How to delete all photos from VK at once without deleting the page? Instructions. How to delete posts from a VKontakte wall How to immediately delete posts from a VK wall

23.02.2023 Services

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There is a desire to remove everything with one click or leave only certain entries. How to delete posts from a VKontakte wall , let's figure out how to do this?

If in life a person is greeted by his clothes, then on a social network - by the content of his personal page. What to do if you used your account as a platform for making money on the Internet?

How to immediately delete posts from a VK wall

Agree that after such activities a lot of unnecessary things remain - dubious reposts of some posts, unfamiliar friends, uninteresting groups.

I want to warn you right away: Start cleaning the wall of debris only when you have already finished or decided not to work on sites to earn money.

If you continue to earn money from reposts and so on, then be careful: one of the conditions for receiving a reward is to leave the posts untouched for a certain time.

You can delete almost all posts from your VK wall, except the most important ones. I'll tell you how to do this a little later.

So, be prepared for the fact that your VKontakte page may be banned for a certain time. This kind of activity of yours may be mistaken for hacking.

Therefore, get ready to defrost it, which means receiving a code on your linked phone and entering it in the specified field.

If the phone is lost and there is no access right now, then I do not recommend cleaning the wall of unnecessary debris. You may be left without an account on this social network.

In fact, there are several ways to clear the wall of all notes, but I suggest only the simplest ones. There is no need for special knowledge or a long time to implement the method.

All you have to do is follow the short instructions.

Deleting a VKontakte entry using the GoogleChrome browser

Go through your browser to your personal VKontakte page or to the group if you are its administrator.

Scroll through it all to the very end. If you do not do this, only visible entries will be deleted. You will have to repeat the process again from the very beginning.

Right-click on the space without text or pictures. A drop-down menu will open in which you select a section "View code".

If you doubt that you have chosen the right place, press three keys at the same time Ctrl+Shift+I. This way you will save your time and be sure that you did everything correctly.

A window will open in which the codes of all elements will be displayed. I warn you right away - there is no need to touch, rewrite or add anything here.

Method for deleting posts on VKontakte

Look carefully at the top panel of the window that opens. Find and click on the tab "Console".

Find a small field where you can enter information. If you did everything correctly and did not touch anything, the cursor will blink at this place. You will find it right next to the blue arrow.

Select the code to delete a post on VK

Please note that you must enter the entire javascript which is given below. He will do everything for you in minimal time.

(function () ( "usestrict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; vardeletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (vari = 0; i

I warn you right away– all letters and symbols written in this script do not need to be retyped manually. Just select the code and paste it into the required input field in the console.

Then click the button Enter. This starts the procedure for clearing the wall of all recordings. In the window that opens, the question “Delete all posts from the wall?” Click the "OK" button.

Deleting posts on VK

After some time you will see a message "Npostsdeleted". By pressing "OK", you confirm your decision.

√√ If you change your mind and decide to leave several posts on the wall, then before the page reloads, click "Restore" next to the selected entries.

All that remains is to check if everything is cleaned from your wall. To do this, open the page in another tab or in another browser.

If you did everything correctly, then your wall will be as clean as on the first day you created your account. If you decide to leave several posts, then check to see if they are still there.

We delete a post from the VKontakte wall using the Mozilla Firefox browser

This method differs from the previous one in several nuances. You also go to your personal VKontakte page.

Then right-click, selecting free space, and select the item from the drop-down menu "Explore element".

In the window that opens, select the tab "Console", and feel free to paste the same code that was written in the previous method.

√ √ The fact is that the code does not depend on what browser you are using. It only applies to the VKontakte website.

Click "Enter" and monitor the cleaning process of your wall. You may notice a notice that it is not recommended to use various codes, as they may harm your computer.

Never mind: This is the security system activated. Click the button "Allow", paste the code and start the cleaning process.


