Which 3D printer to choose. Category Archives: Tests, comparisons and reviews

16.07.2023 Social media

Ultimately, this strategy allowed us not only to carefully study the local market and gain a leading position in the sales of prototyping equipment, but also to begin creating a full-fledged and market-demanded first sample of a Belarusian professional-class 3D printer.

This was the first pre-production sample. Some more time was spent refining the device, optimizing the design and conducting operational tests. As a result, completely developed in the Republic of Belarus, happened already in the fall of this year.

The novelty, already at the first stages of the project, aroused significant interest both from government authorities and from business.

Andrey Shorets, Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee (second from right), Vladimir Davidovich, director of the “Minsk City Technopark” (first on the right)

As already noted, M3 DUObelongs to the professional class and is focused on performing a wide range of tasks in the field of prototyping with strict requirements for the resulting objects.

Ruslan Kruglyakov, managing partner of TTF-Group LLC (left) and Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (right)

It is noteworthy that the development company does not stop there and expands the horizons of its technological solutions. Thus, at the recent innovation fair Smart Patent’16 TTF-Group reached preliminary agreements with State Institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Surgery” regarding the implementation of the project “. The project involves the development of a 3D printer capable of printing with soft reagents that are as close as possible, in terms of physical properties, to organ tissues.

However, this is the future, today the goal of our conversation is the present: a test review of the first Belarusian professional-class 3D printer M3 DUO from TTF-Group.

In fairness, it should be noted that in general The history of additive technologies in the Republic of Belarus dates back to the times of the Soviet Union, is replete with messages about amateur-class printers, about machines capable of printing with chocolate, and stories about 3D printers created by amateurs almost in a utility room and out of sheer enthusiasm. All these stories make it clear that Belarus seriously intends to take its strong place in the global market of volumetric printing technologies, but it is the hero of our today’s review that instills true confidence in this statement (today). the first Belarusian 3D printer whose production (for the first time in the country) was launched in serial mode.

By the way, what is a “professional 3D printer” and how do such machines differ from others?? It’s simple, a professional machine is distinguished from equipment for “home” use by stable dimensions when printing similar products, increased productivity and quality of prototyping.

Such equipment is intended for work in design and architectural bureaus, engineering departments of companies, for the purpose of prototyping future product samples and modeling structures; Equipment of this class is used in small-scale production, as well as in educational institutions.

So, we present to your attention test review 3 D-printerM3 DUO. For the sample provided and assistance provided, we thank the development company - TTF-Group LLC .

Test review 3D-printerM3 DUO

As part of this review, we will look at the general design and operation features of the device, examine the body and key elements of the printer (extruder, consumables tray, electronics and nozzles). In addition, in the final part of the review we will compare the M3 DUO 3D printer with the most popular and similar equipment from global manufacturers ( LeapfrogXeed And Replicator Z18).

Design Features M3 DUO

According to the developers of the new product themselves, when developing the device, it was immediately decided to focus on the segment of mid- and upper-mid price range printers. The scope of application of printers in this class does not allow us to determine the most popular size of the working area, the types of materials used, the preferred number of extruders, and so on. This posed an interesting task for the designers - on the one hand, it was necessary to satisfy a fairly wide range of specifications, on the other, to prevent the expansion of the model range.

As a result a universal platform was developed, with the possibility of individual customization according to the most popular specification items. For example, in order to change the size of the workspace, you can change the values ​​of three variables and get a set of new design documentation.

Do you want to add another extruder? – easy, increase the maximum maintained temperature of the extruder – name the number, increase accuracy – what class are you interested in? As a result, we always have ready-made design documentation.

Thus, the client receives an individual device, created according to the specifications provided by him, but at the price of a serial sample.

– noted in the development company.

Now let's move on to a description of the basic model of the platform. PrinterM3 DUO designed according to the scheme of a closed heated chamber and has 2 extruders. Frame assembled on a steel frame, the working volume is a closed stainless steel box with a heated air recirculation system, the entire kinematics of the portal and extruder are separated from the working area by a thermal jacket. Work zone: 600x600x600 mm. External housing made of composite, thermal and sound insulating boards 5mm thick. Coils of plastic are located in the receiving trays of the drawer and also have a recirculation system.

It should be noted that, while working to maintain the stability of printing parameters, the company’s engineers identified a number of technical problems that “classic” extruders are prone to. Thus, a unique (according to the designers) development was born - .

The control electronics are based on a 32-bit ARM processor, with automation protection and protection against power outages.

Now let's take a closer look the most interesting technical features this 3D printer model.

