Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone 4s. WiFi does not work on iPhone - fixing the problem

30.07.2023 Windows

We all know that Apple devices always work very cool and stable. Yes, you can't argue with that. There are indeed cases when some problems arise on the iPhone or iPad. Today we will look at a very popular problem when the iPhone or iPad stops seeing the Wi-Fi network from your router. Yes, there is a problem, and now we will try to solve it.

You connected your phone or tablet to the Wi-Fi network, used it, everything worked, and then at some point you see that, for example, the iPad is disconnected from Wi-Fi. Go to settings, but your wireless network is not there. It turns out that the iPad stopped seeing Wi-Fi. The exact same situation can happen with an iPhone; it can also stop seeing your Wi-Fi network. The most interesting thing is that other devices: phones, tablets, laptops, etc. continue to connect to the wireless network and work perfectly. And what’s also interesting is that the same iPhone sees other Wi-Fi networks (if there are any), but does not see your home network. Or it doesn’t see any wireless networks at all. Many people immediately take their devices for repair, etc. There is no need to rush, now we will try to figure everything out.

It doesn’t matter what version of iPhone you have: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or even iPhone X. The same with a tablet, problems are observed on both the regular iPad and the iPad mini. It's the same story with iOS versions. They write that the problem appears on those devices that were brought from America. By the way, I read that on iOS 8 devices often do not see Wi-Fi, or simply lose the connection. And one more important point, we will look at the problem when the Wi-Fi network is not displayed in the list of available networks on the tablet or phone. There are simply many cases when the same iPhone does not connect to the wireless network. I wrote about the solution to this problem in the article:.

iPhone or iPad does not see the Wi-Fi network from the home router: possible solutions

1 Remove the case from your device. There are cases, after putting them on, the iPhone or iPad stops seeing all Wi-Fi networks. Everything was working just now, and now there’s this problem. And few people even realize that it’s all because of the cover. 2 Reboot your devices. Friends, you don’t need to immediately make any complex settings, take the device for repairs, etc. First you just need to turn off and turn on Wi-Fi on your Apple mobile device. If this does not help, then restart your mobile device. And definitely. Perhaps there was simply some kind of malfunction in the router or mobile device, and therefore there were problems with Wi-Fi. Very often, a simple reboot helps. You can even reboot the router several times.

You might still find it useful.

3 Change the channel and region in the router settings. This is the most important and, as practice shows, effective way to solve the problem of the lack of a Wi-Fi network on Apple devices. You need to try changing the channel of your Wi-Fi network. This problem very often appears where there are many wireless networks. You can also try changing the region to United States, which is set in the router settings.

I wrote about what a channel is and about changing the channel on different routers: Tp-Link, Asus, D-Link, Tenda and Zyxel in the article: Everything is written there in great detail and shown in the screenshots. I think that there should be no problems with changing the channel. As for changing the region, as a rule, it changes on the same page as the channel in the settings of your router.

Here, for example, changing the channel and region on Tp-Link:

You can try setting the region to United States. And channel, 1st, or 6th. If there is no result, then you can try different options. Don't forget to save your settings and reboot your router.

I think that after these steps, the iPhone or iPad will see your Wi-Fi and connect to it without any problems.

4 Resetting network settings on iOS. To be honest, I didn’t know about this method. I found information on the Internet that you can solve the problem with connecting to a wireless network on iOS 8 by resetting the network settings. In your device settings, go to Settings - Basic - Reset - Reset network settings.

Confirm the reset and wait for the device to reboot.

In the event that the device does not see at all not a single network (and other devices see), and you have already tried everything, then in most cases it is due to some hardware problem. Therefore, you need to contact the service center.

If nothing helps, then describe your problem in the comments, and we’ll figure it out together. Also read the comments, there is a lot of useful information on this topic.

I can confidently say that almost every second owner of an iPhone 4S faces such a problem when Wi-Fi on the iPhone does not work or is very poor. Let's look at why this is and how we can fix it.

People often come to us with the problem that Wi-Fi does not work in the iPhone 4s. Although not only this model has such problems, but in other iPhones this occurs much less often. And so, first of all, let’s figure it out: is your Wi-Fi not working at all or is it poorly received?) Because they say “Wi-Fi doesn’t work”, but in fact it finds Wi-Fi networks poorly or very poorly.

Option #1 - Wi-Fi does not work (At all)

In this case, you will see the following in your iPhone settings:

As you can see, the “slider” is not active and cannot be turned on. In this case, in the iPhone 4s (although not only in the iPhone 4s, in other models it will be the same with the Wi-Fi switch) the Wi-Fi module is not working properly.

