major broke the prolonged radio silence. Soon another message arrived - not far from the military base, a strange signal was discovered, the source of which was somewhere underground. It turned out that the source was Strelok - the stalker, the hero of the first part. He said that he was at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and could tell the military a lot. Strelok also discovered the reason why the helicopters crashed - after the release, anomalies appear in new places, and the maps on which the military flew were simply outdated.

Having received information about the reasons for the failure of Operation Fairway and making adjustments thanks to Strelok’s information, the Center sends helicopters to Pripyat.


The helicopters arrive successfully, an evacuation operation begins, during which the group is attacked by numerous squads of fanatics from the Monolith group. Further, the course of the plot depends on the player. Degtyarev can fly away from the Zone by helicopter, or stay (continue the game in the “Freeplay” mode, which may affect the ending), subsequently using the services of the guides Pilot or Garik to leave the Zone.

The ending of the game is presented in slides. The player is told the fate of most of the key characters, as well as further life in the visited locations. A few seconds from the final video are dedicated to each character or location. Each slide has several options for the outcome of events. The content of the slides depends on completing various quests.

where in Stalker Call of Pripyat can I find information about new weapons? and got the best answer

Reply from KRYMCH@NOCHK@[guru]
Unknown weapon (Gauss gun)

Terms of issue: --

We go up the stairs, then along the upper pipe we climb through the hole into the ventilation shaft (remember the old friend Freeman) and climb out into the second hall. The necessary documents will be on the table, and next to it is a sample of product number 62. We receive a yellow key card from Laboratory X8. Now you need to get out and return to Cardan in Skadovsk. We give the documents, wait until he gets angry, and at the same time repairs the Gaussian. At this time you can sleep. We get up, take the weapons and documentation and go to Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat.

Answer from Vadim[active]
Stop playing and start living :))))

Answer from Ivan Koval[guru]
Gauss gun? Take it to Cardan on Skadosk.

Answer from Corporattion Mercenaries[newbie]
Unknown weapon
Description: Find the weapon that the Monoliths used to shoot down the helicopter with the military.
Quest issued by: Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky.
Reward: Gauss Cannon, Yellow Key Card
Walkthrough: Together with Captain Tarasov we go to the hospital. We take our places in the building and wait for the three Monoliths to walk into the center of the courtyard. We quickly take them off and go search the bodies. At this moment, the rest of the Monoliths, who ambushed us, begin to attack. Our goal is to Kill the Monolith, on the edge of the roof of a five-story building, which stands with a gauss cannon. After all the Fanatics are dead, we take the secret weapon and return to Kowalski. But the sample Gauss gun is damaged, we need to find a mechanic to fix it. We go to Cardan on Zaton. When we tell him about product No. 62, he passes out and it’s tedious to wait until he comes to his senses :)
During the dialogue, we learn that Cardan previously worked at the Jupiter plant, with this particular product. For repairs, he needs documentation, we get an old magnetic key card and go to the Iron Forest anomaly, there will be a coded door in the building nearby. This is where the key card comes in handy. We go down to the testing workshop, in the corridor there will be about 5 zombified stalkers, we go down even lower, we find ourselves in a hall with a huge shield mounted on rails. Personally, it was in this place that I first met the pseudo-giant. He is quite clumsy, but it is very difficult to penetrate him with bullets. Stock up on armor-piercing, shotgun and grenade launcher charges. But it's better if you take something heavier.
We go up the stairs, then along the upper pipe we climb through the hole into the ventilation shaft (remember the old friend Freeman) and climb out into the second hall. The necessary documents will be on the table, and next to it is a sample of product number 62. We receive a yellow key card from Laboratory X8. Now you need to get out and return to Cardan in Skadovsk. We give the documents, wait until he gets angry, and at the same time repairs the Gaussian. At this time you can sleep. We get up, pick up weapons and documentation and go to Lieutenant Colonel Kovalsky in Pripyat

In this walkthrough, only the main plot part of the game will be considered. But you will probably have to complete at least some of the additional tasks. In any case, you decide for yourself whether to complete additional tasks or not. I would like to add that by opening your PDA at any moment (key “P”), you can select one of the received tasks. After pressing the appropriate key, the quest goal will be shown on the mini-map, which will greatly facilitate your task of following the destination and completing the quest.

Having traveled a long way to the crash site of the helicopter, you will see that its remains are located on a hill. You don't know how to get to this plateau.

"Scat-3" on the Southern Plateau (not accessible).

Explore the crash site of Skat-5

Mark this place on the map and move towards it. The helicopter will be located in the middle of a swamp with several anomalies. It is best to descend to the helicopter from the side opposite to the road.

Safe path to Skat-5.

When you're near it, walk around in a circle until the screen prompts you to press the "F" key to inspect the helicopter. Press this key.

Explore the crash site of Skat-2

Move to the indicated point. The helicopter will be located in the middle of the power plant. A phantom is raging here with all its might, throwing various objects at you. Quickly run up to the helicopter and inspect it in the same way as the previous one. You will find maps of the area that some may be interested in.

Explore the crash site of "Skat-1"

Select this task from your PDA (press the “P” key), follow the marker on the mini-map. You will find yourself on a barge. In order to get inside, you will need to hide your weapon. To do this, press the “1”, “2” or other key twice. Once inside, find a guide at a table in the center of the bar. During the dialogue with him, you can offer maps of the area found in the Skat-2 helicopter. For this he will give you a significant discount. Say that you want to go to Yanov station. The transition will cost you 1000 coins (if you do not give away the cards, then this fee will not be lower than 2000).

After talking with the conductor and the technician, exit the building and follow the crash site of the Skat-1 helicopter. And here there is a minefield everywhere:

Safe path to Skat-1.

To overcome the minefield, we advise you to move along the mesh fence on the right side, periodically moving away from it closer to the center. Save often, reload and choose a safe route without a single mine using this method. Once you reach the helicopter, you will find a Black Box.

