Personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system. Personal account of the insured person of the pension fund

02.04.2023 Malware

About the services of the “Personal Account of the Insured Person”

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 601 “On the main directions for improving the public administration system” to increase the share of citizens using the mechanism for receiving government services in electronic form, the range of government services provided through the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” is dynamically expanding » on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation,

In the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” the possibility of applying for a pension in electronic form has been implemented. To formulate the specified application, the future pensioner must, no earlier than 30 days before the right to a pension arises, and no later than the date of reaching retirement age, fill out an interactive application form for a pension, selecting the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation corresponding to the district (city) of registration at the place of residence.

The possibility of applying for a pension in electronic form has been implemented both for persons retiring in old age, including early, and for persons entitled to a disability pension, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, as well as to a social pension. To assign these types of pensions, applications for their assignment by citizens can also be sent in electronic form.

When filling out the interactive application form for a pension, it is necessary to indicate personal data in accordance with the passport, as well as information such as whether or not the person is a recipient of a pension from the security forces, or the monthly lifelong allowance of a judge, whether he is working or not on the date of applying for a pension, available or not dependent on disabled family members, for example, minor children, or students and full-time students of educational institutions under the age of 23 years.

Simultaneously with the application for a pension, a future pensioner may also submit an application for the method of delivery of the pension.

At the choice of the future pensioner, the pension can be delivered to the home by post offices and delivery services, or the pension can be credited to the applicant’s personal bank account. Therefore, if a future pensioner chooses to have a pension credited to a bank account, in order to submit an application for the method of delivery of the pension, you must have the name of the bank with you, as well as information about the number of your personal account opened in the selected bank, including the account number of the bank card.

An application for delivery of a pension in electronic form can also be sent by citizens who are pensioners, if they express their will to change the method of delivery of the pension, or the bank through which the pension is transferred, or their account number in the same bank.

For the convenience of citizens, the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” also provides a function for instantly generating and printing information about the status of an individual personal account (“chain letter”). In the near future, a service will be implemented about the amount of pensions and social payments made to a pensioner.

In connection with the above, citizens reaching retirement age should apply for the assignment and delivery of a pension through the “Personal Account of the Insured Person”.

Information on registration "on the portal of public services of the Russian Federation, as well as on the assignment of pensions in electronic form, is posted on the Internet site, in the section Pension Fund Services - Personal Account.

Personal account of the insured person

The “Personal Account of the Insured Person” has been opened on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation via the link “Electronic Services”. “Personal account of the insured person” is available only to users registered on the portal of public services of the Russian Federation who have a confirmed account. If you are not yet registered on the portal of government services of the Russian Federation, you can go from the page of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the specified portal using the link “Register in the Unified Automated identification and authentication system”.

Registration on the public services portal

Russian Federation

Step 1: Filling in personal information

On the website in the upper right corner of the screen, click on the “registration” button:

Enter your last name, first name and mobile phone number or email address:

Confirm your mobile phone number (or email). When registering via telephone, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to the specified number, which must be entered in the appropriate window and confirmed:

Set a password to log in to the system (create it yourself). The password must contain letters (Latin only), numbers and punctuation marks - at least 8 characters in total.

After this, you need to log into your personal account (indicate your phone or email (depending on what was chosen for initial registration) and a password you created yourself):

In the window that opens, click “Go to editing”:

After this, personal data becomes available for entry.

Step 2: Verification of personal data

When you select “continue”, the entered data is automatically sent for processing and verification (the process can take from several minutes to 5 days):

You can close the page and exit the site. Upon completion of the verification, an SMS message indicating its completion will be sent to the phone number specified during registration (or email). You need to log into your personal account; a notification will appear on the page with your personal data indicating that the data has been verified.

Step 3: Identity Confirmation

Identity verification options:

Personally contact the simple electronic signature activation point

Receive an activation code by registered mail

Using an electronic signature or a universal electronic card

For a personal request regarding identity confirmation, you can use the attached information about the addresses and operating modes of simple electronic signature activation points in the Republic of Tatarstan.

If you choose the second option for confirming your identity, that is, if you want to receive an activation code by registered mail via Russian Post, you must select the appropriate tab and indicate the postal address to which the letter with the code will be sent:

Having received the letter, you must enter the code specified in it in the field on the main personal data page of your personal account, or on the identity confirmation page:

Registration is completed!