Surely everyone will try to save money and fix this problem on their own; you will start looking for ways on the Internet and come across a couple of methods.) The first is to throw the iPhone in the freezer, the second is to heat the iPhone with a hairdryer. In both cases, Wi-Fi can, I emphasize MAYBE (that is, not a fact), work, but not for long. But you can also “finish off” your iPhone 4S completely; in the best case, it will be restored by a service center like us. In the worst case, you just throw it in the trash)

I’ll explain from a technical point of view why these methods are (possibly) temporary! they will help you.

But before we start, I want to say that this problem can only be solved with the help of . By replacing the Wi-Fi module itself. And nothing else!!!

Let's continue.

Here is a photo of an iPhone 4S, in which I highlighted the Wi-Fi module itself, this is a small chip on the motherboard.

Accordingly, during heat treatment (whether you put it in the freezer or heat it with a Hairdryer), this chip and its contacts will expand and contract (Physics :)) and the contact with the motherboard will POSSIBLY improve and Wi-Fi will appear for a while.

Now why you shouldn’t do this:

1) If you put it in the freezer, condensation will form inside the iPhone 4S and then it can short/short very well, and then you will 100% contact the iFixApple Service Center))) But even here, after such methods, it is not always possible to restore the iPhone.

2) If you start heating the iPhone 4S with a hair dryer, then everything is very simple, you can easily melt absolutely everything that is inside the iPhone itself. Accordingly, here you will have to go to the SC, and also, depending on your luck there) Either they will restore it or it will be trashed)

Option No. 2 - Wi-Fi does not work (poor reception)

Surely you've seen this, when you can't find Wi-Fi networks in the settings at all, unless you go straight to the Wi-Fi router, you almost have to put it on the router itself in order for it to find the network.

Most often, in this case the problem is in the Wi-Fi Antenna. Either there is poor contact between the Antenna and the motherboard, or you simply need to replace this antenna. This is what she looks like:

That's all, I hope I told and explained all your questions. In any case, our team of Apple lovers recommends not to sacrifice the device and entrust the solution to this problem to professionals.

iFixApple Team

In today's pace of life, most of us cannot imagine existing without the Internet. Large and small companies are equipped with computer services via the World Wide Web. A huge percentage of the advertising tool, again thanks to the Internet. Communication on social networks, information on free topics and more, we can use all this thanks to a connection to the network. Wi-Fi is one of the ways to connect computers, tablets, phones... to the Internet. And of course, deprivation of this opportunity leads to a failure in our system. Not arbitrary, an emergency shutdown of the Internet can bring a lot of troubles and losses. And not a small part of users are Apple customers, and as a result, iPhone owners. Let's look at the characteristics of the iPhone 4s and possible problems connecting it to Wi-Fi.

Problems with Wi-Fi on the iPhone 4 are not new. Possible reasons for this vary. Wi-Fi connection problems may manifest themselves as a lack of signal, i.e. This is when the device does not see the network, or maybe vice versa, it recognizes Wi-Fi, but there is still no signal. Sometimes the Wi-Fi icon just freezes. However, problems can be different and occur for different reasons.

If Wi-Fi does not turn on on your iPhone, it is most likely due to:

1 Hardware reasons (associated with breakdowns due to mechanical damage, that is, cracks, chips, simply impacts of the device, falling into water, damage to the power supply circuit). 2 Software reasons (factory defect, crash or firmware error).

Methods and methods for troubleshooting depend on the indicators of malfunction and their causes. They may not be identical and the degree of resolution of problems with Wi-Fi connection may be completely different. And as a result, the very manifestation of these problems may not proceed according to the pattern.


If Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone 4s, there are numerous reasons for the breakdown and ways to fix it. For example: due to software features, a problem with Wi-Fi appeared. What can you do when the Internet on the iPhone 4s does not work? For this reason, you can resort to flashing it. First, save all the necessary files so that they are not lost during the reinstallation. Then connect to your computer and use the system recommendations for restoring the firmware. Problems of this kind are mainly detected on the fourth and less often on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.

If, nevertheless, the reason why the Internet does not work on the iPhone is due to hardware failures, then a more detailed and in-depth dive into the essence of the problem is necessary. And this is done through device repair. Repairs take place in the workshop. An experienced specialist carries out complex work with a microcircuit, parts of an electronic device, and it takes a certain amount of time. Experts in this field often deal with this problem. But before you spend money and time on going to a service center, you can try to fix all Wi-Fi problems yourself. But it should be noted that in this case the guarantee for service and return in case of iPhone malfunctions expires. So, if you decide to fix the iPhone 4 yourself, you must be careful and strictly follow the recommendations on this topic.