Key features of deleting a post from a wall in VK

As I said earlier, this method is very simple and easy even for a beginner. Besides:

  1. The method works with any VKontakte design. This may be the old interface or an updated version.
  2. If you are a community administrator, then using this method you can easily delete old posts from the public wall.
  3. You can interrupt the cleaning process at any time. Just press the F button. This will refresh the page and leave posts on the VKontakte wall.
  4. Please note that if you placed the photos on the wall and not in a separate photo album, then when you clean them you will lose them. Therefore, in preparation for the process, review and, if necessary, save the photos in some kind of album.

How to delete not all VK entries

If you decide to clear the entire wall, but leave some notes, then you need to make preparations.

Leave some separate VK entries

These could be some posts with congratulations, "eternal reposts", pleasant memories of some events, interesting photographs, etc.

To do this, right-click on the date of the post and select the item in the menu that opens "Open link in new tab". Do this trick with all the necessary posts.

Let there be five, ten, fifteen or more. Check if they are all open in new tabs.

After that, delete them manually: hover your mouse over the ellipsis icon and select from the menu "Delete".

√√√ Don't refresh the page, do not close. It should stay open with the writing on the wall "Message deleted. Restore". Slowly perform these manipulations with all selected posts.

Now on the main VKontakte page, start deleting all entries. To do this, use the method described above. Removal will be quick and take little time.

Once everything is cleared, proceed to restore the selected entries. To do this, go through all open windows and tabs and click on the button "Restore". This way you will save certain records and get rid of unnecessary garbage.

Delete VKontakte posts before a certain publication date

This method is similar to the previous one. If you have decided until what date you do not need the records, then proceed to the preparatory part.

To do this, on your VKontakte page or public wall, double-click "All entries". Go to search by records. Find the calendar icon and click it.

Select the date by which you want to remove all entries. All records will open to you. Look carefully and decide - you don’t need them, will you delete them all?

If the answer is yes, then proceed to use the code and clear the entire wall at once. Only those posts that were published before the specified date will remain.

If the answer is no, then open the necessary posts in separate tabs. Prepare them according to the previous method.

Then delete any remaining posts before the selected date and restore the individual posts you prepared in your open tabs.

This way you can clear your VKontakte wall of unnecessary posts, reposts and photos. I am sure that you found a lot of useful and interesting things in the article.


Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.

Order in the computer is the key to user well-being - no glitches, maximum performance. And it’s visually clear where which file is located, what programs are installed, and what they are for.

But if, on the contrary, chaos reigns on PC disks... this is definitely a problem. But, fortunately, it is fixable. Any obscenity (files and folders, unnecessary programs) can be removed from your computer manually and using special utilities. For information on how to properly and quickly clean hard drives, read this article.

All in one fell swoop, out of sight...

Before globally deleting everything on your computer, you must, of course, first look at all the partitions one more time. Suddenly, somewhere in a folder, there was something useful: photos, videos, text files with passwords and logins, reports or other valuable documents.

When you are 100% sure that you do not regret anything from the existing data in the directories, start cleaning.

Option No. 1: if the disk is not a system one

If you need to quickly “unload” a disk partition that does not have a system, that is, delete everything from it completely, do not bother yourself with painstakingly dragging files into the trash, but simply go ahead and format it.

1. Right-click on the drive from which you want to delete all files.

2. In the system menu that appears, click “Format”.

3. In the formatting settings panel, in the “File system” option, set the value to “NTFS”, in the “Cluster size” - 4096 bytes.

4. Click the “Start” button.

5. In the additional window “Attention! ... "confirm the launch of the formatting function: click "ok".

That's all! Now the disk is, as they say, a “clean slate”. No files, no folders - nothing.

You can also perform this procedure on the command line:

1. Open the console.

  • Windows 7: open the Start menu; Type cmd in the line and press “Enter”.
  • Windows 8: Right-click on the “Windows” icon (the very first icon in the taskbar).

