How to make a nano SIM card from a regular SIM card. How to cut a SIM card for Nano SIM? Definition and types of SIM cards

08.07.2023 Services

Over the history of mobile communications, the SIM card has changed its format and size four times already.

Each subsequent change made the mobile operator’s card smaller, and by 2021 experts predict the abandonment of plastic cards in favor of built-in eSIM. Improvements in mobile networks, the trend towards smaller smartphone bodies and the development of gadgets have reduced the size of SIM cards by more than ten times. We tell you what SIM cards are and how they differ.

First generation

The first replacement card of a mobile operator is considered to be a full-size 1FF format card. Its dimensions are similar to a modern bank card. This form factor of a mobile operator card was relevant in the period from 1991 to 1996.


In 1996, under the influence of the global shrinkage of phones, the SIM card was cut down to the mini-SIM format. The size of such a card is only 25 x 15 mm, it is also found in some budget segment phone models. It was with these SIM cards that the 2G and 3G standards came.


Apple, as a trendsetter in the mobile world, in 2003 first introduced a smartphone that supports a Micro SIM card. Its dimensions are 15 x 12 mm. Most gadget manufacturers supported the idea, and over the next few years this format became the standard. Along with this size of SIM cards, 4G Internet became available.


Today, the most popular format in smartphones is nano-SIM - the most compact card ( 12.3 x 8.8 mm), the implementation of which began with a company from Cupertino. iPhone 5 was the first gadget to introduce a slot of this format. And if you could turn a mini-SIM into a Micro-SIM using scissors or a special cutting device, then to adapt a SIM card to nano size you had to go to a communication store.

Almost the entire plane of the new format card is occupied by the chip, and its damage will lead to the card failure. Nano-SIM is the most popular format at the moment.

eSIM in the smartphones of the future

Traditional and familiar slots for SIM cards will be replaced in the coming years, and information about network data will be available after entering information from the operator. This approach has already been implemented in the Samsung Gear S2 (Classic 3G) smartwatch.

The introduction of eSIM will not only save case space, but will also facilitate the transition from one operator to another. Together with the built-in information about the operator, the maximum Internet access speed will increase. It is predicted that gadget manufacturers may take over the regulation of tariffs for using operator services, so there is a possibility that mobile communications will become more accessible.

Having purchased a new smartphone, I was faced with the fact that my micro SIM cards do not fit into the card tray of the new device. Run to the electronics store and pay about 100 UAH for cutting two cards. (about 4 USD) there was no desire, and I wanted to quickly start fully using the new smartphone right now.

I “Googled” and found the exact dimensions of the NanoSim card, after which I found an old SIM card that I didn’t mind ruining and tried to cut out an example using ordinary scissors and a caliper. It turned out to be not difficult.

As it turned out in practice, such training was even unnecessary and you can easily do it yourself in 5 minutes. Making a map out of a microsim turned out to be no more difficult than trimming your fingernails straight.

What you may need to cut out a SIM card:

  • ruler or caliper;
  • regular scissors (manicure scissors will not work);
  • fine sandpaper or sharpening stone for knives.

Plastic is easy to cut. I would like to advise you to start by cutting off with a margin of a millimeter or two, and then filing each end on sandpaper or a grindstone. So, during sharpening, you can check the card by inserting it into the tray or insertion slot.

In the following description, refer to the picture below:

  1. You can safely cut off the bottom of the card to fit the chip itself.
  2. On the right side, leave a margin of a couple of millimeters “by eye”.
  3. Leave 1.5 millimeters on the left side.
  4. Leave a millimeter at the top.
  5. Cut the oblique corner carefully, without touching the chip itself. You don’t have to worry too much about the degree of angle, the main thing is that it is in the same place as on the micro-SIM or mini-SIM card.

If you have a removable tray for SIM cards, you can adjust them to the desired size by sharpening them with sandpaper. If it is a slot, then the size should correspond to 8.8 x 12.3 mm.

As a result, you should have approximately the following plastic frames around the chip:

  • left - 1 mm;
  • right - 1.5 mm;
  • top - 0.5 mm;
  • bottom - 0 mm.