The first method is when you take an ordinary hair dryer (in no case a construction hair dryer) and start exposing the iPhone to a hot stream of air, maximum mode. After which a warning about too high a temperature should appear on the device’s display, this will be a signal to complete the temperature attack. Next, you need to reboot your smartphone. The device must connect to Wi-Fi.

The second method seems simpler, but also less effective. You need to take your faulty iPhone and place it in a regular refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then, just like in the first case, reboot the device. The device will begin to function correctly.

If the above methods did not help, then you may have to fix the breakdown with more complex manipulations. Of course, if you have previously resorted to repairing faulty electronic devices, there will be no problems. But in any case, we will try to present the entire iPhone repair scheme in the most accurate form.

Hard Reboot Method

An ordinary reboot, of course, at this stage of the fix will not help. Here you need to turn off the iPhone by simultaneously pressing two buttons, “Home” and the power button. After which, upon startup, everything should return to normal.

Or by synchronizing your device with your computer via iTunes. After connecting, the system should provide an option to restore and update the iPhone. Click and wait for the update to happen. Then, when you turn on and detect the wireless network, the electronic mechanism should work as it should.

Repairing a gadget using the method of unscrewing the case

There are special tools for microcircuits and unscrewing the case in the form of screwdrivers. You can purchase them in a specialized store. We will need two types of screwdrivers of the proposed tools. This is a Phillips screwdriver and a special screwdriver for smartphones. So, using a Phillips screwdriver, carefully unscrew the nuts securing the device body. We try to put them separately and all together so that they don’t get lost. Then we open the front cover and find a small square under a thin film, black in color; all movements must be careful with this complex electronic system. This is the Wi-Fi module board, which we will have to heat strongly with a hairdryer. We remove the film from the board and start heating it using the same technology as in the first method. The task is to heat up this particular square and press it using a piece of cardboard or other material. We need that, under the influence of pressure, all the detached contacts are connected and, as they cool, are in strong contact. After the mechanism has cooled down, you can try a control check of the smartphone. Wi-Fi should work.

Other causes of problems why Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone 5/6 and more often version 4

Perhaps this is due to a more complex operating system, which is not entirely compatible with the old device, hence the failures and system errors. Various malicious programs can also cause possible interference with the operation of the gadget. Be careful when working with unverified sources of applications and downloaded programs. Don't forget that Apple has taken this potential problem seriously by ensuring that users can only use native programs and applications. Do not pump up your rather sensitive iPhone 4s with illegal programs. If you follow all the recommendations, the device, that is, Bluetooth, wireless Internet, should work properly.

Note that the main cause of failure is related to the wireless network and Bluethooth of the series in question, namely the iPhone 4s in the contacts of the Wi-Fi module board, their disconnection. This is eliminated due to the method of temperature influence on the device parts. But still, if you are not sure of the reasons and that you can cope, we advise you to contact specialists.

How nice it is to sit in a cozy cafe, library or airport and connect to the wireless Internet! Imagine that Wi-Fi suddenly stopped working on your iPhone. But this problem occurs to smartphone owners quite often. Such an incident interferes with work, communication with friends, and searching for valuable information. You may not have time to buy a plane ticket, write an important letter to a colleague, etc.

You understand that such technical faults are expensive. However, you will soon see that if Wi-Fi suddenly does not work on your iPhone, then this problem can be solved.

Let's figure it out

All causes of the problem are divided into only two types:

  1. hardware;
  2. software.

The latter are often easy to fix on your own, without the help of specialists. With hardware, the situation is more difficult, since they are related to the design features of the smartphone and possible factory defects. Of course, Apple gadgets undergo the most rigorous testing, but users have repeatedly noted cases when Wi-Fi stopped working on the iPhone 4. Similar situations happened with other models.

Very often, the board comes off due to the phone falling from a height onto a hard surface, such as the floor or asphalt. Even if the iPhone didn't fall apart, there could have been a shock inside the case that caused the contacts to break or loosen, causing the wireless network to stop working.

Hardware reasons

These iPhone problems are not related to operating system firmware, viruses, or the installation of unusual software. The cause is usually a broken contact with the board. It happens that Wi-Fi did not work on the iPhone 4s due to insufficient contact of the board. The network may not be detected at all (the slider in the settings does not work), or it can only be detected two steps from the router. This situation also happens with other models. Of course, it is wiser to contact a service center, but it is possible to carry out repairs yourself, naturally, saying goodbye to the warranty card and other obligations of the manufacturer.