Housing of a Belarusian 3D printer

As you know, “they are greeted by their clothes,” which means it is undesirable for the exterior to leave the impression of a relic of domestic instrument making from the middle of the last century. In fact, this lyrical digression is a summary of the design features of the frame.

Here, as TTF-Group employees admit, they were faced with several tasks at once:

Firstly , it was necessary to ensure decent structural rigidity - do not forget that we have a platform, which means the positioning accuracy should be the same both with dimensions of 100x100x100 mm and with dimensions of 1000x1000x1000 mm. Secondly, a heated chamber is a prerequisite, which means it was necessary to somehow resolve issues with the internal climate. It may seem that sound insulation is not the most important technical parameter, but in conversations with clients, we found out that they try to place the printer where it will not irritate with its noise, which means Thirdly.

It should be noted that the overall rigidity of the structure is achieved thanks to a specially designed steel frame. At the same time, the developers note, they were talking about a whole range of research, testing and solutions:

We did not use ready-made profiles, but developed the frame ourselves, simulated various operating temperature conditions, and calculated rigidity under load. All frame elements are relieved of stress by heat treatment. The portal mechanics are assembled on industrial rail guides. High precision limit sensors and stepper motor feedback are used.

Let's delve a little deeper into the theory of extrusion. Extrusion printing with thermoplastic materials is a complex process and requires certain conditions to obtain truly high-quality results. Any plastic used has its own coefficient of thermal expansion; printing is carried out in stages - from bottom to top, which means that the product cools unevenly. The result is a discrepancy between the dimensions of the final product and the specified ones, and the most common problem is the product coming off from the substrate, followed by its deformation. “Classically” partially solves this problem use of heated substrate and for small-volume products this is usually sufficient. However, in this case, the size of the working area is 600 mm in all axes and it is obvious that this will not be enough. This is easy to understand if you imagine a model with a height of at least, say, 300 mm. In this case, we will have two hot zones: from below, the product is heated by the substrate and from above, plastic that has not yet cooled down after extrusion. With a high degree of probability, in the middle of the gradient our model will begin to stratify. Therefore, a completely reasonable solution is to heat the atmosphere inside the chamber, which is present in the 3D printer design we are reviewing.

Thus, the working chamber itself is an oven, or a box closed on five sides with stainless steel sheets, with a double glass door in front. The temperature is maintained by a system consisting of ceramic heaters and a cross-flow fan, which is duplicated on both sides of the chamber. To eliminate the occurrence of “overheating dead zones,” a specially modeled laminar flow dividing grid is used. When using some types of materials, the temperature in the chamber must be at least 200°C, which obviously excludes the presence of kinematics within the chamber. This also increases the requirements for insulating the atmosphere of the working area, which eliminates the use of a conventional corrugated jacket. To solve this problem (in this 3D printer model), a movable casing for the upper part of the working chamber was developed, made of thin sheets of stainless steel.

Returning to the theory of extrusion, one cannot ignore such an aspect as the impact of molten plastic fumes on health. Since during the production of raw materials the initial monomers are incomplete, some of them are able to evaporate when the temperature rises. Among such monomers, the greatest danger is . An extremely toxic substance that can evaporate in unacceptable quantities from plastic from unverified manufacturers. Also dangerous are solid particles that can condense into larger formations and settle in the lungs. It is a mistake to believe that the simple solution in this case is use of HEPA filters. In collaboration with Institute of Chemistry of New Materials, was in TTF-Group a unique filter has been developed, which uses active electronic cooling to condense and filter out most of the harmful fumes after the printing process is complete. In addition, during the printing process and until the air in the chamber is completely cleaned, the printer door remains locked!

Here we come to the prologue. The exterior aesthetics of the M3 DUO are ensured by composite panels, which simultaneously serve as thermal and sound insulation.

M3 DUO: plastic tray

3D printer tray as standard(M3) per 1 reel

Anyone who is familiar with 3D printing first-hand is familiar with such an annoying problem as plastic boiling during extrusion. For the average person, it is surprising that plastics really love to absorb moisture. It is enough for the coil to remain outside the sealed bag for several days, after which, when printing with this plastic, the perimeter of the product will be covered with small bubbles. And if the weather was damp, then foam would literally come out of the nozzle. How do you usually solve this problem??

As a rule, they solve this problem in the old “old-fashioned” way - they bake the coil in the oven for several hours. The designers of the first Belarusian 3D printer realized (thanks to the extensive consumer survey that we talked about at the very beginning of the article) and decided to combine the oven with a drawer.

