Prohibited mod pack 0914. D mod assembly with cheats from Draug for World of Tanks

15.07.2023 Malware

Minimalistic modpack of allowed and cheating modifications for World of tanks WOT from Draug. It contains only the most necessary proven mods for WOT.

List of some of them:

1.Blocked by armor.
2.Commander's chamber (koshnaranek).
4. Special zoom for art - Battle Assistant (reven86).
5.AutoEquip auto installation/removal of equipment (Ekspoint).
6.LBZ in battle.
7. Target designator.
8. Timer for aiming the gun in battle (Stealthz).
9.Statistics for the YasenKrasen Vanilla session.
ϟϟ Sights/Info:
1.Jimbo sight (mini) + BedBoy aiming.
2. Harpoon light sight (Lenya69).
ϟϟ Damage dealt counter:
1.Minimalistic log (Ekspoint, WS).
2. Detailed log (dogHit).

1.Tundra (Makct).
2.Car fire extinguisher (Ekspoint).
3. Hit without exposure (Makct).
4.Laser pointer.
5.Contour - X-ray.
6.Reloading enemies.
7.Red balls for art.
8. Destroyed objects on the minimap.
9. Removal of objects under fire.
10. Tanks outside the drawing square (bosomi).
11. Shadow
ϟϟ AimBot auto sights:
1.Simple auto-aim with target acquisition behind an obstacle.
2.Aimbot Shaitan conf. bosomi.
3.Aimbot Darkteam
4. Vanga auto sight (Stealthz, Lportii).
ϟϟ More mods/cheats (for everyone):
1.Damage panel (Noobul).
2. Probability of exposure after a shot (bosomi).
3.Increased operating time of the light bulb.
4.Battle effectiveness calculator (Ekspoint).
5.Blocking fire on allies and corpses.
6.Team HP indicator.
7. Horizontal aiming angles for PT.
8.Display additional guidance equipment (Polar Fox).

Control keys in battle:
- Tundra - (by default in sniper mode, full tundra F2).
- Cog - (repair, harp, treatment - space, setting for convenience in the hangar).
- Special zoom for Battle Assistant art -(In battle in Shift mode, press the mouse wheel or J)
- Removing target objects -(by default in sniper mode, in arcade mode left Alt).
- AutoEquip - (We buy 1 mask net, 1 horn and hang it on all tanks in the hangar))
- Black Sky - (in battle Alt + F11)
- Disabling the handbrake for tank destroyers -(in battle, change modes to camera X)
- Moving information about LBZ in battle Alt + mouse.
- Set the zoom to x25 in the game settings!!!

You will find other settings in the hangar.
Everything is configured by default! and ready for battle!

Attention!!! This mod contains full functionality of cheats prohibited by the rules of world of tanks!!! So don't advertise your replays!!!))

2. “My Avast found a virus!!!” - Most of your “favorite” free antiviruses are viruses! Check

3. “It doesn’t work for me” - Check if you specified the correct path to the game folder during installation.

4. “They won’t block you for these cheats” - Do not post replays of your bends on different public pages where your game nickname is visible))

5. “I can’t download” - disable adblock in your browser (or use another browser without adblock) click on Main link: Go to download >>> wait there for the 5 second countdown at the top. it ends, click in the same place at the top right Continue, an additional tab opens, close it immediately, and in the tab in which there was already a link to downloads from the mail cloud!

*Updated: tundra, black sky, sights, removed Christmas background, XVM JustDj.
*Mnipack updated.

Our website presents many modpacks collected from both exclusively permitted modifications and the use of prohibited mods. Representatives of the latter category include the collection of cheats and mods from shefer for World of tanks 0.9.180 WOT. In it you will find the most necessary mods for successful play on the tank battlefields. The shefer modpack is equipped with a convenient installer with the ability to preview selected components. All mods have been tested and have a minimal impact on FPS in battle and are suitable for gamers with very weak computers.

List of mods.
Breakout indicator
Commander's camera
Free camera in replays
Disabling camera wobble
Removing blackness in snipe. mode
Show light 10 sec.
Disabling the brake for tank destroyers
Zoom ratio x3.2
Disable red flash when hit
Disable shaking when hit
Meddio session statistics
Horizontal stabilization
Zoom indicator in snipe. mode


Mods alternative to XVM
Ear light marker without XVM
Rating of players in battle
Team HP + Damage dealt + Debug panel + Clock
Detailed damage log in XVM style

Horizontal aiming angles (6 options)
Battle Assistant - J
Colored hit decals
WN8 Combat Efficiency Calculator
Removing fog and increasing visibility range
Light Alert
Disabling information about creating dynamic platoons
Prudenter tank icons
Remembering the last selected server
LBZ status in battle
Light bulb sound timer
Golden premium tanks
Damage direction indicator
The direction of the trunks on the minimap
Gun aiming timer
SafeShot - blocking shots at allies and corpses
Automatic crew return

