The easiest way to rotate a photo. How to rotate a photo, picture, image using Windows without special programs

24.07.2023 Errors

In this program, it is also quite common to select different parts of the drawing in order to cut them out, replace them, or rotate them. The article, selecting objects in Photoshop, describes various ways how this can be done.

Now let's figure out what you can do if you need to flip an image in Photoshop to a mirror image or by a few degrees. This is useful if a picture or photograph stored on a computer is rotated 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise because the person was holding the camera or phone at the wrong angle during shooting. Or you need to make a collage of several photos or pictures. Then frames rotated at different angles will look more interesting on it.

How to rotate a photo through the menu

Open the image you will be working with in Photoshop. Next, click on the “Image” menu item at the top and select “Image Rotation” from the list. The additional menu will have several different items.

Here you can choose to rotate 180 degrees or 90 clockwise (“CW”) or counterclockwise (“CCW”). “Flip Canvas Horizontal” – used if you need to rotate it in a mirror manner. Accordingly, “Flip Canvas Vertical” is a reflection of the picture vertically.

By selecting “Arbitrary”, a window like this will appear. In it, specify the exact angle to rotate the picture or photo in the “Angle” field. Next, use a marker to mark which direction to rotate: “CW” – clockwise, “CCW” – counterclockwise. Click OK.

The picture will be flipped by the specified angle: clearly 90 or 180 degrees or by an arbitrary value.

Using Free Transform

You can also rotate the image in the following way. But before activating this mode, you need to make sure that the layer with the pattern that we will rotate is not blocked - there should not be a lock opposite it.

In the example the layer is locked. To remove the lock, double-click on the layer. A window like this will appear. You don’t need to change anything in it, just click “OK”.

Now press “Ctrl+T” on your keyboard. A frame with markers will appear around the object. Move the mouse cursor outside the picture to any marker. When the cursor changes to an arrow, press the left mouse button and rotate the picture. After turning, release the button.

In Free Transform mode, you can rotate the image as you wish, or specify the exact rotation value in the corresponding field in the top menu.

If, while rotating a picture with the mouse, you hold down “Shift” on the keyboard, then the rotation will occur at a clearly defined step: each time plus 15 degrees. That is: 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 degrees and so on.

By activating Free Transform, you can rotate the active layer separately or a pre-selected area on this layer. To exit the mode, press the “ESC” button.

Rotate the layer using the Rotate View tool

Another method you can use is the Rotate View Tool button. You can select the corresponding menu item on the toolbar, or you can use hotkeys and press “R”.

After that, move the cursor over the drawing. Click on it with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, rotate it. An arrow similar to a compass arrow will appear. When you rotate the image to the desired angle, release the mouse button.

Choose the method that suits you to rotate the desired image layer. Rotation through the “Image” menu is suitable if you have one layer: a picture or a photograph. If you are making a collage, then it is better to use free transformation so that you can rotate a certain layer or selected object in the picture in Photoshop. And use Rotate View to see how a layer will look from a certain angle.

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Although some online services, third-party or the same “contacts” offer to rotate the uploaded photo

You can easily rotate an image using almost any graphics program - Photoshop, ACDSee, PhotoScape or even the “native” Windows Paint program, for example.

However, you can rotate a photo clockwise or counterclockwise without using graphic programs (image editors), but using built-in Windows tools.

To rotate an image (photo) counterclockwise or clockwise, you need to right-click on it and select the menu item: “Rotate clockwise” or “Rotate counterclockwise” and that’s it. Did you think it would be something unrealistically difficult?

You can rotate several photos at once. To do this, select all the necessary pictures and right-click on any of them.

So, we selected the photos that need to be rotated, right-clicked, and indicated the appropriate menu item for rotation: clockwise - counterclockwise.

After a few moments (seconds - if there are a lot of photos), the images will rotate in the specified direction.

By the way, to make it convenient to select photos to rotate, you need to specify displaying files in a folder convenient for viewing. To do this, click on the black arrow next to the “Advanced” button at the top right of the open folder with files.