“Ideologically” it is organized as follows: There is a sealed drawer at the bottom of the printer, it has two receiving trays for standard spools of plastic. Each tray is equipped with an individual pre-press preparation system, consisting of: humidity/temperature sensors, a heat gun ~80°C, a tray with reusable adsorbent material. Among other things, each tray is equipped with electronic scales, an RFID reader, a semi-automatic material feed system, and a tangle/stop feed control system. There is also a drawer extension blocker during the printing process and sensors for its position.

The operating logic is as follows: If the tray is empty, or printing is interrupted, or the printer is in media change mode, the drawer is unlocked and ready to receive media. The operator places the spool in the tray, pushes the thread into the hole a few centimeters, then the automation works: it feeds, threads, extrudes, weighs. If the reel has an RFID tag installed by the manufacturer, the printer automatically adjusts the printing mode in accordance with the parameters recorded in the chip. Then the automation determines the degree of moisture of the material and, if necessary, switches the tray to pre-drying mode. Regardless of the condition of the material, directly during printing, the plastic is preheated to give it the necessary plastic properties. If a loop is detected in the reel, printing is paused and the printer goes into standby mode. After the problem is resolved, printing resumes from where it stopped. The drawer remains locked during printing.

M3 DUO 3D Printer Extruder

Gigabytes of computer simulation data, kilograms of steel filings, months of bench testing and, as a result, subject of special pride (does not hide his emotions Sergey Ismulin, general designer of the project)non-laminar flow microscrew extruder. Behind such a complex name lies the result of hard work, the purpose of which was to eliminate a number of fundamental problems inherent in the classical method of plunger extrusion.

Here we should talk about some of the features of extrusion printing. As mentioned above, thermoplastics have a certain coefficient of thermal expansion. This seemingly insignificant feature of plastics poses one of the most significant problems for 3D printers around the world. In practice, this means that even if the material supply stops, molten plastic will not stop flowing from the nozzle. This is especially fraught with problems when moving the extruder at idle speed from one printed element to another, which manifests itself in the form of a strip of droplets along the entire element and/or the formation of a “cobweb” between separate elements. The problem is usually solved using a method called retraction, when during idling, the plastic makes a slight reverse movement in the heater channel, which, as planned, should create a negative pressure that prevents the flow from the nozzle. In practice, we still have a strip of droplets and a “web”. This is not a linear process and has a lot of variables that are not taken into account. And that's it.

Two. Sometimes something “terrible” happens - the plastic stops supplying and the product in most cases goes to waste. There are a number of different reasons for this: uneven thickness of the plastic as a result of which it does not fit into the extruder channel, a blockage in the nozzle, a loop in the reel and a number of other less common ones.

Three. Some plastic manufacturers suffer from the presence of air bubbles in the thread. These bubbles, during the extrusion process, are squeezed out along with the thread and become an integral part of the product.

Four. Non-uniformity of the filament diameter at the nozzle exit. And here you can’t get away with just one reason. This includes the quality of the plastic, the nonlinearity of the processes in the melting chamber, and the dirt that gets into the nozzle.
Actually, these are fundamental problems inherent in the classical extrusion method. Without going into too much detail about the design of this printer, Let's note its main features which solve the problems mentioned above:

  1. At idle, the nozzle physically closes from the inside. By definition, there can be no idle flow of plastic.
  2. The extruder is not at all sensitive to the diameter of the material, and the pressure it creates is so great that even hardened plastic will be squeezed out of the nozzle.
  3. Air inclusions are squeezed out by excess pressure.
  4. The large volume of the melting chamber, together with the principle of creating excess pressure, greatly increases the linearity of the process and, as a consequence, the stability of the output filament diameter.

In addition to the above, we also note such “goodies” as a thread presence sensor, a feed speed sensor, and printing with flexible threads.

Replacement 3D Printer Nozzles

It's no secret that printing speed is inversely proportional to its quality. If this is not so critical for printing small items, then when it comes to a working area of ​​600x600x600 mm, Print speed becomes a deciding factor.

The most obvious solution here seems to be one in which the outer perimeter is printed with the minimum layer height, and the filling with the maximum possible. The rule that immediately comes to mind is that the layer height should be less than the nozzle diameter. However, the smaller the nozzle diameter, the higher the detail of the product. The best results can be achieved with a 0.2 mm nozzle, and in the case of our extruder you can use 0.1 mm. Based on the rule stated above, we still get a maximum layer height of 0.2 mm. It is easy to calculate that in the case of full-length printing (600 mm), we will need 3000 layers. Even if the printer spends 1 minute per layer, we have 50 hours of printing time. Of course it won't work that way! And in the case of the M3 DUO from TTF, the solution to this issue was the automatic change of nozzles during the perimeter/fill printing transition. Moreover, in the basic configuration the printer has 5 automatically replaceable nozzles with a diameter of 0.1 to 1.5 mm. Any of the extruders can freely use each nozzle. The printer has the ability to print a perimeter with a height of 0.1 mm and an infill of 1.5 mm, which gives a speed gain of 1 in 15.