2. At the command line, enter the command:

(for example, to format drive D you need to enter - format d:)

3. Press "Enter".

4. At the “Start formatting…” prompt, type the letter Y (Yes) and press “Enter” again.

Option No. 2: formatting drive C (system partition)

The partition on which Windows is stored cannot be deleted using the method described above. Disk C is formatted using a special utility from the operating system installation disk and then the OS is installed accordingly.

1. Insert the Windows installation disc into the DVD drive.

2. In the Start panel, in the Shut down menu, launch the Restart function.

3. While the computer is restarting, hold down the “F8” key.

4. Select the boot from DVD option from the menu that opens.

Note. The boot setting on your PC may be activated by a different key (such as "F2" or "F11").

5. In the “Windows Installation” window, select the interface language “Russian”. Click Next.

6. Select the disk on which the system is installed by clicking the mouse in the list.

7. In the control panel, click “Disk Settings”.

8. Select the "Format" command.

Upon completion of the operation, all files, programs and other elements from drive C will be deleted, and you can immediately begin installing the OS completely.

How to remove everything unnecessary from drive C?

Selective cleaning of the system partition should be carried out regularly. This requirement is primarily related to the specifics of operating Windows. (During its operation, unnecessary files accumulate in separate directories randomly, without user intervention). And then, you have less risk of losing useful content and valuable data (that is, deleting something very necessary from the C drive during the formatting process).

Method No. 1: using the standard function

1. Run the computer system cleanup utility.

  • Windows 7: open "Start"; In the search bar, enter “disk cleanup”; Select drive C from the drop-down menu; click “ok”;
  • Windows 8: right-click on the “Windows” shortcut (in the taskbar); click "Find"; in the panel that opens, type “disk cleanup”; In the menu, click “Free up disk space...”.

2. Wait for the directory analysis to complete (on average, the utility takes 2-3 minutes to complete this task).

3. In the settings window, on the “Disk Cleanup” tab, check the boxes with a mouse click next to the items that need to be deleted or cleaned.

4. In the window that opens, click “Delete files”.

Advice! You can get rid of OS restore points (if you don't plan to use them!). Go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “Recovery...” block, click the “Clear” button. In the additional window, confirm the launch of the function.

Method number 2: cleaning the disk with cleaning utilities

There are a huge number of programs that free drive C from “digital junk” in automatic and semi-automatic mode. In this short tutorial, we will look at the most popular solutions.

1. In the vertical menu of the program, click the mouse to activate the “Cleaning” section.

2. On the Windows and Applications tabs, select which items you want to remove or clean up.

3. Click the "Analyze" button.

4. After scanning is completed, click to launch the “Cleanup” command.

1. Select “Disk Cleanup” from the vertical menu.

2. In the adjacent panel, click the “Scan” button.

3. Wait a little: the utility will analyze the partition directories.

4. Upon completion of the procedure, click “Perform cleaning”.

Destroying useless media content

Remember Plyushkin from the book “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol? Well, mountains, or rather tens and hundreds of gigabytes, of seemingly useful, but seemingly useless content on the disks of your PC clearly indicate that you are very similar to this literary hero...

Books, films, TV series, huge software distributions, and games that are not particularly necessary take up precious free disk space. And they also burden the user with the need to constantly increase it when something else needs to be loaded.

1. Right-click on the file or folder you want to destroy. And then click “Delete” in the context menu.

2. When you finish cleaning, don’t forget to empty the Trash. Also, hover over it, right-click and select “Empty Trash”.

Getting rid of unnecessary programs

Standard uninstallation

1. Open the system Start menu. Go to "Control Panel".

2. Click the “Uninstall a program” section.

3. In the list of software available in the system, right-click the unnecessary program.

4. Click the “Delete” option that appears.

5. Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.

Removing software using special utilities

(instructions for using Soft Organizer)
If for some reason a useless application cannot be removed from the PC in the standard way, or you want to perform a more thorough cleaning of disk directories, it is more advisable to use uninstaller programs (for example, Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool). They not only remove software elements, but also neutralize their remains in other folders in the system registry.