Explore the crash site of "Skat-4"

Mark the task on your map, then move to the indicated point. You need to get to the territory of an abandoned factory. Move between the two buildings, turn right. All this time, the yellow marker should remain on your right side. Next you will need to find the entrance to the workshop. Inside the workshop there will be a pit on the right side. Go down there, go through the corridors and go up the stairs above. Go through the room where there are documents on the control panel. You can study them, or you can just pass by. Get to the helicopter, kill the dogs and examine the Skat-4.

Take the Black Box to the technician from the Skat-1 helicopter

Return back to Yanov station the same way. Talk to the technician you talked to when you first arrived at the station. Give him the Black Box. He will say that it will take a little time to decipher it, and it will not be cheap. If you want to earn extra money and save money on decryption, you can find parts for a technician and tools (optional) in an abandoned chemical plant.

Find out how to get to the Southern Plateau, where the Skat-3 helicopter fell

In the bars at the Yanov station or inside the barge on Zaton, talk to the stalkers and ask if they know anything about the fallen helicopters. One of the stalkers will say that information on how to get to the Southern Plateau can be obtained from Noah. Return to Zaton, go to the barge where Noah is holed up. When opening doors, be careful, because Noah will immediately shoot at you (such are his “precautions”). Hide your weapon, approach him and ask about the fallen helicopters. When Noah suggests walking to the Plateau, agree.

Once there, watch how Noah moves, follow the same path and jump down. The anomaly will take you to the Southern Plateau.

Explore the crash site of "Skat-3"

Go to the helicopter and examine it. You will learn about three evacuation points, which, in fact, will have to be checked.

Check evacuation point "B2"

Go to the Skadovsk station, which is on the barge, and talk to Beard. Ask if the military has appeared here. “It’s as quiet as a tank!”

Wait for the Black Box to be decrypted

With the help of the guide, return to the Yanov station, go to Azot and ask if he deciphered the records in the Black Box. If you have not completed the task of finding parts and tools for Azot, then he will charge a price of 3,000 rubles. If you complete at least one task and find spare parts inside the nearest abandoned building, the price will already be 1800 rubles. Decide for yourself. Having deciphered the message, you will be convinced that there is only one evacuation point - “B28”. Another mission to inspect the third evacuation point will be automatically cancelled.

Path to Pripyat

You need to get to Pripyat, since that is where the evacuation point “B28” is located. This can be done through the Jupiter plant. Follow there as the marker on the mini-map shows. Go the same way as you walked to the Skat-4 helicopter. Approach the crashed aircraft and pay attention to the doorway on the right side of it.

How to find a transport route to Pripyat.

Move through this opening and get to the desired room. Inspect the work log on the control panel. Find out the location of the generator and transport route.

In order to open the transport route, you need to start the generator. Go down, there is a truck on the left side. Behind him is a second truck. Follow her side and get over the barricades. Move to the building marked on the mini-map, go inside and go up to the second floor. Here on the shelves at the indicated point is another magazine, which describes how to start the generator.

Return back to Azot at the Yanov station and report that you have found documents that talk about an underground route to Pripyat. He will suggest a man named Zulu, who will happily go to Pripyat. Exit the station, go to the next building, hide your weapon and go inside. Go upstairs and talk to Zulu about everything. During the conversation, you will find out that the hike requires a squad of at least three people, as well as suits with a closed breathing system. In the dialog box you can tell Zulu the names of those who could go to Pripyat. The options offered depend on which additional quests you completed and which stalkers you helped. In any case, one of the options would be Noah from Zaton.

As for our passage of the game “Stalker Call of Pripyat”, we will go to Pripyat in a team with Vano. Vano is a lonely stalker standing at a table inside the Yanov station in the main hall, opposite the window with the merchant. In order for Vano to agree to go to Pripyat, he needs help. Vano will give you 5,000 rubles. They need to be returned to the bandits from whom he borrowed them. Vano himself is afraid to do this, because he is sure that the bandits will demand more money. Go there, return the money to the bandits in the amount of 7,000 rubles (interest will be required), or destroy everyone. If you kill everyone, Vano will leave you money when you complete the quest. After this, talk with Vano about going to Pripyat. He will agree, but will say that he needs to buy back his suit with a closed breathing system. You need to give him 5,000 rubles.

If you have money, that's great. If you don’t have money, then you can quickly complete the task of Uncle Yar, who is sitting in the next room. Together with him you will go inside the destroyed building, from which you will need to shoot the mercenaries. So, give Wano the money and tell him it’s time to go to the Zulu. Talk to Zulu. Now you can go to Pripyat as soon as you get yourself a suit with a closed breathing system. On the other hand, you can add a few more people to your team.

Now about the costume. You can buy "Seva" overalls. From a merchant at Yanov it costs 35-38 thousand rubles. If you go to Zaton and order it from a guy named Shustry, who is on the third tier of the barge, then such a jumpsuit will cost you 30 thousand rubles. In this case, you will need to give a deposit of 6,000 rubles and wait a few days. On the second tier there is a merchant Sych, who offers the same “Seva” overalls for 28,000 rubles. At the same time, there is no need to wait! Having taken the overalls, return to Zulu and tell him that it is time to go to Pripyat.

Underground passage to Pripyat

So, move with your team through the dungeon, kill mutants. To open the doors you need to click on the indicated panels. Soon you will come across a locked door. We need to supply food to it. Move back a little and you will see a tower on the left side. Go upstairs and turn on the generator. Go downstairs. Bandits appear. You can kill them, or you can proceed to another point while your comrades distract the enemies. But be prepared for the fact that the bandits can kill Wano and Zulu. Go to the indicated place, there is an entrance to the building. Enter there, go up the stairs and pull the lever on the control panel. Return to the door, which is now open. Get to the end of the tunnel by killing enemies. Don't rush, kill everyone gradually.

