What GTA is played online? Online GTA San Andreas

09.07.2023 Services

Simply dizzying events and elements of several game genres await the player who decides to download GTA San Andreas multiplayer from a torrent. The events of this part of the legendary shooter take place in 1992. The main character is Carl Lewis, a young boy of African-American origin. Several years ago he was forced to leave his hometown of Los Santos. And now, the time has finally come for him to return home. However, returning to his hometown does not look so joyful for the character. Along the way, Karl falls into the hands of policeman Tenpenny, who, as it turns out, is dishonest. The policeman accuses Karl of killing a police officer, although he committed this crime personally. The hero of the game is faced with a choice: either he is sent to jail, or he is infiltrated into the ranks of criminal groups and begins to work for Tenpenny. CJ chooses the second option.

Screenshots of the game GTA SA

You should definitely download GTA San Andreas multiplayer for free on your computer and do it better now. The game combines elements of a shooter and a car simulator. So you can not only run, shoot and engage in shootouts with the police, but also ride in the cars and other vehicles featured in the shooter. The presented mod for the game will also allow you to play GTA online. You will be able to complete assigned tasks together with your comrades, communicate with others and players, create your own criminal gangs and much more. In addition, the mod allows you to create your own game modes. Expand the capabilities of your favorite shooter and play it online.

First you need to download the GTA SA game client (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) as well as a special add-on for online play, you can do this, for example, on this site: samp-rp dot ru.

From there you will download the game client and an add-on called SA:MP (San Andreas: MultiPlayer).

Install the game first, then the add-on in the folder with the installed game. Then you need to launch SA:MP, the following window will open:

Login to the game and register your character:

In the “Name” field, create and enter your login.

You can choose from the proposed servers or enter one found on the Internet yourself.

Click the Connect button.

How to play GTA San Andreas multiplayer

So, you entered the game, you see that you are asked to familiarize yourself with the server rules, after you have read them, enter the password and email you created, select the gender and other accessories of your character.

Try not to forget your password. After the actions have been completed, you appear at the place where newcomers respawn (respawn, respawn, respawn), here on many servers you can read a guide for beginners and receive your first tasks, for example, going to work.

You can get there by bus or taxi, above the buses it is written what routes they take, but by taxi you just need to tell the taxi driver your destination.

Upon arrival at your place of work, find the blue shirt icon and change clothes, then you can start working, performing certain actions.

To earn money for your first car you will need:

  • The most important thing is that this is a level 2 account so that you can work as a bus driver.
  • A driver's license, you can get it at a driving school in an honest way or buy it for $600, the method of obtaining it is not important.
  • You need to find a site with buses, you will find it here:

Come to this square and see buses with Big Tours written on them, get on it and in 8 minutes you can travel 1 route. It is better to choose the “factory” route, because there are no customs and police there and minimal traffic, therefore fewer accidents.

You need to travel by following the red markers and stopping for 10 seconds at bus stops.

As a result, in 8 minutes you can earn $1,700. Based on the calculation 1700*7.5=12750, it turns out you can earn $12750 in one hour. If you work at least 4 hours a day, you will earn $51,000 a day, the only thing that is required of you is patience and perseverance.

For a week of such a game, with the condition that you save and not spend on all sorts of trifles, then in a week you will be able to accumulate $357,000, minus natural expenses (rent, gasoline) of about $7,000, leaving $350,000. Thus, in 2 weeks it is quite possible to buy an average quality house and a good car.

There are other ways to become rich in GTA SA multiplayer, for example:

  1. Donat. That is, just throw real money into the game and convert it into game currency, here your wealth in the game can only be limited by your well-being in real life. This is perhaps the easiest way.
  2. Job, we have already considered her in the form of a bus driver. There are other types of work, again, it’s up to you to choose.
  3. Casino. You can both win and lose there, but as a type of earnings, it should not be excluded. Perhaps someone has some gaming strategies that they use to beat various casinos, then this method is for you, go for it.
  4. Mafia. You need to become a mafia leader, it is very long and difficult, but this method will pay off very well in the future.
  5. Car resale . The fastest and most effective type of income, however, requires initial capital.

Knowing these basics of the game, you will be able to play yourself and you will be able to teach your friends how to play GTA San Andreas multiplayer. That's all for me, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments to this article.

