Copy doesn't work. What to do if the clipboard doesn't work? If the text is not copied in the Opera browser

23.02.2023 Programs

Sometimes computer/laptop users encounter a situation where they cannot copy material. It seems like the mouse is out of order. But the fact of the matter is that the mouse is quite working, and the right mouse button also works, but when it comes to copying, it refuses to perform the action.

The reasons for this may be different, and it is impossible to say for sure what the problem is. You can only try testing the mouse in different situations. To eliminate the possibility of your own mouse breaking, connect another mouse - if it doesn’t work either, then we’ll move on. For example, you can open a Microsoft Word document and try to copy it using the mouse. A message should appear indicating that certain information (the one you copied) has been saved on the clipboard. Or maybe the text is copied but not pasted. To insert text, you can use the keyboard by pressing Ctrl+V.

If it still doesn't work, reinstalling the mouse driver may help. There is also the option to create a new account and check the functionality of the mouse there. If everything works, the problem is in your old account. In this case, you can temporarily stay on your work account, or transfer all your data there and use it permanently.

Websites with text copy protection

If copying occurs from a website, there is a possibility that this website has copy protection. And it’s not the mouse’s fault at all. Some administrators fear that their text may be copied by “bad people” and used for their own purposes (for example, passing it off as their own). And for this, copy protection is installed, which in fact can only stop a novice user. For everyone else, copying material on such sites will not be any problem.

In order to copy text you need to do some manipulations. For Internet Explorer browsers, select “View” in the menu bar, then “View HTML Code”. For Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers, just use the hot combination Ctrl + U. After this, a window with the HTML source code will open. To quickly find the desired fragment among this multitude of letters, you need to press the combination Ctrl + F. In the window that appears, enter several words with which the text fragment begins. And then we copy in the familiar way: using the mouse or keyboard.

In this simple way, step by step, you can check all the options and determine why the material is not actually copied with the mouse.

For most Mac users, the copy-paste process is an integral part of daily computer use. Even if you haven’t encountered this, you can imagine how annoying it is when a function stops working or the clipboard freezes.

Don't worry, this problem can be solved easily and quickly.

The tips below apply to all versions of macOS and Mac OS X. You will need to force close the clipboard daemon to get it to restart. This should solve all the problems, including making the copy-paste function work. We will talk about two different methods - through System Monitor and the command line.

System monitoring

Now run some program in which the function did not work and try using the copy-paste command. It should work properly.

If the function still does not work, try copying something not using a keyboard shortcut, but through the menu. If this method works, then the problem is not with the clipboard, but with the keyboard. Perhaps some other program conflicts with the standard keyboard shortcuts.

You can also restart your Mac. This often solves similar problems. Sometimes the clipboard simply stops responding and requires a device reboot.


  1. Open the Terminal program, also found in Utilities.
  2. Enter the following command:
killall pboard
  1. Press Enter.

The command will restart the “pboard” process, which is responsible for the clipboard in Mac OS. Again, if all else fails, restart your Mac.

Copying information from site to site began almost from the time the sites themselves and the Internet appeared. This method of filling a site is called copy-paste, from the word copy (Copy, “Ctrl + C” keys) and paste (Paste, “Ctrl + V” keys). There was a time when copy-paste was normally ranked by search engines in its results. However, today such times are gone. But there are people who still use copying text from someone else’s site to fill their own. It is not recommended to do this, but cases vary. Let's say you want to copy text from a website to your page on a social network.

To protect against copying information from the site, resource owners come up with various options. One of them is disabling the right mouse button. This is done so that after selecting some text that they want to copy and paste from the site, it is impossible to call the context menu with the “Copy” link. Pressing the combinations “Ctrl + C” and then “Ctrl + V” will also not give any result.

If you can’t copy the website text because nothing happens when you click the right mouse button, then you need to perform a few simple steps. It should be understood that disabling the right mouse button to protect text from copying on the site is done using JavaScript.

Thus, you can enable this button to call the context menu with the “Copy” link by disabling JavaScript support in your browser.

Let's look at how this is done in popular browsers: Opera and Google Chrome.