Unknown weapon

Having arrived in Pripyat and watched the video, go to the captain and talk to him. Agree to go for the operation. Kill the first enemies when you suddenly find yourself in an ambush. Kill all opponents. The main target is the leader of the Monolith, standing on the roof and shooting from an unknown weapon. See the screenshot below.

Kill the Monolith leader and get an unknown weapon.

Search the corpses and find a weapon with a scope, if there is none. Kill the leader, enter the building from which the Monoliths ran out, and go up the stairs to the second floor. Take the fallen weapon. Return to Colonel Kowalski and report everything. Try leaving the room. A cut scene will stop you.

Missing reconnaissance group

By the way, a stalker named Garik came from Jupiter, who can now guide you back. It turns out that you don’t have to waste time going from one location to another. Follow the checkpoint, you will see that a group of military men was killed by the Monoliths. Move to the indicated place and wait for help from two military personnel to arrive (if those with whom you came to Pripyat are alive, then they will arrive). Go inside the House of Books building and kill the enemies. Move along the corridors, open the door and kill everyone around the strange structure. Watch the cutscene.

Unknown weapon: get information

Next, you need to find a technician who can deal with the found weapon. You can search on your own, or you can immediately go to Cardan, which is in Skadovsk (Zaton location). Talk to him (the technician on the second floor of the barge). If he suddenly gets drunk, just get some sleep. You will receive a key to the laboratory.

Product No. 62

Move to the lower left corner of the Zaton map. The point where you need to go is marked on the mini-map. Enter the small building and go down the stairs. Open the door using the same key received from Cardan. Follow one floor below, clear it of infected enemies, then move down another staircase. You will find yourself in a workshop with rails and a monster. You can climb up the steps a little higher and shoot the monster with everything you have. Grenades will be effective in fighting it. And even the most powerful weapon will require 9-10 bursts (or even more).

Having defeated the enemy, whom, by the way, you don’t have to kill at all, you need to climb those same metal steps, and from there move even higher along the fire escape. Cross the upper bridges to another wall, move towards the control point. Do not go down the stairs, but jump into the ventilation shaft. Climb to the end of the shaft and take the documentation you were looking for from the dashboard.

Return to Pripyat and talk to Colonel Kowalski. Receive a new task related to the missing scout.

The missing sentry

Follow the indicated point to the grocery store where the sentry was. You will see a military man shoot himself, after which the controller will immediately appear. Killing him is quite easy. The main thing is to periodically hide from him so that you are not in his line of sight. Try to shoot in the head.

One shot

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you return from the previous task to the laundry room. Here Garik will speak to you, and you will learn the story of two mercenaries. We warn you for the reason that there is an option to go directly to the X8 laboratory, but after this an error may appear: Colonel Kowalski will refuse to talk to you at all (there will be no active key to start a conversation).

So, after talking with Garik, go to the colonel and report on the story you heard. Make a choice: kill one enemy or try to deal with them all at once. There is nothing unusual in the task.

Laboratory X8

Enter the indicated building and, very importantly, go to the elevator doors. The task will update to the status “Generator needs to be turned on”. To do this, go upstairs, changing flights of stairs where the steps break off. On the top floor, find the room above the elevator shaft and start the generator. You will be disturbed by enemies located on each floor - infected, Monoliths, etc. When the generator is started, go back down to the first floor, enter the opened elevator and press the “F” button. You will be taken to laboratory X8.

Go down and open the door. From here you can go in different directions, but you need to go into the passage ahead that leads down. Keep left and find another flight of stairs. Follow below, go along the corridor and you will find yourself in a spacious hall where you can go down into the “pool”. Do this, and on one of the tables with a computer, find the first folder with documents.

First document.

Attention! You will be asked to leave the complex or continue searching for documents. Ignore this trick because you need to find ALL the documents!

There is a doorway next to the corridor through which you came here. Go there (there is still a huge cylinder in this room). If there is a cylinder, then you are moving in the right direction. Go down the steps below; along one of the walls there is a closet with shelves. Go past him and take the second folder with documents from the dashboard.

Second document.

Go back to the door you opened after taking the elevator down. Stand with your back to the front door and turn to the right. After going down one set of steps, go up the steps in the far right corner. You will find yourself in a spacious hall on the second floor. Find the third folder with documents on one of the cabinets.

Third document.

An enemy will appear here - kill him or run away. Three folders with documents have been found, but as many more need to be found. Go back to the room where you found the second folder (the cylinder is located). You need to go into the next room and climb into the elevator shaft, where there is a staircase. Go up two tiers and you will see an open elevator door. Jump from a distance into this opening, you will find yourself on the floor. There will be three burrers here. It is best to kill them with a knife, approaching closely. Remember that ordinary rifles and machine guns are ineffective against them. There will be one folder with documents in this room, but don’t rush to leave. Go up the stairs to another room and on the table you will find a fifth folder with documents.

All that's left is to find the last folder. Return to the elevator shaft, go up and jump into the cabin through the hole at the top. Exit into the corridor, go to the entrance door to the laboratory. Stand with your back to this door, go left, open the door leading to the classroom (see picture):

Last document.

Go downstairs, quickly grab the blue folder from the table and leave the laboratory. Go back to the colonel and talk to him. Get a new task.

Radio interference

Move to the indicated point and search the corpse of the reconnaissance group commander. Take the explosive with the timer. The colonel will contact you, from whom you will learn that the source of radio interference is located in the kindergarten. Go in his direction; a yellow marker marks the door on which you need to install explosives with a timer. Do so, and then run away. After the explosion, go inside, move to the right wing of the garden, using several flights of stairs. As a result, on the second tier you will find a strange structure, similar to the one you saw in the House of Books building. Destroy it by throwing a grenade or firing several bursts. Through the hole in the floor where this structure stood, go down to the tier below and open the green freezer. You will free the doctor and automatically find yourself in the laundry room. Talk to Kowalski.