Select “Regular...”, “Large...” or “Huge icons” from the menu.

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Flip photo on Odnoklassniki website

Due to numerous requests, the developers have introduced a function for rotating images on the Odnoklassniki website. You can complete this procedure in just 3 steps. Necessary:

Using this method, you will be able to flip already saved photos and images that have been uploaded to the site.

ATTENTION! This method only works when using a personal computer. Such a function has not yet been developed for the mobile version of the resource.

Let's look at a few more methods on how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki.

Rotate a photo in Paint

This is a graphic editor that is included in the list of standard programs in the Windows operating system. Open Paint and follow the instructions:

Flip Using Microsoft Office Picture Manager

It is part of the standard Microsoft Office suite. It's a little more difficult to figure out, but you'll get the hang of it quickly.
We launch the program and perform 2 actions:

The image turned upside down. We save the result and post it in Odnoklassniki.

REFERENCE! Each mouse click will rotate the photo 90 degrees. Thus, to move the image from horizontal to vertical, we need one click.

This article discussed the most popular and common ways to change the position of photographs. These methods will be intuitive for any user.

Save it for yourself!

In some cases, pictures taken with a digital camera or any other gadget with a camera have an orientation that is inconvenient for viewing. For example, a widescreen image can have a vertical position and vice versa. Thanks to online photo editing services, solving this problem is possible even without pre-installed software.

There are a large number of services for solving the problem of rotating a photo online. Among them are several high-quality sites that have managed to earn the trust of users.

Method 1: Inettools

A good option for solving the problem of image rotation. The site has dozens of useful tools for working with objects and converting files. There is also a function we need - rotating photos online. You can upload multiple photos at once for editing, allowing you to apply rotation to an entire batch of images.

  • Entering the angle value manually (1);
  • Templates with ready-made values ​​(2);
  • Slider for changing the rotation angle (3).

You can enter both positive and negative values.

  • After selecting the desired degrees, press the button "To turn".
  • The finished image appears in a new window. To download it, click the button "Download".
  • The file will be downloaded by the browser.

    Additionally, the site uploads your image to its server and provides you with a link to it.

    Method 2: Croper

    An excellent service for image processing in general. The site has several sections with tools that allow you to edit them, apply effects and perform many other operations. The rotate function allows you to rotate the picture to any desired angle. As in the previous method, it is possible to load and process multiple objects.

    1. On the top control panel of the site, select the tab "Files" and a method for uploading an image to the service.
    2. If we select the option to download a file from disk, the site will redirect us to a new page. Click on the button on it "Choose File".
    3. Select a graphic file for further processing. To do this, select the image and click "Open".
    4. After successful selection, click on "Download" a little lower.
    5. The added files will be stored in the left panel until you delete them yourself. It looks like this:

    6. We sequentially move through the function branches of the top menu: "Operations", then "Edit" and finally "To turn".
    7. 4 buttons appear at the top: turn left by 90 degrees, turn right by 90 degrees, and also in two directions with values ​​​​set manually. If a ready-made template suits you, click on the desired button.
    8. However, in the case when you need to rotate the image by a certain degree, enter the value in one of the buttons (left or right) and click on it.
    9. As a result, we get a perfect image rotation that looks something like this:

    10. To save the finished image, hover your mouse over the menu item "Files", then select the method you need: saving to your computer, sending to the VKontakte social network or photo hosting.
    11. When you select the standard download method to your PC disk space, you will be offered 2 download options: a separate file and an archive. The latter is relevant when saving several images at once. Loading occurs immediately after selecting the desired method.

    Method 3: IMGonline

    This site is another online photo editor. In addition to the image rotation operation, it is possible to apply effects, convert, compress and other useful editing functions. The duration of photo processing can vary from 0.5 to 20 seconds. This method is more advanced compared to those discussed above, since it has more parameters when rotating a photo.