Electronics in M3 DUO

The control automation was clearly developed with platform customization in mind. The heart of the printer is a 32-bit ARM controller.

Printing is controlled either from a computer (remotely or via USB) or from the control panel on the printer body.

Stepper motors are controlled by digitally controlled integrated drivers. The hardware implements protection against power outages via the network: in the event of a loss of current in the supply circuit, the operating system, using the built-in battery, automatically pauses printing, parks the head, sends an error code to the remote server and switches the printer to low power consumption mode . Once the power supply is restored, the system will automatically resume printing from where it was interrupted.

Comparative analysis

Thus, we examined the key characteristics of the Belarusian 3D printer. Now, let's evaluate its performance against the background of existing and most popular models on the market generally recognized global manufacturers focused on a similar segment of consumers.

For comparison, we chose two models: Leapfrog XEED(Netherlands) and MakerBot Replicator Z18(USA).


Leapfrog XEED MakerBot Replicator Z18 TTF-Group M3 DUO
Manufacturer country: Netherlands USA Belarus
Construction area (mm): 280 x 220 x 230 305 x 305 x 457 600 x 600 x 600
Number of extruders: 1 2 2
Camera: Conditionally closed with heating Closed without heating Closed heated
Printing materials: Any thermoplastics PLA only Any thermoplastics
Nozzle diameter (mm): 0.35 0,4 0.1-1.5
Type of coil used: Standard 750g. Proprietary 900g. Standard 750g.
Spool Tray: Yes Yes Yes with preheating
Maximum nozzle temperature °C: 275 ~230 320 or more
Interfaces: USB. Ethernet. WiFi USB. Ethernet. WiFi USB. Ethernet. WiFi (optional)
Smart extruder: Yes Yes Yes
Platform calibration: Automatic Manual Automatic
Software: Proprietary Proprietary Proprietary
Protection: Stop plastic supply, end of plastic No Stopping the supply of plastic, running out of plastic, power outage, door locked
Built-in camera: Yes No Optional
Price, $: 9120 (Excluding delivery and customs duties) 6500 (Excluding delivery and customs duties) 4500

M3 DUO 3D printer review – conclusions:

In the final part of our review of the first model of a professional 3D printer, developed and produced in the Republic of Belarus, it is time to sum up. Thus, having studied the provided sample, we can highlight the following advantages and disadvantages of the M3 DUO in general, and in comparison with analogues available on the market.

Flaws3 D-printer

The disadvantages of the M3 DUO platform include the “crudeness” of some technological solutions. In particular, the automatic nozzle change function has not yet been tested among end users, and despite the obvious advantages, it is too early to judge the reliability of this solution. Some users may not like the closed nature of the platform and, in particular, the bundled software. The company clearly decided to follow the path of the big players and immediately abandoned the use of open-source solutions.

The considerable weight of the device (more than 100 kg) will not add any advantages to it, just like its significant dimensions - not every door will fit into a box measuring almost a meter by a meter. However, this is still a 3D printer, and not an MP3 player - the equipment will take its place in the office of (for example) a design bureau and “will serve faithfully” without unnecessary travel in space.

AdvantagesM3 DUO

The first and obvious advantage of the Belarusian 3D printer is a truly large printing area – 600x600x600 mm. There are not many such giants on the market. This directly leads to the next advantage for such a working area - a closed heated chamber. When printing products of this size, it is simply vital to have a closed chamber.

The in-house developed extruder also looks interesting. It really works significantly better than its classic counterparts, especially with regard to the current from the nozzle at idle - it is completely absent. The decision to heat the coil directly in the tray looks very original, although it is still difficult to judge the need for this procedure, but the function of pre-drying the plastic will certainly not be superfluous.

This is the review of the first Belarusian 3D printer - thank you for your attention. If you have questions or comments about what was written, please let us know using the feedback form in the portal contacts.

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School classrooms, designer stores, and 3D printers seem to be popping up everywhere. They are not that difficult to maintain and of course, if you are here, then you are the person who wants to understand how to choose a 3D printer in 2018, and they all differ in characteristics and price. Well, look at those models that we consider the best 3D printers in 2018.