Users registered on the government services portal of the Russian Federation (with an activated signature) can enter the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” on the website using the “Login” link, indicating the phone number and password created on the portal

In the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” you can find out your data on the number of pension points and length of service recorded in your individual personal account with the Pension Fund. To do this, you need to select the “About generated pension rights” tab. Information available in this section:

On the duration of the insurance period according to the data provided as part of the reporting to the Pension Fund,

About the number of pension points

When you select the tab “Information about length of service and earnings reflected on your individual personal account,” you can obtain detailed information about periods of employment (separately before 2002 and after 2002), places of work, the amount of insurance contributions accrued by employers, as well as How the number of your pension points was determined.

When you select the “Receive notification about the status of the ILS” tab, a notification about the status of an individual personal account (“chain letter”) is instantly generated in a text document.

Using the link “Calculate your future insurance pension”, you can find out how many pension points you can be accrued in 2015, as well as use an improved version of the already well-known pension calculator. Since 2015, the calculator has become personal!

The pension calculator consists of two blocks. The first is the number of pension points already accrued to you and the length of your work experience. The second block is modeling your future. You must indicate how many years you intend to work, indicate the expected salary in “2015 prices” and click on the “calculate” button. The calculator will calculate the amount of the insurance pension based on already formed pension rights and the “invented” future “in 2015 prices”, provided that the number of pension points and length of service are sufficient to obtain the right to an insurance pension.

When you click on the tab “Pension provision option in the OPS system”, the following information becomes available:

On the method of forming pension savings,

About the insurer that forms pension savings,

On participation in the state co-financing program.

Also, through the “Personal Account of the Insured Person” you can send an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, make an appointment, and order a number of documents.


Addresses and operating hours of simple electronic signature activation points in the Republic of Tatarstan:

Post office 421000


421000, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Paris Commune, 6

Post office 420015


420015, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. K. Marksa, 44

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

Post office 420000


420000, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Kremlevskaya, 8

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 22:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: 09:00 to 18:00

TsPOK Kazan


Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Garifyanova st., 28, bldg. A

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 18.00, lunch 13.00-14.00. Saturday, Sunday - days off.

MFC of the city of Kazan

420140, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Pobedy Ave., 100

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 8:00 to 17:00 (lunch from 12:00 to 13:00); Sat., Sun.: closed

Post office 420066


420066, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Chernomorskaya, 3

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

Post office 420133


420133, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Adoratskogo, 12

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

Post office 420140


420140, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Yu. Fuchika, 94

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

Post office 420141


420141, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Yu. Fuchika, 72

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

Post office 420136


420136, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Musina, 68

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

MFC of the city of Kazan Kirovsky district


Post office 420127


420127, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Maksimova, 2

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. from 08:00 to 20:00 Sat. 09:00 to 18:00 Sun: closed.

MFC of the city of Kazan Aircraft Construction District


420127, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Aircraft District, Pobezhimova St., 47

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 8:00 to 17:00 (lunch from 12:00 to 13:00); Sat., Sun.: closed

Post office


422570, Republic of Tatarstan, V. Uslon, st. Chekhova, 72

Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 8.30-18.00 Sat 9.00-16.00 lunch 13.00-14.00 Sunday closed

MFC of Vysokogorsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan

MBU MFC of the Vysokogorsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan MBU "MFC"

4222701, Republic of Tatarstan, Vysokaya Gora, st. Polkovaya, 9

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 08:00 to 19:00; Sat: from 08:00 to 13:00; Sun: closed

Post office 422701


422701, Republic of Tatarstan, st. Vysokaya Gora, Vysokogorsky district, st. Michurina, 1

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 08.00-17.00, Sat 08.00-16.00 lunch 12.00-13.00 Sun: closed

Post office 422530


422530, Republic of Tatarstan, Zelenodolsk district, town. Vasilyevo, st. Shkolnaya, 21

Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 8.00-19.00 Sat. 9.00-18.00, Lunch 13.00-14.00, Sun. - closed

Municipal unitary enterprise "MFC of Pestrechinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan"


422770, Republic of Tatarstan, p. Pestretsy, Gagarin St., 46

Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 (lunch from 12:00 to 13:00) Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00 Sunday - closed

Post office 422770


On January 1, 2015, the electronic service “personal account of the insured person” began to function on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation ( The service turned out to be surprisingly informative and easy to use. A personal account allows any citizen, after going through a certain registration procedure, to receive information online about the pension rights formed for him. We are talking about length of service, insurance premiums, information about pension savings, etc. In this article we will try to tell you in detail, in pictures, what information you can get for yourself by logging into the personal account of the insured person.