Let's consider the uninstallation option using the Soft Organizer utility:

1. Click on the application you want to remove in the software catalog.

2. Click the “Uninstall a program” button.

3. Perform a standard uninstallation, and then remove the remains of the application (follow the prompts of Soft Organizer).

Happy cleaning! Don't be lazy, your diligence and efforts will pay off handsomely. The computer will work faster, you will spend a minimum of time searching for useful data in the directories of disk partitions.

Not long ago, BigPiccha talked about a precedent when Barnaul resident Maria Motuznaya was accused of extremism because of saved pictures on the VKontakte social network. Later, the media reported a similar story about student Daniil Markin. Yesterday it became known about the Tuvan journalist Oyuma Dongak, who was detained by the police for saving photographs on VK in 2014.

Therefore, let's look at how to remove all the “compromising evidence” from VKontakte in one fell swoop, without deleting the entire personal page.


According to official information from VKontakte representatives, it is impossible to delete all information published on the wall of a personal page at once. The functionality of VK does not provide such an option, supposedly for security reasons - if your page is hacked by scammers, they will not have the opportunity to immediately knock down your wall. But if something happens, you will have to delete posts from the wall one by one, one by one: open the menu in the upper right corner of the post, click “Delete post”.

If the posts on your wall have been accumulating for years, such a ritual will take several hours. You can speed up the removal process using applications and services - such as ViKey Zen (developed for the Google Chrome browser). To delete all posts from a wall at one time, you need to log in to ViKey Zen, go to the “Other” section and select the “Delete posts from wall” option.


The social network VKontakte provides the ability to delete photos in entire albums. To do this, select an album and click on the “pencil” in the upper right corner. After that, select the “Delete album” option. But what about saved photos and photos on the wall? It is impossible to delete these albums, but it is easy to delete their contents. We select the treasured “pencil” in the same upper right corner of the desired album, mark all the photos that we want to get rid of, and delete them with one click.

Don't forget to download your dear photos to your computer first. To download all the photos at once, you need to use the VKOpt or Vkpic extensions.


Since VKontakte has not provided a function for one-time deletion of all personal messages and allows you to delete only some dialog boxes (as is the case with posts on the wall - one after another in turn), you will have to clean your personal message using the already familiar ViKey Zen service. Here in the “Messages” section you need to select all incoming and outgoing messages, not forgetting to mark photos. In advance, by the way, you will be able to download all voice messages to your storage device.

By the way, if you use the VKOpt extension, you can backup the necessary dialogs in txt or html format.


It is not surprising that VKontakte has not made life easier for users here either - the destruction of video or audio recordings, for the reasons of the developers, must be done manually. Well, special scripts will come to the rescue, allowing you to quickly make your profile cleaner.

To do this, scroll the list of audio or video recordings to the end (that is, to the very beginning), right-click on the page and select “View code” in the browser. Do you see the console? Select the “Console” section in it and insert the scripts there.

javascript: (function () (var a = document.getElementsByClassName("audio"); i=0;inter=setInterval (function () (Audio.deleteAudio(;if (i>a.length) clearInterval (inter)),500);)) ()

(function () ('use strict'; if (!confirm ('Delete all Videos?')) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ('div.video_thumb_action_delete'); for (var i = 0; i


You probably noticed that in the news section (we are still talking about VKontakte) there is a “Like” tab. If there is no such tab, you can add it in the menu on the right. Here you can see all the likes you've ever received on photos, comments, videos and posts.

VK users often ask the question: how to delete all messages? Getting rid of an unnecessary message is very easy, but if you have a lot of conversations and want to delete them all, it can take a long time, because you will need to mark each individual message and press a key "delete"!

To avoid sitting for hours at your computer monitor and clicking your mouse 200 times, read this article!