Hello dear users, and ordinary inhabitants of the gaming portal site, with you, as always, the editor<>.Today I will tell you about SAMPA.

How to start playing SAMP?

How to start playing SAMP? Many users ask this question, now I will tell you how to start your game on the RolePlay SAMP project.

First, we need to download a clean GTA: San Andreas, you can do this on the official website of your game server that you have chosen.

After that, you need to download the SA:MP client from the same site, the game server.

After this you need to install the samp in the game folder.

How to log into SAMP?

After you have installed everything, go to SAMP. In the NickName field, enter the name of your character using the Name_Surname format. And go to the server.

How to register?

How to register on the Role Play server?

Many novice players ask this question, I will try to answer it. Before registering on the RolePlay server, you must carefully study the rules of this server and RP terms.

After you have studied all this, you will need to come up with the character of your character, as if he is not adequate, adequate, etc.

When you have already decided that you can register your account, carefully indicate all the data, since if something happens it will be extremely difficult to change them.

How to play samp

First, you need to decide which server you want to play on. If this is a DM/Drift server, then there is one “fun” here.

If you are a RP server, then you need seriousness, and an understanding of what you are playing, in particular, you need to understand the character of your character. And RP terms. You can find out how to properly play RP on a specific server on your server’s forum.

How to open a chat?

Chat is very easy to open.

If you have an English layout, press the “T” key and the chat will open successfully.

If you have a Russian keyboard, press the “F6” key and your chat will be successfully opened.

If you have an English/Russian layout, press the “E” key and the chat will open.

What to do in SAMP?

First of all, you must roleplay your character based on his character, habits and much more. You must raise your character, from a homeless newcomer to a mafia authority. From a visiting foreigner to a gang leader.

How to make a big chat

Many players ask this question.

Here are all the commands for resizing the chat.

/pagesize(how many lines will be displayed in the chat)

/fontsize(font size)

How to make a samp in windowed mode?

To do it yourself in windowed mode, you need to press the ALT+Enter key combination. After that you need to wait a few seconds, and voila! SAMP in windowed mode, now you can make reports while sitting on VKontakte :)

Samp how

Samp how- a game for friends, an opportunity to feel like you are in the shoes of a policeman, fireman, pilot and many others! This samp is not limited, you can play samp with a girl, a dog, a cat! Yes, anyone, many people from childhood dreamed of being in the shoes of a policeman or a fireman and playing his role based on character, habits, vision, worldview. SAMP is a platform for creativity, tons of servers are opened in SAMP every day, and there is also no There are few already advanced servers in the SAMP field. Millions of players play this creation every week, and this is clearly not going to end soon!


Today we learned how to start playing SAMP. How to log into samp, how to Register, how to play samp, How to open a chat, and much more! I was with you<<TDS>> see you again on the game portal website.

How to start playing GTA San Andreas SA-MP online on RSRL - RSRL the GodFather SA-MP Server - User Control Panel

How to start playing

In order for you to be able to start playing SA-MP online, via the Internet, on our server or any other server, you will need:

If you already have GTA San Andreas installed and you know how to use the SA-MP client, just add our server to your client and start playing.
Our SA-MP server address: samp-s1.rsrl.ru:7777

Otherwise, you need to install GTA San Andreas version 1.0 game on your computer. You can do this from your installation CD or download the game online. After the game is installed, you can move on to the next step - installing the necessary add-ons for playing online.

2. SA-MP - client (mod) for online play in GTA San Andreas.

In order for you to be able to play GTA San Andreas online, you need to install a special modification of the latest version - the SA-MP client.

You can always download the latest and current version of the SA-MP client from our website using the following link ( DOWNLOAD SA-MP) or on the permanent modification download page in the site menu section.

*** Important: Please note that the SA-MP client must be installed exactly in the folder with your GTA San Andreas game. Otherwise, multiplayer will not work.

After you have downloaded the SA-MP client installer, launch it and follow the installer’s instructions.

Starting the client and adding a server.

After successfully installing the GTA San Andreas game and the SA-MP client, a shortcut to launch the SA-MP client should appear on your desktop and/or in the START menu. Not to be confused with the shortcut for a regular single player game.