Unknown signal source

Move to the indicated point, wait until you are ordered to go to another place. Run to the dormitory courtyard, then return to the base and watch the cut-scene.


Wait out the release, replenish supplies and order Kowalski to gather fighters. Make your way to the helicopters, hold positions until they arrive and decide for yourself whether to complete the game or continue playing it in free mode.

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz
AMD Athlon XP 2200+ 2.2 GHz
Intel Pentium 4 2.2 GHz
AMD Athlon XP 2200+ 2.2 GHz
Video card Nvidia GeForce 5900
AMD Radeon 9600XT
128 MB VRAM, DirectX 9
Nvidia GeForce 5900
AMD Radeon 9600XT
256 MB VRAM, DirectX 9c
6 GB 6 GB
operating system Windows 32-bit: Win XP SP2 Windows 32-bit: Win XP SP2

First minutes in the game

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Plot

We play for Alexander Degtyarev, a major in the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). On assignment, we were sent to the radioactive exclusion zone located around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to find the remains of five military helicopters.

According to legend, we are disguised as an ordinary stalker (artifact seeker), which is why we are equipped with a standard stalker set. From the very beginning, our inventory includes a protective suit of medium quality, an AKSU assault rifle, a PM pistol, a Geiger counter, several first aid kits and a decent supply of food.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. How to play

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Map

Let's get our bearings right away. We open the map (key “P”), we see that we are in the northeastern corner of the large Zaton location. On the left side of the screen you can enable the task menu. We see that we have five tasks at once: Skat-1, Skat-2, Skat-3, Skat-4, Skat-5. Quest locations are indicated on the map with large yellow dots. There are only three out of five points in our location. We can select any of the points so that it blinks. Select the nearest point “Skat-5” in the west of the location, turn off the map menu. On the screen in the upper left corner we see a minimap in the form of a compass. The yellow arrow on the compass indicates the direction to the point we have chosen. Using the compass as our guide, we begin our journey.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Free stalkers

If we go in the direction of the arrow, along a well-trodden path, and not through the swamps, then sooner or later we will meet a group of stalkers. Ordinary stalkers are neutral towards us, unless you attack them first. To communicate with stalkers, you need to temporarily remove your weapon and pick up a bolt (key “6”). You can only communicate normally with the group leader (he is indicated by an asterisk on the minimap).

We ask the stalker all possible questions, as a result we find out the location of a large stalker camp in the area. The camp is located in the center of Zaton inside an old barge in the Skladovsk zone.

Stalkers Base
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Base

All roads will sooner or later lead you to Skladovsk. At the stalker base, you can take on many additional tasks, earn extra money, and improve your equipment. The following tasks are available at the very beginning: Disappearance of stalkers, Inaccessible cache, Hit and run.

Bartender Beard can only buy food from us and provide us with the necessary information about additional tasks.

The main merchant is on the second floor of the barge in the right room. The merchant's name is Sych. The trade menu can be turned on in a conversation with a character by pressing the button at the very bottom of the screen. You can buy new weapons, suits, gas masks from Sych, but there is not enough money for this yet. At the very beginning, it is recommended to buy a new “Bear” Detector to greatly simplify the search for artifacts.

On the second floor you can also sleep for free for any number of hours. There is a Cardan technician nearby who can improve or repair damaged items.

Monsters and enemies
Stalker 3. Monsters and enemies

Let's move on to the first task. Along the way you may come across packs of mutated dogs or wild boars. These mutants are harmless alone, but a whole pack can cause serious damage. Either we go around them, or we shoot from afar one individual at a time, not allowing ourselves to be surrounded.

On the way to the "Scat-5" point, you can enter the "Sawmill" zone in the northwestern corner of the location. Zombified bandits and stalkers live in destroyed buildings. In this place you can practice shooting with enemies. Zombies, like ordinary people, are good at using weapons, but they are inactive, and it is easy to escape from them in a difficult situation.

After the victory, you can approach the dead, examine their inventory (key “F”) and pick up some useful things.

Radioactive release
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Blowout

At a certain point in time, we will hear a message via radio communication about an imminent radioactive release. We immediately forget about all our current affairs and begin to look for shelter to wait out a local natural disaster.

Let's look at the map. We have a new task: “Take shelter from the blowout.” We select this task as active and run exactly to this point. In our case, we will most likely have to go down to the shore of the swamp and enter a large pipe located under the road. We sit in the pipe, waiting for the emission to end. The end of the release will also be reported via radio communication on the stalker frequency.

Passing story missions. Backwater

STALKER: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

"Scat-5": explore the crash site

We enter the Swamp zone. We see acid swamps, and on the far shore lies a fallen Skat-5 helicopter. It is better not to walk through the swamp itself without acid protection. We go around the swamp, on solid ground we reach helicopter, inspect it (key “F”). The task is completed.

We learn that all the helicopter’s electronics burned out. We get the next main task of “Scat-5”: find the cause of the electronics burnout.” Let's leave this task for the future (it is carried out in another location), but for now let's start looking for the next nearest Skat-2 helicopter.

Let's move on to the next task.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

"Scat-2": explore the crash site

The second helicopter is located in the southwestern corner of the location in the Iron Forest anomaly. Behind the fence we see an electrical substation, on its territory there is a helicopter, but near it there is a dangerous electrical creature - a poltergeist. This monster is barely noticeable, looks like an electric ball. He can pick up surrounding objects from a distance and throw them at us. A poltergeist can be easily destroyed with a regular machine gun burst; the main thing is to find it as quickly as possible.

Not far from the helicopter there is a cluster of electrical anomalies. Among them you can find artifact.

After the victory we approach helicopter and inspect it. In the on-board computer we find a map of the area. We receive the next task “Find those interested in the map.”

You can find out from almost any stalker that a stalker-guide nicknamed Pilot is interested in the cards.