All these dimensions are relative, and one fraction of a millimeter will not make a difference. The result should be something like this:

There was a case when the SIM card was cut unsuccessfully and it did not connect to the Internet. There is also the old Micro-SIM format, in which the chip is larger than usual (as in the photo below).

The vast majority of modern smartphones, especially ultra-thin ones, work only with small Nano-SIM cards due to the fact that they are slightly thinner than their standard Micro- and Mini-SIM “brothers”. Despite the difference in size, their chip is exactly the same. That is why, if necessary, you can cut the SIM card for Nano SIM yourself. Many communication shops offer to cut your SIM card for money. If you are afraid to do it yourself, you can use their services.

By the way, recently telecom operators have begun to make SIM transformers:

The user just has to break out the size he needs. Moreover, if necessary, you can not only reduce the size of the card, but also increase it in reverse.

So, how to cut a SIM card for Nano SIM without damaging it? I offer you two options.

Template for Nano SIM card

I present to you two templates for Nano-Sim, which you need to download, print on A4 sheet and use in accordance with the instructions. For work you will need good sharp scissors, a powerful construction knife or metal scalpel, a nail file, as well as a plastic or wooden board.
Attention! The templates presented below allow you to make a Nano-SIM from both a regular and a Micro-SIM.
Template 1- Download
Cut it out to the size you need and stick it on your SIM card. After that, you need to cut it to fit the Nano-SIM card. Sharp or crooked edges can be corrected using a nail file. The main thing is not to damage the chip.

After this, you can cut the SIM card to fit the Nano-SIM along the contour. The main thing is not to touch the chip!
File sharp or curved edges with a file.
After this, you can insert the Nano-SIM into the phone and check its operation. Good luck to all!

Many users know that cell phone models produced over the last few years have a so-called “nano format” connector, which requires a special small SIM card. And the question is: “What is a nano SIM card: how to cut a regular SIM card to the required size?” — familiar to them from their own, unsuccessful experience. To solve this problem, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules that may be useful to you or your friends.

Definition and types of SIM cards

For a modern mobile device to work, an individual chip is required. It contains special chips that allow receiving/transmitting communications, storing a certain amount of information and providing services provided by the operator. It is usually called “Simka”. Currently available in several formats:

  • regular size cards;
  • micro SIM card;
  • nano sim card.

Owners of iPhones of the fourth and higher series were the first to know about the nano SIM card. The introduction of a new format was driven by the competitive need for manufacturers to reduce the thickness of new gadgets (up to 20%), while simultaneously increasing their capabilities and performance. All major global manufacturers of cellular communications have now switched to the nano standard.

Domestic cellular operators were not ready for the rapid increase in demand for devices with such connectors. Their production was not adjusted to new technologies. This forced many users to resort to cutting off old SIM cards and adapting them to new standards.

Differences and adjustment of micro SIM to nano size

The difference between micro (12x15 mm) and nano (9x12 mm) SIM cards is only in size and thickness. In terms of technical characteristics and communication parameters, they are absolutely identical.

The lucky owner, of course, can’t wait to try it out. The only obstacle is the slight difference in size. The current micro sim is a little larger and “does not want” to fit into the nano groove. You can use one of the options:

  • go to the nearest communication store and replace the card;
  • use the services of a master in a specialized workshop;
  • solve the problem yourself.

If everything is clear with the first two methods, then to complete the third you will need:

  • fine sandpaper;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • paper and printer;
  • scissors.

All actions should be performed carefully so as not to damage the microcircuits. To do this, download a nano map template from the Internet and print it (can be on a regular black and white printer) and perform the following steps:

  1. from the printed template you need to cut out a copy that matches the size of the existing card;
  2. attach the SIM card to the tape, with the side with the operator’s logo facing inward, and the template on the other side, the cut angles must completely coincide;
  3. cut off, using scissors, excess plastic exactly along the line of the template;
  4. Release the resulting SIM card from the tape and round the edges with sandpaper.

The cut line will run close to the microcircuit, do not worry, this will not affect performance. The card should fit into the groove tightly, without jamming or distortion. After installation, check its functionality by activating the phone.