    1. Go to the website and click the button "Select a file".
    2. Select a picture from the files on your hard drive and click "Open".
    3. Enter the degree value by which you would like to rotate your image. A counterclockwise rotation can be made by entering a minus sign in front of the number.
    4. Based on our own preferences and goals, we configure parameters such as photo rotation.
    5. Please note that if you rotate the image by a number of degrees other than a multiple of 90, then you need to select the color of the freed background. This applies to a greater extent to JPG files. To do this, select a ready-made color from the standard ones or manually enter the code from the HEX table.

    6. To learn more about HEX colors, click the button "Open palette".
    7. Select the format you need to save. We recommend using PNG if the image rotation degrees were not a multiple of 90, because then the freed-up area will be transparent. After choosing a format, decide whether you need metadata and check the appropriate box.
    8. After setting all the necessary parameters, click on the button "OK".
    9. To open the processed file in a new tab, click "Open processed image".
    10. To download the image to your computer's hard drive, click "Download processed image".

    Method 4: Image-Rotator

    The simplest service for image rotation of all. To achieve the desired goal, you need to do 3 actions: load, rotate, save. No additional tools or functions, just the solution to the task at hand.

    • Rotate the image 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction (1);
    • Rotates the image 90 degrees in a clockwise direction (2).
  • Upload the finished work to your computer by clicking the button "Download".
  • The process of rotating an image online is quite simple, especially if you only need to rotate the image 90 degrees. Among the services presented in the article, there are mainly sites that support many functions for photo processing, but all of them have the ability to solve our problem. If you want to rotate an image without internet access, you will need special software, such as

    Have you ever encountered a situation where a picture looks correct on your computer, but when uploaded to an Internet site, it turns out to be upside down? I upload photos to websites a lot and often and I encounter this often. Sometimes the problem is easily solved, for example, in the WordPress console, when managing media files, any photo can be rotated. But not all websites allow this; for example, this problem is relevant for users of, as well as for a number of other sites, including sites based on custom-written engines.

    The easiest way to avoid this is to first rotate your photos on your computer. But that’s the problem - on the computer the photos look correct, but these same photos “stand sideways” when uploaded to the Internet:

    The fact is that the programs on the computer are “smart”, they can read EXIF ​​meta-information, and this information says that the photo must be rotated. Accordingly, on the computer you always see pictures from the correct angle. But among Internet services, not all are so “smart” - some do not know how to work with EXIF ​​data, so it turns out that pictures look incorrect on the Internet.

    This cannot be done using standard Windows programs; you have to look for other solutions. I found two such solutions for myself, both of them require the installation of additional programs, but these programs are completely free.

    1) Rotate images using GIMP

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    Open a photo that, when uploaded to the Internet, lies on its side with GIMP:

    Immediately when opening a file, the program asks whether it needs to be rotated. We agree with the program and immediately save our file. In GIMP, instead of “Save” you need to select “Export as”.

    I processed several photos in this way, but this method quickly disappointed me: if there are a lot of photos, then we cannot know which of them is upside down, since the standard explorer shows them correctly. So you can get confused. In addition, open it, click the “Rotate” button, select the export option, and change the settings there - honestly, this is very time-consuming and not suitable for modern hectic life. So I started looking for another option.

    2. FastStone Image Viewer – advanced photo viewer

    My father recommended the program to me

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    Hidden from guests

    ). This program is free for personal use. This program has a huge number of advantages specifically for viewing photos - it understands different gestures, offers additional functions when pointing at different sides of the screen, easily enlarges photos for detailed study, etc. - a very useful and very functional program - but now we are interested in something slightly different , I recommend that you study it yourself.

    I tried the program and upon a quick glance it did not live up to my expectations - all the pictures were smoothed out correctly, although there were some problematic ones among them.

    I went to the settings and pretty quickly found what I needed there:

    You need to uncheck the box " Auto-rotate according to orientation tag in EXIF" And more is needed clear thumbnail database:

    What do you do in this situation, what programs do you use?