We go to the Skladovsk base, we find Pilot in the bar on the ground floor. We give the card and receive a discount from the Pilot. Now a trip from Zaton to Jupiter costs not 3,000, but only 1,000 rubles.


"Scat-3": explore the crash site

We learn from the stalkers that one of the helicopters fell on a high plateau, which cannot be reached by the usual route. Only one of the stalkers named Noah knows the way. We get a new quest “Find Noah”.

Find Noah

We learn that Noah lives in the Stroy barge just south of Skladovsk. We approach the barge, knock on the door, and dodge a shotgun blast. Noah won't shoot anymore, so let's go inside. Noah has a mutant tame dog, you shouldn’t be afraid of him.


We agree with Noah about a joint foray onto the plateau. Together we move to the “Burnt Farm” anomaly.

Noah runs between the lights and jumps into the teleporter at the edge of the anomaly. We repeat the path of Noah. To determine a safe path, take the bolts (key “6”) and throw them in front of you. If nothing happens, you can go forward; if a fire breaks out, you need to go around this place. We reach an open gate and jump forward.

We teleported directly to the Southern Plateau. We approach the fallen helicopter, examine it, but do not find human remains. We receive a new task to search for possible evacuation points for the helicopter crew.

Evacuation point "B2"

We go to Skladovsk and ask the bartender about the military. He replies that the military was not here. We need to look for other points.

All main quests at the Zaton location have ended. You can complete additional quests on Zaton, go around all the anomalies in search of artifacts. Or you can leave this for later, since you can always return to Zaton.

To go to the second large location - the Jupiter Plant, you need to approach the conductor Pilot in Skladovsk. We agree with Pilot about a trip to the Yanov station.

Passing story missions. Jupiter plant

"Yanov" is a base of local stalkers, located inside the railway station. Inside there is one merchant in a window called "Cashier". In one corner of the building is the headquarters of the “Duty” group, in the opposite corner is the headquarters of the “Freedom” group. A monster specialist has settled in the basement, and our personal box for storing accumulated swag is also located there.

Evacuation point "B205"

Evacuation point "B205"

The point is located in the southwest of the railway station, in the area of ​​the Volkhov air defense missile system.

On the territory of the air defense missile system we meet a dozen zombified enemies. Zombies shoot well, but move slowly, we use this in battle. We enter the building, inside one room on the table we find a document Note from Sokolov. We learn that one of the military men, Sokolov, was at this point, but now he went to the scientists’ bunker.

Secret. We go down into the underground hangar under the Volkhov air defense system and enter the right corridor. At the end of the tunnel we see a door with a combination lock. The code is indicated in the found note from Sokolov.

Behind the door we pass to the blockage, climb into the ventilation on the right. We go around the blockage in the next tunnel. Behind the next door, a dangerous monster awaits us - a burer (a fat dwarf in a cloak, capable of defending himself with an energy shield and attacking by throwing objects with the power of thought). It is good to use a shotgun at close range against a burer. When the burer turns on his energy shield, it is useless to hit him, at this time we hide around the corner and recharge. If you don’t have a shotgun, then you can take a knife, quietly run up to the enemy and finish him off.

After the victory, we go up the stairs and find ourselves in a weapons warehouse. Here you can take a dozen machine guns, a lot of cartridges, grenades, as well as an RPG grenade launcher and several missiles for it.

From the air defense missile system we go north to the Scientists' Bunker. We remove the weapon (key “6”), enter the bunker, find Sokolova. The soldier tells his story, takes his note, gives him the first aid kit. Sokolov has no important information, so we are looking for the remaining helicopters.

Walkthrough Stalker: Call of Pripyat

"Scat-1": explore the crash site

We go south to the Helipads area. In front of the site we see a clearing with “Mines” signs. Mines are installed both in the ground and under the asphalt road, but they are completely invisible. We take the bolt in our hands and throw it in front of us. If there is a mine in front, the bolt will strangely bounce back, if not, you can go forward.

Let's approach helicopter, we examine it, we find a black box.

Now we need to leave here, but not right away, while we stand and wait. A whole herd of mutant wild boars begins to run towards us from behind. Monsters are blown up by placed mines. We finish off the surviving enemies. There are much fewer mines, but they are still there, so we carefully walk back through the minefield only where the dead boars lie.

"Scat-1": give the "black box" to the technician for decryption

We return to the Yanov station, approach the technician nicknamed Nitrogen, and give him the black box found in the helicopter. Decrypting the box will take 3 hours. At this time, you can perform additional tasks, or you can go to the bedroom, fall asleep for 3 hours, and immediately return to Azoth.

Technician Nitrogen demands for his work 3000 rubles. We pay, then listen to the recording from the black box. We learn that the military chose evacuation point “B28” in the center of the city of Pripyat.

Path to Pripyat
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

The way to Pripyat: ask the guide

We ask the conductor Pilot about a trip to Pripyat. The pilot cannot guide us, but he knows about the existence of an underground tunnel at the Jupiter plant. It is necessary to search the plant in search of documents telling about the location of the tunnel.

The way to Pripyat: check the administrative building of the Jupiter plant

We go to the southeastern corner of the location to the factory. The only way to enter the plant is through one gate in the northwest corner of the concrete fence.

There are no dangerous opponents on the territory of the plant, only a few mutant dogs. We enter the administrative building, go up to the second floor, turn left. We find a document in the room Folder with an order.

The way to Pripyat: check the laboratory building of the Jupiter plant

The document mentions the following place, let's go to it. We don’t go out into the street, but immediately go to the neighboring building through a tunnel on the second floor. We find ourselves in the laboratory complex. In one room on a shelf we find Notebook sheet.

The way to Pripyat: check the delivery department of the Jupiter plant

We are looking for the following document in the plant delivery department. Inside we read another paper Delivery schedule.