Best Budget 3D Printer of 2018

This chapter is for those who want to try themselves in the field of 3D printing. Based on our own knowledge, the most budget-friendly and interesting printer in terms of characteristics, in our opinion, is the XYZ da Vinci Mini printer ($259). Its auto-calibration feature will help beginners, and its typing speed is also good. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to buy such a printer today - the XYZPrinting company does not sell it. If you need a cheap 3D printer right now, then don't hesitate to buy the XYZ da Vinci miniMaker printer. It has similar properties and characteristics, only it uses USB rather than Wi-fi connection to a computer. XYZ Company also announced that a new low-cost 3D printer, the daVinci Nano, will be available soon. We are waiting for news

Those looking for a printer that can print a variety of materials should check out the LulzBotMini 3D Printer ($1,250). This printer supports printing with ABS plastic, nylon, PLA and PVA. 3D printing enthusiasts and professional designers will appreciate the two replaceable extruders and excellent print quality of the Ultimaker 3 ($3,495). If you are not ready to spend that much money on one printer, then we can recommend you the LulzBot Taz 6 3D printer model. It also prints objects quickly and efficiently and costs $1,000 less than the Ultimaker 3D printer.

How much does a 3D printer cost?

The price of 3D printers can be very high if you are looking for a printer that is used by professional designers or project creators. The Ultimaker 3 and FormLabs Form 2 printers cost around $3,000. But you can find a quality 3D printer for $1,000, and prices can be even lower if these printers are aimed at beginners, teachers, and home 3D printing enthusiasts. Prices for new 3D printers have now dropped below $300. You can even find 3D printers like the MiniDelta 3D Printer from Monoprice for even lower prices. You can buy this printer for just $160.

What are the main characteristics of a 3D printer?

Not sure which 3D printer is right for you? Here are some tips you can use when purchasing a 3D printer.

Printer type: There are two types of 3D printer FFM (flame filament manufacturing) and SLA (stereolithography). FFM printers melt plastic and use the printer head to create a model of an object. An SLA printer uses an ultraviolet laser to harden a substance; it is the laser that creates the solid object. FFM printers are much cheaper and easier to use, although some SLA printer models, such as the XYZprinting Noble 1.0 printer (approximately $1,000), are also cheap.

Printing materials: Whatever printer you choose, pay attention to the list of materials it uses for printing. Fiber materials that FFM printers like the LulzBot TAZ 6 use can use a variety of printing materials. These materials include PLA (a brittle, biodegradable material), ABS (the same plastic used to make Legos), nylon, TPE (a soft, rubbery material) and HDPE (a lightweight, durable polystyrene). PLA and ABS come in different colors. The plastic raw material for the printer comes in two sizes, 1.75mm and 3mm, and they are not interchangeable.

SLA printers have slightly fewer capabilities than FFM printers; for example, Form 2 printers can print various objects, both solid and plastic. The best printers can use a variety of print materials. All these materials have their pros and cons. For example, HDPE is light and durable, but not intended for food consumption, but nylon is completely safe.

Please note that some printers can only use a certain type of media, or only media that has been approved by the company that manufactured the printer. In some ways, these types of 3D printers are very similar to regular printers that use paper to print. Manufacturers produce cheap models and then make money on plastic that is suitable only for them. The cheapest 3D printer in our rating is the da Vinci Mini printer from XYZprinting. However, branded plastic for printing costs almost the same as third-party plastic. Other 3D printers do not limit the use of printing materials.

Print area and volume: All 3D printers have limitations on the volume of an item they can print. This limit is determined by the size of the build plate and how far the printer can move the print head. This is measured in cubic inches, but you should pay attention to each of these measurements to help you determine what size 3D print you will end up with. So, for example, if a printer like the LulzBot Mini has a volume of 223 cubic inches (6.2x6x6), that means the printer will be able to print a sample that is 6 inches high, wide, and deep.

Print speed and quality: 3D printing is a long process and nothing can be done about it at present. You should expect 3-4" models to print anywhere from 6 to 12 hours depending on the quality of print you choose. All this depends on the device and operation of the 3D printer. Printing occurs in layers. The thicker these layers, the denser and clearer the product, and the faster the printing, the lower the quality. This can be seen after several layers have been printed. Therefore, it is worth looking for a compromise between speed and print quality.

The best printers will allow you to choose your print settings, whether you want to print fast or slow but still produce quality items. The best printers have many print settings; you can choose the print speed: high (but then the quality will be worse) or low (high quality).