Watch the video, it shows how to fix an iPhone using a hairdryer:

Let's disassemble the gadget

If the above manipulations do not help, you will have to take a screwdriver. We need two of them:

We act in stages:

Watch the video, it shows in detail the process of disassembling and repairing Wi-Fi on an iPhone:

Software flaws

It happens that the wireless network does not work due to system errors. Often the reason is the transition to iOS 7. This operating system has undergone serious changes under the strict leadership of Apple Vice President Jonathan Ive. The design, interface and general structure of the operating system have changed. The eighth version is also not stable even compared to Android. If Wi-Fi is not working on your iPhone 5s, it may be a firmware issue. Don't change your operating system unless absolutely necessary. Remember that the new version may not be fully compatible with the old gadget.

A large number of users are faced with the fact that Wi-Fi does not turn on on iPhone 4s. This problem is common in fourth-generation gadgets.

Most breakdowns are based on the fact that the wireless connection module is overheating or the problem is of a software nature.

The main reasons for incorrect Wi-Fi operation:

  • The firmware version is incompatible with the hardware characteristics of the phone;
  • The iPhone is infected with a virus or a hidden application is installed that affects the Internet;
  • the Wi-Fi slider is gray and does not turn on;

Incompatibility of firmware and hardware features of the device

Before you begin solving a problem, you should determine why it arose, as well as its nature: it can be hardware or software.

Many users experienced Wi-Fi failure after Apple released a mandatory update for all devices - the new eighth version of the iOS operating system.

Restoring iPhone 4s will help solve the problem:

  • Before restoring the system, you must back up your data from iTunes and/or iCloud so that user data is not lost during the system restore process.
    To start the recovery process, download the file with the seventh version of the firmware, which is in ipsw format. Download the file from the official Apple website;
  • Connect your iPhone 4s to your computer using iTunes. Then press the Home and Power buttons on your smartphone at the same time. Thus, the smartphone will go into DFU mode;

Pressing the Home and Power buttons simultaneously

  • Next, iTunes will notify you that a device has been connected to the computer that requires restoration. A window will appear as shown in the picture;

  • Next, the system will prompt you to select a file with the firmware. Select the recently downloaded ipsw file. Wait until the operating system is reinstalled, after which your 4s will restart itself and be ready for use.

The influence of third-party software on the operation of the Internet connection. Hard reboot of the smartphone

The operation of Wi-Fi may be affected by viruses or other programs that work with the Internet.

First of all, try checking your smartphone for viruses and uninstall recently installed programs.

To fix the problem without flashing your phone, you can try resetting all settings to factory settings.

This method almost always restores Wi-Fi:

  1. Go to settings 4s. Find the “Reset” item;

  1. Click on delete content and settings;

  1. Clean your device and wait until it reboots completely.

Solving the problem with the gray slider (hardware problem)

Often the cause of a problem when connecting to Wi-Fi is a hardware failure of the network connection module.

Direct evidence of this failure is the gray connection on/off slider, which does not respond to user actions.

Module failure can occur after severe overheating of the device, moisture entering the case, or a fall.

A professional service center will help you get the module working in your iPhone 4s.

If you understand the hardware structure of a smartphone, you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Advice! Proceed to repair your phone yourself only if you are confident that you can get the device working properly! Otherwise, contact a specialist.

For repairs you will need the following auxiliary items:

  • Small screwdriver (phillips);

  • A special screwdriver for iPhone, which is designed for unscrewing the bottom screws;

  • Carpenter's hairdryer. If you don’t have one, you can use a regular household hair dryer, which has functions for switching operating modes.

Follow the following instructions:

  1. Unscrew the bottom screws, which are shown in the picture;

  1. Remove the back cover and unscrew the four screws as shown in the photo;

  1. Pry up the protective metal block;

  1. Unscrew the screw that secures the antenna, it is shown in the figure;

  1. Next, you need to pick up the latch and very carefully pull it out. This should be done using tweezers. The module is now freed. It needs to be warmed up with a hairdryer. The temperature of the hair dryer should be at least 250 degrees and no more than 300 degrees.

It is important to warm up the module correctly: do not hold the hair dryer for too long over one area.

The hot air flow must be clearly directed towards the board; to do this, hold the hair dryer strictly at a right angle to the module. Warm up the device for two minutes.

This will be quite enough. After warming up, wait until the device cools down and assemble it.

After rebooting, the slider should become active, otherwise you should check the temperature of the hair dryer and repeat all the above steps.

Thematic video:

Wi-fi does not work on iPhone. How to make Wi-Fi on iPhone.

What to do if WiFi does not turn on on iPhone 4s: Practical solutions