Update Skype to the latest version in Russian. Update Skype to the latest version - How to update Skype on your computer

07.03.2023 Windows

Skype is now used by hundreds of millions of users around the world. And the question of how to update Skype to the latest version is more relevant than ever before, because with the release of updates, additional functions and capabilities are opened to users, thanks to which they can make communication via Skype even more comfortable, fast and convenient. Therefore, I strongly discourage you from using older versions, and I will now explain to you in detail how to download the newest one.

I don't update programs very often myself. If you update them, you can sit at the computer all day, because dozens of programs are installed. What if there are 3-4 computers in your apartment, like mine? From this we can conclude that it is necessary to update those programs that need it. If you think that there is no point in updating a program such as Skype, then this is a mistaken opinion. For example, if you need to show the screen on Skype, then you need a new version, since this function is simply not present in the old one. If you have not used this function, you can familiarize yourself with it: “”.

Skype update

Log in to Skype, then go to the “Tools” menu, then to “Settings”.

Open the “Advanced” tab. There is only one button on the right. If Skype updates automatically, it will be called “Turn off automatic updates,” if “Enable automatic. update” means you need to click on it.

Accordingly, after activating this function, Skype will search for new versions of the program independently, regardless of your actions.

However, situations are different. Suddenly, your computer is temporarily set to metered Internet or you can update programs only at a certain time. Then, of course, you should turn off automatic updates. The question arises, how to update Skype to the latest version in this case?

Click "Help" in the top menu. In the pop-up menu, click on the item: “Check for updates.”

If your Skype is updated to the latest version, the following message will appear:

If the old version is installed, in the dialog message, select “Install new version”.

Leave the checkbox as default and click OK.

Further actions are carried out at an intuitive level, just follow the instructions of the installation wizard. The sequence of steps that you will go through when updating Skype is as follows: the new Skype will download - close - install - launch automatically. It seems like I didn’t miss anything, I think you’ll figure it out on your own.

That's all! See you soon on the Internet!

It is one of the world's most popular programs for voice and text communication. Most users install it on their computers and laptops. Microsoft, which is the developer of this software, still regularly releases updates that affect its overall functionality, and the vast majority of users are interested in using the latest current version of Skype in order to avoid various errors and improve the quality of communication. Today we want to show how such updates are installed in different versions of the Windows operating system.

It is important to note that the process of installing updates in Windows 7 and 8 is radically different from the “ten”, since the Microsoft Store is not implemented there, and Skype is not pre-installed software. However, this only happens if you use a pre-installed application on a computer running Windows 10, and did not download it as a separate program from the official website. In the second case, you will need to resort to the instructions described in the method Windows 8/7. We have divided the material into categories that will be useful to certain layers of users. All you have to do is choose the appropriate method and follow it according to the instructions provided.

Additionally, we would like to clarify that support for Skype on Windows XP and Vista has been officially discontinued, that is, users will not receive updates. All you have to do is use the existing version of the software, so we will not touch on these OS versions in the article.

Windows 10

We have already said above that updates for the program in question in Windows 10 can be obtained using the official store, which is pre-installed in the operating system. The procedure for performing this task is as simple as possible and looks like this:

  1. Via the search bar in the menu "Start" Find and launch Microsoft Store. There is nothing stopping you from doing the same thing in another way if, for example, you have created an application shortcut in advance or pinned it to the taskbar.
  2. In the window that opens, click on the button located at the top right, which looks like three dots.
  3. A context menu will appear where you should specify the item "Downloads and Updates".
  4. If you are interested in receiving updates for absolutely all installed standard programs, including Skype, in the section "Downloads" you should click on the button "Get updates".
  5. An automatic search and downloading of found updates will begin.
  6. You will immediately see Skype in the queue if there is an update available for it. The download status bar will be displayed on the right with the current speed and the number of megabytes remaining. After installation, Skype can be launched immediately.
  7. Open section "Everything Belongs" and select there "Skype", if you want to receive updates exclusively for this application.
  8. You will be taken to the software page, where its status is displayed at the top. Notification "This product is installed" indicates that you are currently using the latest version.
  9. If an update is actually required, the download will begin automatically.
  10. After installation is complete, proceed to launch the application.

In most cases, the installation of updates occurs without any difficulties, but some users still encounter problems. Most often they occur due to problems with the Microsoft Store. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with methods for solving this error in another article on our website using the link below.

Windows 8/7

For Windows 8 and 7, the update procedure will be identical, since Skype works the same there. We will take the “seven” as an example in order to demonstrate this operation as clearly as possible.

  1. Open the application and first of all pay attention to the section "Notifications".
  2. Here you can find information about the new update available for Skype. Click on the appropriate button to restart the program, automatically installing new files.
  3. If the notification discussed above is missing, you will have to do the same thing, but only through the settings. To do this, click on the button in the form of three horizontal dots.
  4. In the context menu that appears, select "Settings".
  5. Through the left panel, move to the section "Help and Feedback".
  6. If any updates are available, you will receive a message about this in the line after the Skype version. Click on "Update".
  7. Skype will complete its work and the installation preparation window will immediately appear. Don't close it.
  8. Wait until the files are unpacked. If your computer has weak hardware, then it is better to postpone performing other actions during this operation.
  9. After the installation is complete, Skype will launch automatically. In the same configuration section, information will appear indicating that the current version is being used.

If you are faced with the need to update Skype due to the fact that it simply does not start, the above instructions will not bring any results. In this case, you just need to download the latest version of the software from the official website. A separate article on our website will help you figure this out further.

MSI Administrator Version

Some administrators who want to update Skype on users' work computers may encounter a number of problems related to lack of rights or security permissions. It’s easier for Windows 10 owners, because even the developers recommend using the Microsoft Store to avoid problems. However, for other OS versions you will have to download a special version of MSI. Correct updating using this method is carried out as follows:

  1. Click the link above to get the latest version of Skype in MSI format from the official website. There, click on the corresponding highlighted inscription to start downloading.
  2. When finished, open the executable file.
  3. Confirm your installation intent by clicking the button "Run" when a security warning is displayed.
  4. Wait for the installation preparation to complete.
  5. At the end, you will be able to launch the latest version of Skype.
  6. If you need to install it via "Command line", on the same download page just below, check out the list of useful commands that will come in handy during this operation.

In the same way, you can download the MSI file and install it on all computers on the same local network. There should not be any problems with the access level or security errors, unless, of course, the system administrator has set a configuration that prohibits the installation of absolutely any software.

Actions after installing updates

At the end of our material today, I would like to note a few questions that novice users often encounter after installing updates. They are most often associated with problems with logging in, restoring contacts, or rolling back to a previous version if you don’t like this one or it doesn’t work correctly. There are many separate materials on our website that cover all these topics. You can familiarize yourself with them by clicking on one of the links below.

Today you were introduced to the methods for updating Skype software for different versions of the Windows operating system. As you can see, each option is suitable only for certain users, and its implementation is extremely easy, so even novice users should not have any difficulties.

Developers pay special attention to the release of system updates after the release of the final version of the software. During the development process, many errors and inaccuracies are made, which are corrected by relevant specialists. Among other things, new versions often expand the standard functionality. Today we will talk about how update Skype taking into account the specifics of different operating systems. In the process of narration, we will consider the strengths of the project, the features of the above procedure.

Skype update procedure

As mentioned earlier, the release of the update is evidence of the work of those responsible to improve functionality, correct bugs and source code errors. The procedure is slightly different for different operating systems due to their specific features.

For ease of understanding, we will divide the further narration into several logical blocks.

How to update Skype on your computer

For the convenience of users, the messenger uses an automatic system update function. This, on the one hand, is convenient, but it also creates an additional load on the hardware of the current device.

Windows Update

How to update Skype on your computer manually? The procedure is quite simple:

How to deactivate auto-update

Why is Skype not updating?

Destructive factors may interfere with the operation of standard system mechanisms. There are dozens of reasons why Skype does not update, but we will list only the main ones:

  • Antivirus activity– before installing a new version, make sure there is no virus activity, add the application to the “white” list.
  • Unstable Internet connection– violation of the procedure for downloading the required files can have fatal consequences for the entire procedure.
  • System bugs– make sure the software is working properly before updating it.

Understand that no one is forcing you to download distributions or other files with changes made. Use a proven version that has demonstrated performance over a long period of time.

One of the reasons why Skype is not updated may be incompatibility between the application and the hardware of the device in question (although this is rare). Check that your device meets .

This question is very relevant now, especially in connection with the release of a new version, released jointly with Microsoft. Many users of the old program had the same problem: the inability to log in without updating to the latest version. So how to update Skype, and why might this be difficult?


The company announced that after November 1 and November 15, 2018, older versions of the application will no longer be supported on desktops and mobile devices, respectively.

Where to see the program version

Before you think about how to update Skype on your computer or other devices, it’s worth looking at what version you currently have installed. For example, you are thinking about how to update Skype for free on your Windows 10 device, but before doing so, you check the information and realize that this is not required. You can see what version you have installed:

  1. On Windows 10: “Menu” - “Advanced” - “About”
  2. On the desktop application (Windows 7, XP, Vista): "Help", then "About Skype"

If you want to know in more detail how to implement it, read our other article.

On your phone or tablet

How to update Skype on Android devices - phone or tablet? As easy as pie. Almost the same - to do this you need to go to Google Play, select the desired application and click “Update”. For such devices, the option to automatically configure updates is also suitable. To ensure that the application on your gadget is updated automatically, you can use the instructions we have already offered for your computer.

Why is Skype not updating?

When updating, you may encounter some problems: the program does not want to install packages automatically, manually, or Skype does not start after the update. How to solve this issue?

  1. If the application does not want to update, the reason for this may be the lack of Internet. Without sufficient data transfer this process is not possible.
  2. It may well turn out that there are simply no new updates and nothing to install
  3. If the application has been updated, but does not want to launch, you can try restarting the device, and in some cases, reinstalling Skype itself

It’s not at all difficult; exactly how to do this is described in another of our articles.

Skype has been around for more than 15 years and, like any other program, is updated periodically. Some users encounter a problem when they cannot update Skype: it simply gives an error. You can, of course, ignore this and not install updates, but you will feel the consequences of this after several more updates are released. The functionality of the old version will be significantly limited, and the problem will need to be resolved in any case. In this article you will learn why Skype does not update and how to fix it.

Before taking any drastic steps, check the following one by one:

  1. Make sure you don't have problems with the Internet itself. This reason is the most common and can be solved by reconnecting to the Internet and closing background applications such as uTorrent, Download Master, etc., which take up the bulk of traffic. In some cases, an update error may occur due to the fault of the provider.
  2. Check if your antivirus is blocking network traffic. Some antivirus programs may block incoming and outgoing application traffic. In this case, Skype cannot be updated because the client cannot contact the server. Disable your antivirus and then repeat the process. Don't forget to enable protection again after the update.
  3. Automatic updates are disabled. You can check this item by going to the main Skype settings and opening the “Advanced” submenu. In the Automatic Updates tab, click Enable.

Manually updating Skype

If all of the above are checked, but Skype is not updating, try updating manually. You can do this in 2 ways:

  1. Open the Skype client, expand the Help menu and click Check for Updates. The program will contact the server and, if there is a new version, will offer to update Skype to it.

  1. Go to the official download page https://www.skype.com/ru/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ and download the Skype web installer on Windows 7.

Run it with administrator rights. After starting the client, the Skype update procedure will automatically start.

If you cannot solve the problem, you should try a clean installation.

Complete client reinstallation

The update may not install in some cases due to a failure in the operating system or damage to components of the program itself. Because of this, an error will appear when updating Skype. In this case, the most effective option would be to completely remove and then reinstall Skype. To uninstall a program, from the Start menu, launch Control Panel and open Programs and Features.

Find Skype in the list, select it and click the “Delete” button at the top. Within a few minutes the client will be removed from your computer.

If Skype is not found, move on. Next, you need to clean the registry and temporary files from program remnants. To do this, download the free CCleaner utility and in the “Cleaning” tab, click the “Clean” button. Temporary files and the trash can will be cleared.

Note: The program will also remove cache, browsing history and saved passwords from all browsers you use. If you do not want to clear them, before starting the procedure, uncheck the corresponding boxes next to each browser.

Now you need to clean the registry. Go to the "Registry" tab and click "Search for problems." The program will scan the system registry to search for problematic branches and garbage, and then display the result on the screen. Click Fix to fix any problems found. In this case, the remains of Skype will be deleted.

After this, you can install Skype. You can either download the web installer (usually downloaded by default) or download the full installation package from www.skype.com/go/getskype-msi. Run the downloaded package as an administrator and follow the installation wizard instructions. Once the installation is complete, you will receive the latest version of Skype.

Now, if Skype does not update, you know what to do, and this problem will no longer cause you trouble. And if someone tells you: “I can’t update Skype,” you know how to solve this problem.