Rating of the best 3D Printers of 2018

The best budget 3D printer.
Rating: 8/10.
It's worth it.
Amazon Price: $209.95
Printer type: FFM
Layer height: 100 microns.
Materials: pulsed laser annealing
Print volume: 5.9x5.9x5.9 inches
Layer Height: 0.04 to 0.16 inches

Anyone can afford 3B printers from XYZprinting. The maximum price for printers from this company is $270. They are easy to use and have auto calibration and setup. All this makes the da Vinci Mini printer an excellent choice for beginners, you will get wonderful and smooth objects, and the printer’s speed is also decent. (However, high print quality significantly reduces print speed.) True, you can only use PLA material, which is sold by XYZ company. But it’s still a great solution because this plastic is inexpensive, and in return you get a beautiful item. A Mini printer is difficult to buy today, so you should look into the da Vinci miniMaker printer. It has exactly the same functions, only it uses USB rather than Wi-Fi connection.

LulzBot Mini 3D printer
The best intermediate
Rating: 8/10.
It's worth it.
Price on Amazon: $1,250
Printer type: FFM
Layer height: 100 microns.
Materials: PLA, ABS, Nylon and others
Print volume: 6x6x6.2 inches
Layer Height: 0.002 to 0.020 inches

The LulzBot Mini printer may not be large, but it has high performance, plus it comes with a carrying case. Our tests have shown that this printer is capable of printing high-quality items, and it also works with materials such as impulse PLA and ABS, as well as many others. This printer also has a built-in high-temperature extruder, which is great for some (nylon and plastic with metal inserts). The LulzBot Mini 3D printer only has one extruder, so you'll have to manually change materials if you plan to use more than one color in your print. Cura's user-friendly software helps you print items quickly and efficiently.

Ultimaker 3 3D printer
The best printer for 3D printing fans
Rating: 9/10.
It's worth it.
Price on Amazon: $3,495
Printer type: FDM
Layer height: from 20 to 200 microns.
Materials: Nylon, PLA, ABS, CPE and PVA
Print volume: 8.5x8.5x7.9 inches
Layer height:

You will have to shell out a considerable amount of money for this printer, but if you are a professional designer or an avid 3D printing fan, then the Ultimaker 3 3D printer will be your faithful assistant. The print quality is simply excellent - some of the best we've seen from a 3D printer, even if you're just printing a rough version of the item. The Ultimaker 3 3D printer can also use various printing materials. Excellent software will allow you to print objects quickly and easily, and the new dual extruder head will make your work with the Ultimaker 3 3D printer much easier.

The best SLA printer - FormLabs Form 2 3D printer

Rating: 9/10.
Price on Amazon: $3,499
Printer type: SLA
Layer height: 25 microns.
Materials: SLA
Print volume: 5.7 x 5.7 x 6.9 inches
Layer Height: 0.001" to 0.008"

The new SLA 3D printer model from FormLabs has significantly expanded the printing area. Now it is 224 cubic inches. The Form 1+ model had a print area of ​​only 156 cubic inches. An improved printing mechanism will allow you to create denser layers, and the Form 2 3D printer can use not only the printing materials that the company sells, but also third-party materials. Huge improvements over previous versions of the printer. Moreover, the Form 2 3D printer can print detailed objects with excellent quality. It’s just that the price of this printer is not suitable for the average user, but engineers, artists and jewelers will appreciate the work of the Form 2 3D printer.

And finally, a couple of news from the world of 3D printing

The latest news and updates about 3D printers (as of January 18):
Polaroid will release three new 3D printer models this spring. Polaroid Nano Mini $349 for beginners, with one-click control and a print area of ​​3.5 x 3.1 x 3.1 inches. The $479 Nano Glide printer has a sliding extruder and its print area is much wider - 4.7x4.7x4.7. The $549 NanoPlus 3D printer model allows you to customize the print area and print quality settings. This printer is very similar to the latest Polaroid cameras. This printer can also be connected wirelessly to a computer.
At CES 2018, FormLabs, the company behind our favorite SLA printers, the Form 2, announced the release of two new 3D printer models. Rigid - Made from fiberglass, this printer model is highly polished and impact resistant. Another printer model, the GreyPro, boasts high durability, making it a great printer for prototyping.
If you're looking for a cheaper 3D printer, there's currently a crowdfunding campaign going on where you can purchase the Slash OL printer from Uniz for $599. The print area of ​​the Slash OL printer is 7.8x7.5x4.7, and it supports a custom data protocol, which means it has a high print speed. The printer should go on sale this summer.
XYZPrinting also showed off two new 3D printers at CES. Regular users and 3D printing fans will like the da Vinci Nano printer for $229. This printer has a print area of ​​4.7 cubic meters, and XYZ Company considers it the most compact of all their printers. On the other side of the scale is the $4,000 da Vinci Color AiO printer. This color 3D printer caught our attention last year; This printer has a color scanner and is also nicknamed “all-in-one.” Both da Vinci printers will be available in early 2018.