If the text is not copied in the Google Chrome browser

If the text from the site opened in the Google Chrome browser is not copied, that is, the right mouse button does not work, then you need to open the special menu “Setting up and managing Google Chrome”. It opens by left-clicking on a special button in the upper right corner of this browser:

In the pop-up menu, select “Settings”:

Next, the settings page opens. Scroll to the bottom and at the bottom click on the “Show advanced settings” link. We look for the section on the page labeled “Personal Data” and click on the “Content Settings...” button:

Now the site will not display correctly, but the right button will work. Next, you will need to select and copy the necessary information. Then, be sure to enable JavaScript support back, otherwise some sites will not open at all. For example, VKontakte will give you a page with the following content:

If the text is not copied in the Opera browser

In the Opera browser, problems with copying text from a website are often also associated with special scripts that block the right mouse button. To disable them, you must also disable script execution. This is done using the “Opera” button in the upper left corner. Click on it and select the “Settings” menu item. Next, on the page that opens, look for the JavaScript section and select “Disable JavaScript”:

Also don't forget to turn scripting support back on.

This article will help you understand what to do if the clipboard does not work. We will analyze the main sources of this problem and try to eliminate them. As an example, all actions will take place in Windows XP. But almost all processes are equally applicable to other versions of this operating system.


First, let's find out the exchange. This is a kind of storage that allows you to perform operations such as copying, pasting, cutting. All these processes can occur both within one application and between different utilities. When the Windows XP clipboard does not work, the problem is most often in the software. But to check this, you need to have some knowledge in this area. In this article, I will introduce you to ways to place files on the clipboard and methods to solve some problems.


Experienced users, as a rule, use special ones to quickly use the clipboard. For example, to copy a file, you can use Ctrl + C (in advance, to paste - Ctrl + V, to cut - Ctrl + X. So, using hot keys you can significantly speed up the process of work. Especially if you often have to work with the file system. These keys can be used to place pictures, individual text or other information on the clipboard. A more primitive method of accessing temporary storage is to right-click the mouse, where from the context menu you need to select the appropriate operation. You can use alternative key combinations: Ctrl + Ins - copy, Shift + Del - cut, Shift + Ins - paste. Next, we will discuss the most common situations when the clipboard does not work.

If you work with hotkeys, then first of all you need to check their functionality. Perhaps these buttons have become technically unusable. Then, most likely, you will have to change the entire keyboard. If the keys work in other operations, then the problem is in the software. In this situation, you need to do the following:


There are other possible situations when the clipboard does not work. It is impossible to provide for all cases in one article. I have described the most common sources of this problem. By the way, in most cases, a simple reboot of the operating system helps users. And it is recommended to start looking for solutions with this method. If after a reboot the clipboard does not work, then you can begin a more thorough search for the problem area.

Failures in the operation of individual keyboard keys are rare, but situations when individual key combinations refuse to work, as in our case Ctrl + C (copy) and Ctrl + V (insert) are even less common. Moreover, individually the keys work normally, which excludes a hardware malfunction of the keyboard itself. If you encounter a similar problem, then the reason is probably that the clipboard is not working properly.

To get started, do the following.

Restart your computer.

Close all programs running on your computer, including programs running in the background. Typically, background programs hang in the tray next to the clock. After that, open a regular text editor or Notebook, or MSWord. Test how copy and paste works using keyboard shortcuts and then using the context menu or copy-paste icons. If all "miracle" worked, then the culprit is one of the programs running on the computer. It has been noticed that a similar problem occurs if Foxt Reader– viewer program PDF-files. It is possible that some other program is causing the crash.

At the same time, if keyboard shortcuts do not work, and using the context menu you can easily copy and paste text, then the clipboard is working and there is something wrong with the keys themselves. Here you should remember what last actions you performed, perhaps installing some program, updating drivers and the system. Try performing a system restore to an earlier restore point if you remember that there were no problems with copying a couple of days ago.

Sometimes users independently assign hotkeys in programs such as audio players, Skype and others. You may have accidentally or intentionally assigned one of the keyboard shortcuts in some program. And when this program is running, copy and paste operations do not work.

In the end, a hardware malfunction cannot be ruled out - one of the keys is stuck. Moreover, this is not necessarily the Ctrl, C or V key. For example, sticking one of the media keys on a multimedia keyboard will also lead to failures in the operation of double keyboard shortcuts. The same applies when the Fn key on a laptop or the F1 - F12 keys gets stuck.

If it is possible to connect another keyboard, then try it and check how the combinations work copying/inserts. If the problem persists with the new keyboard, then you should look for a software error, simultaneously checking how copying not only text in Notepad works, but also copy-pasting files in Explorer. If everything works in Explorer, then it is possible that the hotkey settings in the text editor itself have gone wrong and you can reassign them.

And of course, the presence of a virus in the system should not be ruled out. Therefore, conduct a full scan of all disks for viruses. Use an installed antivirus or special virus scanners for these purposes.