Video course on making money on VKontakte

Sometimes VK accumulates a large amount of unnecessary correspondence: this also includes spam, which needs to be disposed of immediately. In such cases, it is advisable to delete all messages with one click. If you need to remove friends from VK, then read the article “ How to quickly delete friends on VKontakte?».

Deleting messages one by one and by dialogue

First, let's look at the traditional method of deleting messages on the VKontakte social network.

To perform any actions on VKontakte, you need to register on this social network and log into your account. To get rid of messages that were sent to you by VK users in one fell swoop, you need to follow these steps:

1. Go to your VKontakte page (the first step to carry out any function or operation on this social network). Choose a section “Messages”, where all the letters sent to us are stored.

  1. To delete one message, you need to select it by placing a checkmark on the left, next to the user’s avatar, and click on the button that appears at the top of the screen "delete"

3. To delete all correspondence with this person, simply click on "cross" on right;

and confirm the action

Another option is to go into the conversation, click on the three dots at the top of the screen (to the left of his avatar) and select the option “clear message history”

then confirm

Thus, letters from this user will be completely deleted from the archive.

To save your time and effort, delete all correspondence with the user at once - it will be much faster than if you delete one message at a time.

If several hundred dialogues have accumulated in messages, the process of deleting them will take a lot of time. From your page, you can only delete each correspondence individually, but there is a way out of this situation - use extensions.

How to delete messages or clean a VK wall using programs and extensions

Previously, it was possible to clean the wall using the VKopt program, but at the moment this function is disabled there.

But users have access to the Toolum extension, which can not only delete all messages, but also perform a lot of other useful functions for cleaning the page. It can only be installed from the Google Chrome browser.

  1. First, find and install the Instrumentum extension on your computer. To do this, in the Google Chrome browser, click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner, then select "Additional settings" in the pop-up menu and go to “Extensions”

  1. Click the button “More extensions” at the bottom of the screen

Develop your VKontakte community wisely: Read the complete guide to making money on VKontakte

3. Enter the name of the extension into the search - Instrumentum, find it and click the button "Install"

4. Confirm installation. It will only take a few seconds.

5. When the extension is loaded, click on the button “Log in via VKontakte”

Click in the window on the page you want to clean. You will see a list of options that are available to you. Using this extension, you can add everyone who submitted applications as friends with one click, as well as delete all outgoing requests or clean out photo albums. You will find a large number of options on the menu.

If you scroll down a little, you will see a section in the menu "Private messages" and option “Deleting dialogs.”

Click on it, then confirm the action, and all conversations will be removed from your page

Using this extension, you can not only delete all messages, but also clean the wall, delete photos and videos, in a word - completely update your VKontakte page.

Your wall is a place where you can publish any information - photos (see), videos (see), comments and posts. Materials are also duplicated here if you add them directly to the desired section.

Over time, quite a large number of necessary, and not so necessary, posts accumulate on the wall. This is especially acute for users who have opened access for publishing materials to friends, subscribers, and any users.

How to delete all posts from a VKontakte wall to clean out all the junk at once? There is a way, and now I will show you it.

Deleting records individually

If there are very few materials, then you can simply remove them one by one.

Let's go to our page. Point the mouse at the entry and press the button that appears in the form of a cross.

Do this with the others. If there are a lot of them, then move on to the second step.

How to delete all posts from a VKontakte wall

To do this, you will have to feel like a hacker. We'll even run the script in the browser. Are you scared?

There is nothing wrong. Just copy this code:

Javascript***:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split("(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == h.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id =setInterval(del_wall,500);

After that, place the cursor in the address bar of the browser and delete what is written there.

Now we paste our code. Now remove the three asterisks that are written after "javascript". If you don't do this, nothing will work. After this, press “Enter”.

The deletion of your VKontakte entries will begin immediately. You can see it - just look at the wall.

In order to interrupt this process, you just need to refresh the page. You need to press "F5" on your keyboard, or a special button in your browser.

How to delete all entries before a specific date

To do this, go to the expanded view of the wall - click on the title.