How to log into the personal account of an insured person at the Pension Fund of Russia

To enter your personal account, you must go to the official website of the Pension Fund (

The “Personal Account of the Insured Person” tab is located in the very center at the bottom of the page

Those who have ever used the services of a single portal of government services ( can immediately log into their personal account of the insured person.

To do this, you must enter in the appropriate fields your mobile phone number, SNILS or email address and the password you previously received when registering on the government services portal.

For those who have not yet registered in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA), you must select the “Register” button.

After this, they will be redirected to the Unified Portal of State Services. Here, following the proposed algorithm, you must enter your last name, first name and mobile phone number or email address. By filling out all the fields provided.

After this, all that remains is to receive the activation code (using the proposed address options). It can be obtained in the following ways:

– by registered mail;

– at the Rostelecom office;

– through the MFC.

Until you receive the activation code and directly activate your personal account, most functions in your personal account will not be available using this code!

Pension Fund services presented in the personal account of the insured person

So, the registration procedure in your personal account has been completed, we are in it. What information can you find out by logging into your personal account, and what actions can you take? Let’s look at it in detail:

1. Find out the number of pension points you have accumulated to date (and calculate the pension you have earned to date), as well as the length of the insurance period you have completed, and most importantly (!) - recorded in the Pension Fund.

By clicking on this tab, we go to the page

In the center of the page there is information about the work experience developed by the insured person at the current moment, as well as the number of pension points accumulated by the insured person during his working life. There is a temptation to calculate what kind of pension this insured person earned for 17 years, 4 months and 5 days (as indicated in the office) of work. It’s not difficult - we multiply the number of accumulated pension points (43,814) by the value of the pension point (from February 1, 2015, 71.41 rubles) and add a fixed payment (previously called the basic fixed amount) - it is paid to all pensioners, in 2015 its amount is 4,383.59 rubles. As a result, we get a simple formula: 43.814 * 71.41 + 4,383.59 = 7512.4 rubles. This is the pension earned by the subject at the current moment. This does not take into account pension savings - more on them later.

2. Get detailed information about your insurance experience by employer and reporting periods.

From the main page of your personal account, go to the “get information about generated pension rights” tab.

Select the tab “information about experience and earnings...”

This is the most interesting section of your personal account. Contains information about the length of service reflected in your personal account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. At the top there is general information about your insurance experience: duration of insurance service, number of pension points earned

Below is information on length of service, broken down by period and organization. Information is presented by periods “until 2002”

and “after 2002”.

The information is interesting for insured persons, because it allows you to control whether the entire length of service is included in the personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia. Allows you to avoid surprises in the future, when, when assigning a pension, it turns out that some negligent employer “forgot” to submit individual information to the Pension Fund for you, it allows the insured person to take certain actions to avoid this. Options for action in such situations are suggested here:

3. Get information about the size of your pension savings and where they are formed. Find out about your DSV payments (as part of the state co-financing program).

This magic button allows you to instantly generate (and, if desired, print) a notification about the status of an individual personal account - an analogue of a half-forgotten “letter of happiness”.

The first part of the notice contains information that we have previously studied in other sections, namely:

– The number of accumulated pension points at the moment (individual pension coefficient), and information on how these pension points are calculated

– Information about the duration of the insurance period.

The lower part of the notice is more interesting and is dedicated to the citizen’s pension savings


– Pension option. Translating into human language - whether your pension savings are formed or not, and everything goes only to the insurance (distributive) pension.

– Where are your pension savings formed? In the case shown, they are formed in the NPF “Blagosostoyaniye”

– The amount of generated pension savings. In the above example, more than 339 thousand rubles. These are the mandatory insurance contributions that your employer paid to the Pension Fund for you. Due to them, you will be paid a funded pension. It is calculated based on the survival period - now it is 19 years (228 months).