The way to Pripyat: check the repair shop of the Jupiter plant

We enter the plant's repair shop through the southeastern part of the building. Inside, you can’t just go to the next workshop. First we go down the stairs. We pass along the underground path into the next room, go up, and find ourselves on the second suspended floor of the repair shop. We go to the control cabin, find the necessary information in document.

"Scat-4": explore the crash site

To the right of the green machine we examine the tables, on one of them we find piece of paper.

Path to Pripyat: check the transport gateway of the Pripyat-1 overpass

We continue to inspect the premises of the plant. We go into the room behind the iron fence. We enter the control room with a flashing red lamp. In the wheelhouse we find Duty shift log.

The way to Pripyat: check the first department of the Jupiter plant

We leave the central building of the plant, go to the first department, located in the northeast. On the second floor of the department building on a rack we find Overpass diagram.

All information about the underground tunnel has been collected. The tunnel does exist, but it is filled with gas and closed with massive airlocks that can only be opened with the help of an electric generator. We return to the stalkers' base.

Walkthrough of the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat

Path to Pripyat: talk to the technician about the overpass

Documents found at the Jupiter plant, showing the equipment Nitrogen. He says he can start the generators. We just need to gather a group of brave souls to cover the technician. Moreover, every fighter in the group, including us, must have a suit with a closed breathing system.

The path to Pripyat: find a suit with a closed breathing system

We need to buy for ourselves Jumpsuit "SEVA" for 25,000 thousand. This costume is available from the merchant at Yanov station. You can also order a suit from the courier Shustroy on the third floor of Skladovsk.

Path to Pripyat: talk to Zulu about going to Pripyat

To dial the command, go to to the Zulu stalker, who lives nearby in a tower northeast of the stalkers’ base. While communicating with the Zulu, you will have to constantly drink vodka so that by the end of the conversation we will lose consciousness. We come to consciousness. Zulu agrees to organize a group, and the headquarters of our detachment will be located in Zulu's room. Now, having found a new group member, we must send him to the tower to the Zulu.

The path to Pripyat: gather a detachment for a trip to Pripyat

Going into an underground tunnel is a dangerous business, so ordinary stalkers will never join our squad. We can only persuade three special fighters. To join, each member of the squad will have to complete their own additional tasks.

In general, you can recruit any one fighter and go into the tunnel in a small group. But if we collect all three, we will get the “Leader” achievement and a good increase in the health of all squad members.

"Pripyat-1": Sokolov

The easiest way is to recruit a surviving military man into the group Sokolova. We go to the scientists' bunker and talk to Sokolov. He immediately agrees to come with us, but he needs to get a protective suit.

In the next room we speak with the scientist Ozersky. The scientist is ready to provide the suit in exchange for completing his task.

Anomalous plant: obtain a sample of vegetation

You need to explore the anomalous zone and bring back a sample of mutated vegetation.

We go to the area southeast of the scientists' bunker. There are many dangerous acid anomalies here, so we move carefully to the top of the hill. You can buy tablets from scientists that temporarily increase resistance to acid, then the task will be significantly simplified. In the center of the anomaly we take Flower. (Achievement "Pathfinder").

We return to the scientists, give the flower, get a suit. We speak with Sokolov, and together with him we go to the Zulu.

"Pripyat-1": Vano

At the Yanov station, in the corner of the bar, we speak with a Georgian stalker named Vano. To invite Vano to the squad, you need to complete two of his tasks related to money.

Firstly, Vano owed the bandits 5,000 rubles. We take his money and take it to the bandits in the camp. You shouldn’t go without your own money, as the robbers will demand interest in the amount of 2,000 rubles. Bandits can be intimidated if we have good armor and powerful weapons in our inventory, otherwise we will have to pay 7000 rubles. (You can simply kill the bandits with a weapon, but there are several dozen of them in the camp, it will be very difficult. But it’s better to pay off, for this in the future we will get the “Diplomat” achievement).

Secondly, when Vano gets rid of his debts, it turns out that he pawned his protective suit for those very 5000 rubles. We buy the suit from the Hawaiian merchant. After that, together with Vano we go to the Zulu.

"Pripyat-1": Tramp

First you need to find detachment of "monoliths". We find the detachment south of the Volkhvo air defense system, near a small bridge. These people came out from under the zombie radiation of the monolith and now do not pose a threat. The tramp is the leader of a group of these former “Monoliths”. He asks us to find shelter for people.

We return to the Yanov base and ask the stalkers about a shelter for Monolithians. Permission to enter can only be given by the leader of “Duty” or the leader of “Freedom”. And to do this you will have to gain trust - complete the additional task “Anomalous Activity”.

We go to the scientists and start working for them. First we go through the mission “Anomaly Research”. Then we perform an “Anomalous Scan”. To complete the task, you need to pick up the best detector - “Svarog” and come to the Cooling Tower area (an industrial reservoir for cooling water). After this, the bodies of the “Duty” military will appear on the inclined surface from above. We examine the bodies, find the PDA, and take it to the leader of the “Dolg” group.

After this, the leader of “Duty” will agree to accept the Monoliths. We bring homeless people to the Yanov station. We find the brought Tramp, call him to our squad, and together with him we go to the Zulu.

When the necessary team has been assembled, we go to Zulu. Be sure to wear a suit with a closed breathing system, take cartridges and first aid kits with you (during the next mission you will not be able to go back, but after passing through the tunnel you will again be able to move between locations).

"Pripyat-1": Overpass
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

(If we have recruited a full squad, then we have the opportunity to perfectly pass the tunnel. If not a single squad member dies in the tunnel, this will affect the ending of the game).

In the first part of the tunnel we examine the destroyed cars, collect weapons and ammunition in them. We are attacked by single enemies - snorks and jerboas.

Near the closed gate, press the button on the panel. Behind the gate is a gas-filled room where a whole flock of snorks lives. We kill enemies, go through anomalies using the detector. We inspect the cabins and bodies of the cars, find cartridges and medicines. Open another door using the button.