Today, products with 3D images are becoming more and more popular and if you want to start your own business in this area, then you should choose the right 3D printer; the buyer must fully determine the three selection criteria set before him:

  • Goals and objects of future three-dimensional printing, whether it will be used for the office or home;
  • Technical education of the user/performer working with this device;
  • What price level will be considered when purchasing.

After a thorough analysis of your abilities and capabilities, you can begin to choose a reliable 3D printer that will serve its owner for many years and will produce high-quality products.

The main characteristics of a 3D printer are the minimum thickness of the output layer, the types of materials it uses, the design features of the 3D printing device - including the print head - as well as the features of setting up the printing program and the resulting printed area.

The main characteristics of a 3D printer need to be considered in more detail.

Minimum emerging layer thickness

Direct characterization of the detailed features of the product. Most 3D printers use FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology.<объектов>by deposition of a molten filament), layer by layer building up the resulting object. Thus, the figure stated in this characteristic indicates the thickness of the layer. In fact, the smaller the thickness of a single build-up layer - especially when printing human faces and artistic products - the higher the practical and aesthetic value of the resulting object. To obtain a high-quality product, a layer thickness of 50 to 200 microns is used. For comparison, the thickness of a sheet of paper is 100 microns - 0.1 mm

However, a 3D printer will not necessarily produce the required layer thickness. The factors that fluctuate this value are the movement of air inside the device itself; change in room temperature; the presence of gaps - backlash - in the printer design, which contribute to the appearance of microvibration inside the device, as well as a poorly adjusted distance between the nozzle and the printing structure platform.

The speed of movement of the print head - extruder - and plastic supply also have a significant impact on the quality of the resulting product. In practice, in some printers these speeds are related: the slower the head moves and the slower the plastic is fed, the better the quality of the layers will be built up; in other devices both quantities are adjusted independently of each other.

Thus, ideal product quality must be achieved by selecting the optimal ratio of calibration, layer thickness, temperature and printing speed of the printer.

Types of materials

A 3D printer operating in FDM mode, in most cases, uses PLA plastic in its work. This material is the most undemanding, cools quickly when blown, is resistant to deformation, but at the same time it quickly decomposes - in just a few years - due to the fact that it has an organic composition.

This material is also the most common in the creation of decorative products for business and home.

In the creation of mechanical parts, physical support parts, as well as production molds and casting housings, it is necessary to use ABS plastic, a slow-cooling but reliable, durable and wear-resistant material.

The modern market of materials for 3D printers is constantly being modified and expanded. Now the user has access to a whole list of well-known and new compounds, such as nylon, rubber, PVA, PETT, Hips and many others.

Ideally, it is better to purchase a 3D printer that can handle most of these types of materials.

Printer operation with ABS plastic

Full 3D printing with this type of plastic is only possible if the printer has the following characteristics:

  • heating the operating extruder to a minimum temperature of 60 degrees (ideally 280 degrees);
  • heating the platform to a minimum of 80 degrees Celsius (ideally 110 degrees);
  • presence of a closed housing.

Only if these characteristics are present, guaranteed professional ABS printing will be produced, regardless of the characteristics stated by the manufacturer.

More specifically, if the printer does not have a back cover, printing large and medium-sized products will be problematic. If it is still necessary to manufacture the product, the printer must be covered with something and the room must be protected from drafts. Even if the filling of the material is average, printing an object measuring 10 cm by 10 cm will take about 4 hours, and minimal deformation at the early stage of printing will ruin the entire product.

If the platform is not heated, the plastic loses its ability to attach. This problem is relatively easily solved with the help of special glue.

ABS plastic melts at a temperature of 240 degrees, but the quality of the product will suffer. Now on the market there are low-melting ABS filaments for 3D printing, which require lower temperatures, but contain polyethylene, which when heated, spreads an unpleasant odor.

It should also be remembered that the 3D printer has a tight clamp in the extruder structure for tightening the filament, which can either be focused exclusively on one type of plastic or be universal, adjustable depending on the type of material.

Design features of a 3D printer

It is impossible to choose the right 3D printer without knowing its design features. The extruder and platform are fixed and move along axes and guides. The extruder moves only strictly in the horizontal plane; the platform moves both horizontally and vertically, depending on the level of the current print. A 3D printer can have a different design, which does not affect the print quality at all. It depends on the material of the parts and the quality of the assembly. The remaining parts of the printer are electronics, stepper motors, a pulley and belts. The stability of the printer directly depends on the number of intermediary parts, as well as the gaps between them.