Panel Damage

Automatic fire extinguisher
Art. sight for tanks, sniper. for art
Enemy direction indicator
Enemy cooldown timer
The shadow where the light was exposed is repainted
Thickened color tracers
Red balls
Laser pointer
Removing target objects
Destroyed objects on the minimap with sound
Black sky
Artillery reload timer
Display of installed equipment
Master Ambush - calculating the chance to light up

Hitting an enemy without being illuminated
Indicator of hitting an enemy without illumination
Hitting an enemy without highlighting (white circle)

Auto sights
Auto sight SAE Default
AimBot-Shaytan ZJ (bosomi)
Aimbot by lportii (Stealthz)
Grabbing obstacles (without anticipation)
AutoBot aimbot from Delysid

Attention! The installer automatically deletes logs - python, XVM, PMOD. Cleans the game cache. Removing or saving installed modifications is your choice!

What a lag, FPS drop or something else:

So, if it doesn’t help, I don’t know what to do next. Place it in the game folder and run this file: Then delete everything from the resmods folder and clear the cache and all settings with this 3RAb/Z3Uc9bHgK Don't install the shadow mod. Install the modpack, play and report back!

This collection of mods is made for tankers who don’t really like collecting cheats for each patch separately. In the modpack, the most useful banned mods are collected in one place.

Modpack contents

  • A special pointer from enemy tank guns. Allows you to navigate much better in battle and know where this or that enemy is aiming.
  • X-ray. This is one of the best cheats for WoT, it makes the outlines of tanks always active, X-ray is especially useful when installing cheat sights, for example.
  • Minimap. In addition to displaying the names of tanks, it will receive another additional and very useful feature - it will display all objects destroyed by the enemy, thanks to which you will be able to determine the location of the opposing team. This modification is very useful in team play; in companies you can get a huge advantage over the enemy, but even in a simple random battle the value of the mod is high.
  • Using the “ ” mod, you can disable the drawing of vegetation on the map. The peculiarity is that the foliage is turned off only in sniper mode, in arcade mode everything remains in its place, that is, the visual side of World of Tanks does not suffer.
  • Map details that could be penetrated by a sub-caliber or armor-piercing projectile have been removed.
  • A standard fire extinguisher will now fire automatically, saving you from more damage.
  • Enemy reload is always visible. Also a very valuable mod that adds a special timer above the enemy tank.

In addition to displaying, the same marks appear directly on the game screen, this can be seen in the screenshot just below. These are all cheat modifications included in the modpack, but the author also added several legal mods that also greatly affect the performance of the game. Zooms, sights, removing blackness in sniper mode, status of personal combat missions and many other interface tweaks are waiting for you!

In addition to mods, which by their nature are not prohibited in the World of Tanks game, there are prohibited variations that are pursued by developers and are punishable by account blocking in the game. But, if you understand the essence of the world of tanks well, then a few uses of cheats can go unpunished.

The main thing is to know when to stop, otherwise it will be like the saying “the miser pays twice.” We have selected the safest prohibited modifications especially for you, so that you can use them normally and not be afraid of a ban. Naturally, we want to warn you that if you inform someone in a dialogue that you are using this mod, do not be surprised later by your blocking.

Download cheats

There are a variety of cheats on our website, so you can choose any one you like. In principle, the effect of these modifications is similar to the others, i.e. safe. The only thing is that if they are present and turned on, your skill level will greatly increase, because... All paths will be open to you to defeat the enemy.

He will think that he is being attacked by a super smart, experienced player, but in fact, he will be losing to a newcomer. The main thing is not to overdo it and control yourself. You can find here anti-light markers, automatic fire extinguishers or even red ART balls.

We present to your attention the D MOD modpack from Draug for WOT 0.9.20. This assembly includes not only permitted, but also prohibited modifications, which you choose at your own taste (fear and risk).

The D-mod modpack is just this convenient; from the wide selection of modifications provided in one package, you activate only the ones you need.


Improved sights;
special zoom for artillery;
gun aiming timer in battle;
reflection of the armor indicator;
damage counter;
the famous Tundra (banned, by the way);
display of destroyed objects on the minimap (prohibited cheat);
a cheat that allows you to determine the position of enemy art;
and other prohibited mods like auto-aim, black sky, etc.


- Tundra - (by default in sniper mode, full tundra F2).
- Cog - (repair, harp, treatment - space, setting for convenience in the hangar).
- Special zoom for Battle Assistant art - (In battle in Shift mode, press the mouse wheel or J)
- Removing objects under fire - (by default in sniper mode, in arcade mode left Alt).
- Sniper sight for self-propelled guns - (Mouse wheel in sniper mode, art sight for Y tanks, free camera G)
- AutoEquip - (We buy 1 mask net, 1 horn and hang it on all tanks in the hangar))
- Black Sky - (in battle Alt + F11)
- Moving information about LBZ in battle Alt + mouse.

You will find other settings in the hangar.
Everything is configured by default! and ready for battle!

Attention!!! This modpack contains prohibited mods for world of tanks!!! So don't advertise your replays!!!


  • Run the installer, correctly specify the path to the WoT client and select the necessary modifications.