Cutting a regular SIM to a nano connector

Regular SIM cards are adjusted to nano size in the same way as micro ones. A distinctive feature is that they have a larger chip size and thickness. The procedure should be carried out more carefully so as not to damage the microcircuits. The required thickness is achieved using sandpaper or a nail file. The side with the company logo is carefully cleaned until the card begins to fit freely into the slot.

There is a special mechanical device that looks like a stapler into which the existing card is installed. With its help, with one click, you can trim the card to nano or micro format. It’s not worth buying it because of its one-time use, but it’s quite possible to ask your friends. This is what is used in communication shops and repair shops.

If you fail, the cut line catches the microcircuit and the card becomes unusable and does not activate when turned on, do not worry. There is always the option of contacting your telecom operator.

The procedure for replacing an old card with a nano

If you do not dare to cut off your old card, you should contact the nearest office or your telecom operator. For this you will need:

  • personal passport;
  • old SIM card;
  • contract for the provision of communication services.

Replacement is free of charge, preserving the existing number and funds in the account. Within 24 hours, the old card will stop working, and you will become the full owner of a nano SIM card.

Reverse adapter from nano to regular format

If you use a gadget with a nano SIM card and there is a need to install it in an older model phone, it is enough to purchase a special adapter. The card is tightly inserted into the device, which fits into regular slots in format. The connection problem is resolved within a few minutes. The adapter can be purchased in specialized stores or communication stores. It is not expensive and can always come in handy.

Contacting specialists

You can cut a card to nano size by contacting a specialized workshop or a communications salon. Using a special stapler, in your presence, it will be adjusted to the required standard. Typically, fitting is not expensive, or is completely free.

Choosing for yourself the appropriate option for fitting a SIM card to a nano connector is not difficult. The listed methods are not complicated and low-cost. Don’t forget that operators replace an old SIM card with a nano one completely free of charge. The production of this type of product is established in the required volumes and there is no shortage of them, even in the most remote areas.

iPhone 4 In addition to a large number of technical innovations, it also brought physical ones - microSIM cards from cellular operators. Despite the fact that most operators can already exchange your old SIM card for a new microSIM, many, not wanting to go to the nearest store, dare to cut the card themselves.

I propose to consider and evaluate all possible solutions for transforming a regular SIM card into a microSIM.

There are three options to solve this little problem:

1. Take your regular SIM to any Apple store and ask for a fee to cut off the excess parts of the old card.

  • the card will be made very carefully;
  • minimal time spent on manufacturing;
  • additional waste of money.
2. Today there are already special devices (in their action they are somewhat reminiscent of a regular stapler). Just put a regular SIM in the “cutter” and just press. The result is a ready-to-use “microsim” (the same as what sellers in stores have).
  • the card will not require additional processing;
  • the procedure will take 30 seconds of your time;
  • you will have to run a lot to find this device;
  • additional expenses.
3. Our choice is to follow the path of least resistance... Therefore, we take scissors, a ruler and start making our own microSIM. Instructions:
  1. Take your regular SIM card.
  2. Standard sizes in Europe are 25x15 mm. We need to reduce them to 15x12mm. First, measure carefully with a ruler and draw the outlines on a regular map.
  3. Using sharp scissors, cut off the “extra” parts of the SIM card, leaving a “working” chip.
  4. At the end, you need to retreat 2.5 mm in the right corner of the “micro SIM” and cut the edge at an angle of 45°. Congratulations, that's all. You saved money and had a unique free time. The microSIM card is ready for use.
  • saving money;
  • interesting ways to spend your free time;
  • handmade.

P.S.: there are times when there is no need to use microSIM. Don't rush to get upset. Today there are already devices like an adapter from MicroSD to SDHC. Also, you can always update the SIM card in the operator’s salon, saving the number.

With the advent of the iPhone 5, there was a need for nanoSIM. In fact, this is the same microSIM, only even smaller. 12x9mm is the exact size of the smallest version of the SIM card - iPhone 5 only uses the "working" part of the SIM. In other words, to get a nanoSIM you need to cut a regular or "microSIM" to 12x9 mm, without damaging the chip if possible. There shouldn’t be any particular difficulties with this procedure, so stop reading this text and feel free to get to work.

Although no, take your time and carefully watch the video below. Everything is shown there in detail and clearly. Good luck to you!

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