We enter a wide tunnel, here we shoot snorks and zombies. On the nearest diesel locomotive we find AC-92 weapons and ammunition. We find more cartridges in the carriage. We try to shoot snorks from afar, otherwise they will jump between members of the squad, and our people may accidentally start shooting at each other.

Open the next door. We immediately shoot the snorks with a shotgun, even before the door opens completely.

We enter a large round room. It's empty inside. We approach the desired door, but it is de-energized and does not open. We go upstairs to the platform with the transformer. Click switch, voltage is applied. Immediately after this, aggressive Monoliths appear from all sides. We hide behind the transformer and shoot the enemies. Here it is useful to have a sniper rifle or a machine gun with a scope.

Having defeated the enemies, we go to the connected door. The energy comes in, but the door does not open here, but through the control room. We go around the anomalies and go up to the control room. In the control room we find ourselves under the guns of the monolith's snipers. We quickly hide around the corner, then shoot the enemies one by one. There are only two of them: one on the left, on the top floor under the ceiling; the second one is on the right on the floor above us. From here you can shoot ordinary monolith soldiers fighting from below. Click on button, we go down to the open door.

Behind the door we find ourselves in the next wide tunnel. There is nothing interesting here: the usual enemies are snorks, zombies and jerboas, and you can find cartridges in the corners. At the end of the path we go up the stairs to the surface.

Passing story missions. Pripyat

On the surface we are already being watched by an armed detachment of military personnel. In this situation, the main character Dyagterev reveals himself and shows his CSS ID.

The military takes us to their headquarters, located in a laundry building in the city of Pripyat. We communicate with the leader of the unit - Colonel Kovalsky. We learn that the helicopters were shot down by the Monoliths using very powerful unusual weapons. We receive a task to find this weapon.

Unknown weapon

Unknown weapon: will join the squad

We go to the hospital building, a detachment is already waiting for us here. Together with the military, we enter the building and take comfortable positions. In the opposite building we see a detachment of Monoliths. We wait for them to come out into the yard and shoot them. We go downstairs to search the bodies.

When we are below, many more monolith fighters will appear in the neighboring building. We quickly escape from this ambush and hide in the building. One by one we shoot enemies from afar.

Our main target is a Monolith with a laser cannon, located on the high roof of the left building. He can kill us with the first shot, so we shouldn't stay in open space for long. You can quickly run under the building on which there is a sniper with a laser rifle, and then carefully move away and shoot at him vertically from the bottom up. When we kill the enemy, he will fall down along with his weapon. We select gauss gun. Now you can leave the battlefield.

Unknown weapon: take the weapon to Kowalski

We return to the military headquarters. We show the weapon to Kowalski. The cannon was damaged when it fell and can no longer be fired. We need to find a technician to repair weapons. But this is for later, and right now we receive the next task on the radio.

Missing reconnaissance group
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat. Wiki

Missing reconnaissance group: find the squad

We go to the clearing west of the hostel and find dead soldiers. We receive a message from Kowalski about the Monolith group, which has settled in the destroyed Books store.

Monolith Cluster: meet with help

We go to the store to the southwest, on the way we meet a support group of two military men.

In the bookstore we kill the monolith squad. In one of the rooms we find a large pile of metal debris, which represents antenna to control the Monoliths. We shoot at the antenna to knock out the central cylindrical object from it. The task is completed.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

Unknown weapon: get information

At the military base we approach guide Garik, and together with him we move back to Zaton.

In the barge "Skladovsk" we find a technician nicknamed Cardan. We show the gauss cannon to Cardan, he is very surprised by this, but immediately loses consciousness from drinking alcohol. We need to wait about six hours for Cardan to wake up. You can quickly rewind time if you use the bed in the next room on the left.

We approach the awakened Cardan. He says that he took part in the development of this gun, officially called “Product No. 62,” but he needs more information to understand the structure of this weapon. The development was carried out in a test shop under an electrical substation located in the southwest of Zaton, where the Iron Forest anomaly is now located. We receive from Cardan test room access card.

“Product No. 62”: find documentation in the testing workshop

We go to the “Iron Forest” anomaly, enter a small one-story building, go underground, and use the card to open the door. We go through the floor, shooting zombies.

On the lower floor we find ourselves in a room with rails and hanging tracks on the walls. Below lives a huge monster - a pseudo-giant. It’s easy to hide from the monster on the upper floors and shoot him from there, but it’s better not to engage in battle, this will take a lot of ammunition and grenades. We immediately climb onto the suspended walkway and crawl along the upper balcony to the other side of the room. We go down a little lower, at the height of the third floor we stand on the cornice running along the wall, we crawl along it to a platform where it is impossible to climb using the stairs. From here we go up to a large square pipe, jump inside the pipe into the ventilation, and go through it into the next closed room.

In the room we see a huge gauss cannon. We take it on the table nearby documentation. We learn about the X-8 laboratory, where all other experiments took place, take yellow key card "X-8". Let's get out of here.

We return to Cardan, give him the found documents and the broken gauss cannon. After waiting a day, we take away the whole weapon.

Gauss gun: tell Kowalski about the weapon

We return to Pripyat to the military base and communicate with Kovalsky.

The missing sentry
STALKER: Call Of Pripyat. Walkthrough

Missing sentry: find the sentry

Kovalsky has another problem - one of the sentries does not get in touch. We go to the Gastronome building, we see a sentry screaming and shooting in all directions. After a couple of seconds, the soldier dies, and a monster controller comes out from around the corner. We quickly run around the corner to hide from the controller’s hypnosis. We go around the corner for a few seconds, shoot the enemy, and hide again. This way we kill a particularly dangerous mutant without loss.

Laboratory X-8
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

Laboratory X8: find documents about experiments

We learn that the laboratory is located under the building of the Yubileiny KBO. We arrive at the place and see that the only elevator is not working. To start it, you need to go to the top floor of the building and start the generator for the elevator.