Print head structure

The operating principle of the print head - the extruder - is to extrude heated threads of material 1.75 mm or 3 mm thick, which are in an almost liquid state, onto the surface of the platform. The extruder is necessarily programmed to feed the thread directly, and most often also for the reverse (retraction). The extruder consists of several parts. There are two mini-wheels on both sides of the thread, one is an adjustable clamping wheel; the second is directly in front of the print head, with teeth, controlled by a stepper motor. The stepper motor feeds the filament into the extruder. Next, the material enters the nozzle through a mini-tube and is discharged as molten plastic. A temperature sensor and a heating element are connected to the tube. Clamping mechanisms, as well as different types of wheel teeth, influence the type of plastic used. If a 3D printer has sharp and protruding wheels, then such a printer will perfectly produce products from Nylon and Flex (rubber).

Software print setup

To create a three-dimensional artistic or industrial product, two types of programs are used - computer modeling and 3D printer control. Only programs of the second type make up a single set with the printer, and it is not possible to edit any properties of future products in them. They are equipped with simple functions for changing the rotation and dimensions of the product, but nothing more than that. In addition, when purchasing a printer with simple software control from the “one-stop printing” series, the buyer inevitably receives a device with a somewhat narrowed range of capabilities. On the contrary, it will not be difficult for a confident PC user to master the skills of working in more complex 3D printing management programs. The quality of products created by such devices is beyond praise.

Files from almost all 3D printers are converted to the STL format, which is also used to process product images using printer programs. On the Internet there are thousands of options for sketches of future products for every taste and color, already recorded in the required format.

In some three-dimensional printers, almost all parameters are set automatically; in other printers, to achieve high-quality printing, you need to adjust the following values:

  • head and platform temperature;
  • head speed, plastic feed speed and first layer printing speed;
  • thickness of the layer, substrate and wall;
  • conditions for turning on the fan, its intensity;
  • setting up supports, including their speed and intensity.

This is not a complete list of customizable printer characteristics for printing a future object.

Declared and received print areas

Plastic is prone to deformation. This tendency is especially intensified during long hours of printing. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately correctly and carefully configure the program to avoid further damage to the product. The workspace specified by the manufacturer will not necessarily be entirely active.

For example, an object with dimensions of 20*20*20 cm can be printed in up to 15 hours, and 10*10 / 15*15 cm - about 4 hours.

Rating of the best 3D printers

If you want to buy a really high-quality item, then I advise you to go to, they have real specialists who will help you choose the right model that will suit you 100%. Well, in turn, as usual, we will make a rating of the best 3D printers for 2015-2016, which have become popular during this time.

To ensure the most “objective” choice of a 3D printer, our European colleagues suggest using a fairly simple approach familiar to everyone who has ever assembled or selected a computer or laptop.

1) First of all, decide on a budget.
2) Then, pay attention to a number of important criteria, such as:

  • Ease of use,
  • Functionality,
  • Support of required types of materials,
  • Availability of supporting documentation and support.

First place:

This is the flagship of Ultimaker, containing many technological innovations. Ultimaker 3— 2 extruder printer, with replaceable parts of a smart extruder for quickly changing the set of print heads, a camera for filming the 3D printing process, an NFC tag reader on reels and Wi-Fi.

On the software side, the proprietary Cura slicer is perfectly optimized for use in tandem with Ultimaker 3; it combines a simple, friendly interface and all the necessary settings. Regular updates of both the slicer and the firmware of the printer itself guarantee stable operation and expanded functionality.

If your budget allows, then the Ultimaker 3 is undoubtedly the best 3D printer for your studio or office.
With solid construction, neat craftsmanship and excellent customer support, it's practically the Rolls-Royce of 3D printing.

Features of the Ultimaker 3 3D printer

Technology: FDM
Materials: PLA, ABS, PET, HIPS, any special materials, for FDM printing, diameter 2.85 - 3mm
Construction area: 197 x 215 x 200 mm
Minimum layer height: 20 µm
Max. Layer height: 200 µm
Open Source: Hardware and Software

Heated platform: Yes

Second place:

The best stereolithography 3D printer in its price category. SLA technology works by curing a photopolymer resin in a vat using a high-powered laser, which sinteres each layer to create objects with a high level of detail.

Form 2 is a premium device equipped with a touch display, wireless control and an automated profile system for working with consumables. The 3D printer software is as simple and intuitive as possible. However, keep in mind that printed objects require some post-processing and resin vats are consumable components that need to be replaced periodically.

Features of the Formlabs Form 2 3D printer

Technology: SLA
Material: Photopolymer Resin
Construction area: 145 x 145 x 175 mm
Minimum layer thickness: 25 µm
Max. Layer thickness: 100 microns
Open Source: No
Third Party Material Compatible: Yes
Heated platform: Yes
Built-in control panel: Yes
Connectivity: USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet