Let's play a WoT replay from a file. Playing a WoT replay from a file Why doesn’t the replay show in tanks

07.03.2023 Browsers

Today we will talk about how to play a WoT replay. World of Tanks is a computer game that allows you to record battles taking place online. Then you can watch them.

Basic solution only

The question of how to play old WoT replays arises because the materials obtained as a result of the operation described above are not traditional video files. They cannot be viewed in any third party application. For these purposes, only the standard client program of the game itself is suitable.


Before moving on to the question of how to play replays in WoT, you first need to obtain them. To do this, in the application settings, check the box next to the “Record battles” item. Once these steps are completed, the game will save a replay file at the end of each battle.


To solve the question of how to reproduce the WoT replay, we first need to find these materials. Therefore, you should remember that all files of this type are located in the replays directory, which is located in the main game folder. Most often, a replay takes about 800 kilobytes.


Let's move directly to solving the problem of how to reproduce the replay of WoT 0. 8. 10, as well as other versions of the game. Select the desired item from the above directory. You must first close the game. Double click on the selected file. If this is the first playback attempt, right-click on the file and select “Open with...” in the menu that appears. A new window opens, in which we click the “Browse” button. The executing program specifies the file WorldOfTanks.exe. Next, we ask the system to always use this application for the specified data type. For this purpose, check the corresponding box. This action will allow us to play replays in the future using a double-click.

You can switch between cameras to ensure convenient viewing. The up and down arrows allow you to adjust the playback speed. The “Left” and “Right” keys make it possible to wind the material in segments of 20 seconds each. With the additional use of the Shift key, the battle scrolls through twice as long. You can pause with a space bar. Studying replays helps you evaluate your own mistakes and correct them in the next battles. This solution is also often used by experienced players to give advice to beginners. Replays are played only in the client edition in which they were recorded. There is no way to convert such files.

Other options

Now you know how to play a WoT replay, but the game also has a number of other equally useful features that you should remember. First of all, let's figure out how to create such a file. The game we are talking about today has been finding grateful users for several years now. The developers are continuously improving the functionality and graphical capabilities of the project. Relatively recently, the tank fleet was supplemented by the Japanese Te-ke model and the American T23. As already mentioned, in this game you can play a video replay at any time, similar to what happens in football competitions. A special directory is allocated for replays files. To view such data you don't need anything other than the main game client, but how can you record such a battle? This feature is provided by the developers, but not too many project participants use it. This is not always correct, because sometimes it is useful to look at your actions from the outside. We also note that recently special associations of project participants have begun to form, which continuously exchange replays using special virtual platforms. Recording battles is also important when testing patches.

We have already dispelled the first myth about this type of file, proving that replays are very different from ordinary videos and therefore do not require gigantic amounts of memory for their placement. These materials are recordings of tank actions. Thus, the volume of one saved battle does not exceed 1 MB. If you need to save 1000 fights, one gigabyte of disk space is enough for them. To record the required battle, go to the game client, install “Settings” and go to the item of the same name, selecting the desired option. Since game version 0.8.7, we can choose between saving all fights or only the last one. Confirm saving the parameters with the “Apply” button. Next, click “OK”. As a result, each match will be saved in its own file. To process the material, we follow the already proven path and open the folder with the game. Click on the replays directory. Let's open it. This directory contains all files of saved battles. From the name of the element you can find out the time of the battle, the map and the tank.

So we figured out how to play a WoT replay and record it.

Sometimes even the most experienced players don't know how to do simple things in the game. This problem has not escaped the newfangled “tanks” where sometimes, after an epic battle, you want not only to look at the action again, but also to brag to your friends (or even find the enemy’s strategic mistakes).

To be able to analyze your actions in "World of Tanks", the developers have added the function of recording and playing replays.

To play replays in WoT, you must first enable their recording. To do this, you need to go to the game settings and in the “Game” tab activate the “Record battles for playback” function (this is the penultimate line on the left, it is activated by checking the box). By the way, this recording will be available not only immediately after the battle, but also in offline mode.

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Playing replays

To play a WoT replay, you need to:

  • Close the game client;
  • In the contents of the c:GamesWorld_of_Tanks folder (or where the game was installed) find the folder with the game recording;
  • Select the replay recording file (with *.wotreplay extension) and run it.

If, instead of viewing the recording, the replay system displays a message stating that the file could not be opened or that it is damaged, or that the required program is not available, you need to do the following:

  • Place a dot next to the “Select programs from the list of installed programs” function and click “OK”;
  • In the new window, click on the “Browse...” button;
  • We look for the launching file “WorldOfTanks.exe” and boldly click the “Open” and “OK” button.

After these actions, replays should be played. Naturally, there will be no need to repeat the entire algorithm for each video - now they should start immediately.

Third party programs

Players of the old school can continue to film their battles using the “Fraps” and “Cub” programs familiar to the spirit of the old gamer. They work quite well even with high ping, and the video itself can not only be saved on your hard drive and played back at any time of the day or night, but also trimmed, composed, or even made into a clip to your favorite tune.

Many people also want to make their successful battle public, but not everyone knows where World of Tanks battles are recorded, how to open them and why the client does not play replays.

Where are replays recorded and stored in wot?

First of all, you need to make sure that world of tanks battles are recorded, and to do this, in the game client settings you need to select recording of all battles:

After this, records of all the battles you played can be found in the folder replays, which is located in the game directory. Replay titles have the following format: Year Month Day_Hours Minutes_ Nation_Tank Name_Card Number_ Card Name.

Example: 20150720_1550_germany_Ltraktor_10_hills.wotreplay was created on July 20, 2015 at 15:50 and contains a recording of the battle on the Leichttraktor tank on the “Mines” map.

How to open it and how to watch World of Tanks replay

As you may have noticed, the replay file is in wotreplay format, which is quite easy to open and watch on a computer: you need to close the game client and run the replay file. If the computer cannot recognize the format, then you will need to specify the path to the program through which playback will occur:

Click item Selecting a program from the list of installed programs, press OK, using the button Review go to the game folder, then point to let to the file WorldOfTanks.exe. After this, the battle recording will be played back, and the system will learn to reproduce the wotreplay format without such manipulations.

Managing replays is very easy:

  • Left mouse button- switches the camera view to free or real (as the tanker looked during the game).
  • Down-up arrows- replay playback slower/faster.
  • Left-right arrows- rewinds the replay back by 40 seconds and forward by 20 seconds. When rewinding, a battle loading screen appears, so don’t be alarmed, the screen will disappear and the replay will continue.
  • Space- pause on/off.

How else to open and play the replay

In addition to the client, you can open the replay using various programs and mods for world of tanks

One of these programs is, which adds the ability to view information on replays in the hangar and launch them without leaving the game.

You can choose any other program for reproducing battles on our website in a special section.

Why does the wot client not play replays of the old version?

It happens that a well-played battle has been left behind and the World of Tanks client is not able to turn it on, and it is very necessary to play the wotreplay file of the old version. To do this, there are two ways to watch the replay of the old version:

  • Method 1