– The amount of funds in your personal account received from your payments under the state co-financing program (DSV).

4. Obtain detailed theoretical information about the procedure for forming a pension at the present time.

To do this, go to the “Get information about generated pension rights” tab from the main page of your account and select the tab

Here you will receive detailed theoretical information (sometimes in pictures) about modern pension legislation. Namely:

– Pension calculation formula

– Necessary requirements for granting a pension

– Pension options

and much, much more that will interest your inquisitive mind.

This is an improved version of the pension calculator already known to everyone - it has become personal in your personal account. In the new version, it takes into account already formed pension rights in pension points and length of service.

To enter the personal pension calculator, you must select the “Get information about generated pension rights” tab on the main page and go to the tab

The first block is the number of pension points already accrued and the length of work experience. In the data of the first block, a citizen using the calculator can add periods of conscription service in the army, leave to care for a child or a disabled person. If there were such periods in his life, then the number of pension points and length of service will increase.

In his personal account, a pensioner will be able to see all pension accruals for his working period in electronic format. If necessary, it is possible to order a statement in paper form. A pensioner can also check their savings or participate in bonus programs.

Who can access the office?

The service is available to any citizen of the Russian Federation who has a personal account. To enter your personal account, you must register on the Pension Fund website. The personal account is available to both ordinary citizens and individuals as self-employed, employers, and entrepreneurs.

Citizens who are entrepreneurs or owners of their own small business, OJSC or LLC, must submit the appropriate documents upon registration confirming their status.

How to register in your account?

The registration procedure is simplified for those who have a personal account on the State Services website. You only need to enter your phone number in a special form and come up with an individual password. If you don’t have your own account on the State Services website, you need to create one there.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to the State Services portal to the main page and click on the “Register” button. After entering the site, you must provide your details (email, phone number, full name, registration address).
State Services Portal - login to your personal account
  1. Then the system will send you an SMS to the specified phone number, which will contain the code. It must be entered into the field on the website.
  2. After this procedure, you will receive another message by email containing a link to confirm your registration. You need to go through it and complete registration.

Getting an account on State Services

Registration does not end there. After completing the above steps, you will not have access to all the portal's features. To take advantage of the full functionality, you need to fill out your profile. There you need to indicate your passport details, availability of a car, apartment, etc. To confirm the above, you need to enter another code, which is sent by regular mail. It can also be obtained at any Pension Fund branch. The first option is long - the wait will be 1-2 months until the letter arrives; in the second case, you can quickly receive the code at your place of residence by presenting only your passport at the Pension Fund office.

Login to the personal account of a citizen of the Pension Fund of Russia

After registration, an account is created on the site, which you can use using gadgets connected to the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the Pension Fund website, enter data, after checking which you can gain access to your personal account. When confirming your other data on this site, which the system may additionally request, you should always click the “Save” button. After this, you can familiarize yourself with your personal account by going to its sections.

Why do you need a SNILS number?

SNILS is a document that is needed only for registering a personal account. Logging into your personal account using SNILS is impossible.

What is a phone number for?

To enter your personal account by phone number, you need to enter your mobile number during registration. After each login to your account, an SMS with a code will be sent to this phone number, with which you can confirm that access was obtained by you and not by unauthorized persons or scammers. You need to enter the code received by phone into the appropriate cell when entering the site, after which you will be able to use the services of the system and your account.

All features of your PF personal account

The following services are available to pensioners, which are provided by the Pension Fund on the Internet. You can use the LC to find out the sizes:

  • social payments and pensions;
  • maternal capital,

and also clarify how pension rights are formed, manage your funds and perform a lot of other actions.

Using your electronic account, you can order certificates or other documents from the Pension Fund, make an appointment with specialists, consult with Pension Fund employees, send various explanations and requests, ask questions, calculate your pension using a pension calculator, generate payment documents and perform other actions .

  • Contacting the Pension Fund

You can make an appointment with pension fund employees, which will eliminate the need to stand in line and waste your time. Competent advice from a civil servant can be obtained through regular mail or email. In the first case, you will have to wait longer for an answer, but it will arrive by email immediately after the question has been considered. This way you can also collect certificates and other documents.

  • Statement

You can submit requests for pension delivery to the specified address or change it. Also, using this service, you can order or make other payments that relate to the accumulation of material capital.

  • Request information

The service will also be of interest to those who do not yet have the opportunity to receive pensions. On the company’s website you can find a lot of information on issues related to how the pension is calculated, what security options are available, how the payment is formed, etc.

  • Salary

Salary information will be provided to you in tables, each stanza in which has a specific meaning. The first indicates the total length of service and points accumulated while working for the state. Other cells display information about salary payments received from 2000 to the present. If it turns out that after studying the information in the table there are some incorrect data or inaccuracies, then you need to contact the Pension Fund department and correct the situation.

  • Requests

In your personal account you can print out various messages that will contain data on savings, pension formation and other government programs.

  • Pension calculation

You can calculate your pension yourself using an online calculator. To do this, you must enter all the data in the column that will be automatically taken into account in the calculation. You also need to indicate your work experience and points that were calculated automatically by the system. After that, you click on the appropriate button and get the required numbers on the screen.

How to calculate your pension - pension calculator

Find out how many pension points can be accrued to you per year?

Pension calculator for calculating insurance pension

Those who have not yet retired can also find out in advance the amount of pension that they will be paid after reaching retirement age. To do this, you need to indicate the same data as above, but add it for those years that need to be worked out in the future. It is clear that in this case the amount of the pension will be approximate, but, nevertheless, this will make it possible to determine what amount of payments you can count on.

The system started working relatively recently, but it has already begun to be updated and expanded in functionality. This is how another service appeared, with which you can register people with disabilities. The information received is sent to a database of companies and other government agencies that are obliged to provide such individuals with material support. The system also automatically creates a register of all citizens with disabilities.

You can use the service not only from a desktop computer, but also from a phone or tablet connected to the Internet. Depending on the operating system installed on the gadget, you only need to download the corresponding application. Download links are on the site itself, so they are not difficult to find.

When you log into your personal Pension Fund account through the application, you will go through a registration procedure similar to that carried out when logging in from a PC, after which you will receive the necessary code on your phone and log in to your account. This procedure is performed once. If necessary, the system remembers all the data and does not need to be entered later.


As you can see, this system is convenient for older people who cannot always get to the Pension Fund branch on their own. Using your personal account on the portal, you can perform various procedures and control pension payments without leaving your home. To do this, you just need to connect to the Internet and have a computer. The functionality of your personal account is constantly updated, and new opportunities appear there, which allows you to quickly resolve all your questions.

In your personal account, you can draw up documents, calculate your pension, control accruals, order payment and delivery of funds to a specific address, and perform other actions.

Usually, there are no difficulties when logging into your personal account on the portal. To do this, you only need to correctly enter your data during registration, as well as indicate valid phone numbers and email. It is recommended to double-check all information to ensure it is error-free.

Pension Fund (Russian Pension Fund) provides an opportunity for everyone living in the Russian Federation who is receiving or intending to receive a pension in the future to monitor their pension savings.

On the official site details of the formation and process of pension payments are available online. You can also remotely order the documents and certificates you need related to your pension. To have access to such services, you need to register in your PFR personal account.

Account Features

There are several sections on the site that include subcategories for ease of navigation and finding the information you need. Among them you can find such sections as: social payments and pensions, opportunities for citizens living outside the country, maternity capital, pension rights, pension savings and savings program.

There are also services that are available without going through the registration procedure. These include:

  • ordering documents to reduce the number of visits to the Pension Fund;
  • pension calculation calculator;
  • generation of bills;
  • sign up for a consultation and search for client services;
  • online acceptance of requests.

In order to use the other range of services, you will still need an account.

Pension fund personal account - login to the site

To open access to your personal account, you must register on the portal. Further access to the website of the PFR insurance premium payer will occur through the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). To register on the portal, you will need to enter personal data - first name, last name, mobile phone and e-mail. Once you have a basic account, you have the option to upgrade to a standard account and then to a fully verified account.

If a user has forgotten a password, there are several ways to recover it. The simplest of them is recovery using the mobile phone linked to the account. If a number was not associated when creating an account, you can reset your password via email. Don't remember your email or your mailbox is unavailable? In this case, you need to visit the user service center, taking your passport and SNILS with you. The address of the nearest center can be found on the State Services portal.