The entire building is filled with zombies and monoliths. Each corner of the building has its own interfloor staircase. The first floors are easily traversed using any staircase, but then you need to examine each staircase to find the one that can take you higher. On the sixth floor we activate the generator and go down. We take the elevator down underground.

Laboratory X8: leave the underground complex or continue searching for documents

We use the access card and get into X-8. The architecture here is very confusing. The rooms themselves are small, but they are connected to each other in a variety of places. Our task: to find 6 documents in this maze. (You can collect only 1 document and exit immediately, but this will affect the ending). There are four different rooms in total, at the central fork they are indicated by blue signs at the doors.

1 document. We go to the Training Classroom on the left. There is a monster flying here - electra. It is impossible to kill this enemy, so we study his trajectory and then run past him. We go down to the lower room, on the table we find first document. We return to the center to the front door.

2 document. Let's go to the Dining Hall. We go down the stairs, then go right and go up the other stairs. In the side toilet room we find a burer monster. We run closer and kill the monster with a knife. In the main dining room on one of the tables we find second document.

3 document. From the dining room we go to the previous room, jump down through the gap in the floor. Downstairs we go along the corridor, open the iron door. We go down to two large boilers. On the table next to them we find third document.

4 document. From the center we go to the Laboratory room (plate with test tubes). We see a flooded room, in the center there is a strange “Rainbow” device. We approach the computer desk, at the computer we find fourth document.

5 document. From the laboratory on the lower floor we go to the Elevator room. (You cannot directly access the second elevator shaft from the central room.) On the lower floor we enter the open elevator shaft, climb up the stairs and platforms, and jump over to the upper open floor.

In the next room on the left there are three burers at once, so it’s worth preparing for a battle with them. The best tactic against the Burers is to hit them closely with a knife, but since there are three such enemies at once, in order not to die, you also need to constantly restore your health using powerful first aid kits - blue or yellow. You can also shoot the burers with a shotgun, hiding around the corner, but such a firefight will drag on for a long time due to the telepathic shields on the monsters.

After the victory, we examine the room. On the central platform, on the table near the pipe lies fifth document.

6 document. From the room with the bureaucrats, we go up the hanging bridge to the upper room, take sixth document.

Having collected the documents, we leave X-8.

Radio interference
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

Attention! As soon as we begin the next task “Radio Interference”, the conductor will leave the military base, and we will no longer be able to move from Pripyat to other locations. If you want to complete any additional tasks, then this must be done before the start of the “Radio Interference” mission.

Face-to-face conversation: talk to Kowalski

Kowalski reports that he cannot contact the center because someone is creating radio interference on the air. The military commander asks to find three missing soldiers and, using their information, determine the source of radio interference.

Radio interference: find the missing squad

At the expected search point we find corpses of two soldiers. We take explosives from one of them and find out the coordinates of the enemy radio station.

Radio interference: infiltrate the kindergarten building

We approach the destroyed Kindergarten building, install explosives on the door, wait for the explosion and go inside.

Several zombies and poltergeists are wandering inside the kindergarten. We go up to the 2nd floor, go to the left wing of the building, go down to the 1st floor along the main staircase, turn left and go up to the 2nd floor again along another staircase. In the room we find antenna monoliths, consisting of a pile of garbage. We shoot at the wooden boards under the antenna, which will cause it to fall to the ground floor. We jump into the hole that has formed and below in a large refrigerator we find a locked third soldier. Together with the soldier we return to the base.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Walkthrough

Unknown: check signal source

Communication has been restored, Kovalsky contacts headquarters, but the military is afraid to send helicopters until the reasons for the fall of the previous Skat helicopters are clarified.

Not far from the base, the military detected a strange moving signal. We move to the place, but find nothing. The signalmen report the new location of the signal, let's go there. Then we follow the signal again. In the end, we find out that someone is moving towards our base through underground tunnels.

Unknown: prepare to attack the base

By order of Kowalski, we urgently return to the base to prepare for a possible attack. As a result, there will be no attack. The source of the signal was a lone stalker nicknamed Strelok, the hero of previous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games.

Squad "Scat": find the source of the discharges that hit two helicopters

The shooter explained to the military that the helicopters had encountered anomalies in the zone, despite their careful preparation. The military simply used an outdated anomaly map. The anomalies moved after another radioactive release, and the military was not prepared for such a turn of events. The reason is clear, all that remains is to report to the command.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat. Walkthrough

Evacuation: wait out the release

In the laundry we wait out the radioactive release. Immediately after this, Kowalski contacts the Center and arranges for the arrival of helicopters at the evacuation point. We collect more ammunition and set out for the last mission.

Evacuation: cover Strelok

The evacuation point is located in the north of Pripyat, on the square near the Prometheus cinema and the port. We are moving towards the goal as part of a military detachment. During the evacuation, the Strelok must remain alive, so we constantly cover him. On the way we shoot back from monsters and zombified people.

Evacuation: urgently return to helicopters

Helicopters have already landed at the evacuation point, but the area must be cleared of enemies in order to take off safely. We hide in a small depression and hold the defense, as the Monoliths begin to attack from all sides. It's going to be a hot battle. It's good to have a sniper rifle with you here to take down the monolith snipers sitting on the roofs of high-rise buildings. It is better to shoot the remaining enemies from afar using a machine gun with a scope. From time to time we need to run away from grenades thrown into our trench.

After victory, we get a choice: immediately leave the zone or stay to complete side quests. If we stay, we can end the game at any time by talking to the conductor.

The whole game is completed!!!

At the end, we look at various slides about the subsequent fate of the plot characters and groups. Which slides you see depends on your actions throughout the game: completing additional tasks, supporting factions, receiving achievements, finding secrets. (This is exactly the kind of multifaceted ending that fans of the Mass Effect series dreamed of, but only fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series got it.)

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