We launch this shortcut and then the graphical interface of the SA-MP client should appear in front of you:

Now we need to prepare the client to launch an online game. First of all, you must indicate your nickname under which you will continue to play on the server. (indicated by number 1 in the screenshot).

Next, we add our server to the client’s list of favorite servers for convenience. To do this, click the “add” button (Add. In the screenshot indicated by the number 3.). A window will appear in front of you to add a server, in which you need to enter the address of our server (samp-s1.rsrl.ru:7777) as shown in the screenshot below.

After you have entered the server address, click OK, the server should appear in the client’s list and be detected correctly. An example of the result as it should turn out is shown in the screenshot below:

If you see a similar picture in yourself, most likely you did everything right. To connect to the server, double-click the left mouse on the server in the list or select the server in the list and click the start game button in the upper left corner in the form of a green button with a play icon.

After this, the online game will begin loading. If you did everything correctly, then after loading you will see the server welcome window.

If the download does not work or a regular single-player game loads, this means that most likely you did something wrong. Read the instructions again and try again. Or ask for tips on our forum or VKontakte group.

3. Registration on the server.

Let's look at an example of registering on a server using the nickname Steven_Krown as an example.

And so, we go to the server as described in the previous paragraph. We are waiting for the complete download, you will see the following window - the server welcome window:

Please note that in the picture the numbers 1 and 2 indicate a message that the nickname you have chosen is free on the server and you can continue registering with this nickname.

If, instead of a message that the nickname you are using is free, the server displays a message that the nickname you have chosen is already taken and asks you to log in to an existing account with your password - this will mean that, unfortunately, you will not be able to use the nickname you have chosen, because .To. such a nickname is already taken by another player. In this case, you need to leave the server and come up with a different nickname, indicating it in the SA-MP client. Do not try to guess the password, otherwise after 3 attempts the server will block (ban) you for a day.

If, nevertheless, the nickname you have chosen is free and you see the same window as in the example in the screenshot, then you just have to come up with your password, enter it in the field marked with number 3 in the screenshot and complete the registration by clicking the "Register" button.

*** Important: Remember or write down the password you came up with during registration, you will need it in the future every time you log into the server.

If registration is successful, you will then see a window informing you that the account you are using is registered and you will be asked to enter your password, which you specified during registration, to log into the server under the registered account. After you have logged into the server under your new account, follow the prompts in the windows. You will need to select your city of residence on the server, indicate your gender and age.

If you liked this article or helped you figure out issues that were causing you difficulties, please share it on social networks with your friends and acquaintances, let this article help other Internet users.

how to play GTA SA online, how to play GTA online, how to play GTA san andreas online, how to play GTA san andreas online, how to play SAMP, SA-MP, SAMP, Play GTA online, multiplayer gta san andreas, gta online, how to play on rsrl, how to play on rsrl, how to register on rsrl

SA:MP (SAMP, San Andreas Multi Player) is a modification to the original Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It adds multiplayer to the game. This allows the user to interact with other players. You can play over the Internet and local network.

SAMP does not add any significant additions other than playing with other users. Therefore, it is recommended to install the modification only if you want to start playing SAMP with friends or strangers. As for system requirements, SA:MP will work on all PCs that ran single-player San Andreas. However, the game may slow down and produce low FPS if the server is overloaded with players.

How to start playing SAMP

To start playing SAMP on your computer, you will need the original version of the GTA San Andreas game and the SA-MP client for online play in GTA San Andreas. To avoid possible problems, use version 1.0 of the game without mods. Otherwise, "samp" may produce errors.

  1. Launch the client.

  2. In the Name field, indicate the login under which you want to play SAMP.

  3. In the IP field, enter the server.

  4. Click connect.

  5. Wait for the download to complete.

Where to start playing SA:MP

First of all, “samp” differs from the original game in its mode. SAMP has Role Play. The essence of this mode is that each player performs a specific role. Therefore, before you start playing, decide what job you will choose, what kind of character your character will have, etc.

If you are a new player on the server, then the first task that needs to be completed is getting a job. In "" there are several options: Weapons Factory, Mine and Sawmill. These places will allow you to get hold of money, without which the game is impossible.

Almost every action in SA:MP is regulated by a specific command. So, for example, using /mn you can open the player menu, and /stats will open your character statistics. To enter them you need to press the F6 key. To view the full list of commands, enter /mn and select the "List of Commands" section.